Pardon me for numbering your points, but it helps to structure my response1) Anyone who thinks it's perfectly OK to hire replacement workers so he/she can continue their employement is no one I need to be associated with.
2) I've NEVER said that concessions aren't required or that NWA doesn't need to restructure the way it does business. There is however a right way and a wrong way to go about it. NWA is clueless in this regard.
3) You, Jet tech, Csar, PTO all run and hide or post diatribes to avoid answering my questions? WHY? I don't call you "SCABS" or a "POS" and worse. So why is that? Don't tell me you are afraid to respond? Why exactly is it when you are confronted with someone who can string 2 sentences together and hold you accountable do you hide and throw insults and use straw man arguments? WHY finman? Surely someone with your arrogant attitude of superiority could handle a lowly Sales Trainer like me with mere High School Diploma, a "Tech School Retard" as I was called back in 1972 when I graduated. Surely as a CPA I would prove no match to you! So try going on the other thread and actually answer the questions posed! Respond to the theories posited or go back to being Cohen's butt boy! Grow some testicles finman!
1) I think NWA was wise to be prepared for a mechanics strike by having replacements ready. It was unfortunate that our new business plan required such a small percent of the original workforce, but in the end, tough decisions needed to be made, and hard lines drawn in the sand for the sake of the company. If my position was one that needed to be eliminated, I'd certainly be upset, but I wouldn't harbor any ill will towards NWA.
2) I guess I'd like to hear some of your suggestions for getting the needed cost savings of $1.4B. Keep in mind that the total management payroll is less than $100M, so the vast majority of the savings have to come from the unions. Is it just the replacement mechanic issue that drives your hatred of NWA, or are there other company strategies that enrage you?
3) I'm not sure what to take from this point. You haven't made any compelling statements of management theory of finance or otherwise that challenged any of the many fine points made by Jet Tech, CSAR, and PTO. Their posts are generally delivered in a professional and thoughful manner. I prefer discourse that stays in that manner, which is in stark contrast to your attempts to be intimidating (maybe tone down on the exclamation points). If you do have some points to make, please do so in a professional manner, and you'd probably get a much better response.
The only theoretical questions I recall you posing related to picketing techniques (wildcat strikes I think you called them?) Naturally, Jet Tech, PTO, CSAR and myself would have really no valuable input in that discussion, as none of us are union members. You might be mistaking fear of debate with genuine disinterest.
I'm not sure how I have an arrogant attitude. I never would have discussed my background, but you challenged my earning capability in an unprovoked attack, which forced me to explain my situation.
So what do train your salepeople to sell? Swastikas? Just kidding, dude.