southwind said:
How many times do you need to hear it. Hitlery's not an enchilada..............she's TOAST!
(Trust me, I realize that I'm typing, to the equivalent of a 5 year old.)
Look you Dumb shiit, in POTUS elections, it's a 'numbers games' in the number of ELECTORAL Votes.
You and your KOCH buddies aren't turning blue states anytime soon.
Wisconsin, Illinois, V I R I G I N A.......New Hampshire....Colorado(que-pasa) New Mexico,..... O H I O, IOWA....(dells) Pennsylvania and probably Florida most likely will stay ... ' YANKEE ' BLUE.
You see...southwind,...........I KNOW you...' Don't get out Much ', but in case you are unaware, there are a LOT of....' Brotha's....Sista's.....Amigo's.....Amiga's.....young people (especially women) gays, just for starters, who don't like the politics of (say) MIKE HUCKELBERRY etc. , so therefore they vote Democratic, OR vote Indy, OR don't vote at ALL. Whatever. BUT they D O N 'T vote 'RED' ! COMPRENDE ?????????????
And in case your not aware (Which of course you're NOT)...Good 'ol GEORGIA is getting more PURPLE all the time, thanks to all those new Mexican Restaurants that you are getting your TACO's from.
The day GEORGIA ever turns Blue (Even if were every other election) the GOP will be DEAD and BURIED Forever.
Georgia could in a sense Finish the JOB of the GOP death nell, that the Tea-Potty and FAUX news started.
(All the...KOKE $$$ in the world could Never change that)
Is 'ol UNCLE Herman 6969 Cain up for another comedy show ??