He's trying to save an airline from liquidation. There's no way to do that without pissing off people.
I don't understand 'the big deal' about your post.
These characters are like infectious diseases that permeate the industry. Dump pension plans, cut wages to poverty levels (except their own compensation) and eliminate jobs. Neil Cohen's specialty is bankrutpcy...where the stock holders, employees creditors get wiped out and the taxpayers have to bear the burden to keep the airline afloat and carry dumped pension plans when the majority of the American working public don't even have their own retirment security.
At the end of the day, Neil Cohen and senior execs get their windfall when the company emerges after they convince some suckers to either by the airline or merge it.
Cohen left USAirways April, 2004 receiving over $2.5 million, plus an additional $150,000 to stay on as a consultant for the next 90 days, while Uwas in its first BK and Dave and Neil were planning the second.
These guys are "poison" to the industry! And you have the "Jack of Jacks" sitting as your CFO (as he did at U) collecting thousands and thousands of $$$ in a monthly pay check to sit you in BK and load and point the gun to the employees heads waiting for the judge to threaten to pull the trigger ona all of you.
Wake up and speak up! This was no coincidence that Neil was hired and threw your company into BK. Take action by informing the media of Neil's reputation among Labor. Picket the hell out of your airline to ensure the BOD does not captalize on your backs like they did at USAirways.
Expose them and let the public know that where these execs are or where they get hired, no one should be buying the company's stock.