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Nautical .......... G R I D L O C K !

What people are missing is that both Republicans and Democrats are busting unions, especially in the public sector. So party affiliation has nothing to do with trying to take out unions, it is a coordinated effort on the part 'doing business' in general. While Republicans tend to chant anti-union slogans, the Democrats use loopholes in the contract to try to shake things up and trim the fat.

It may take years and I probably won't see it, but unions are definitely on the outs, in my opinion. Just remember that time is on the company's side!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Oddly enough  KEV,........(from purely a gambling standpoint) (I've been known to wager a few 'scheckles' over these many years), I'm thinking  Scott KOCH beats 'Jeb  in the GOP primary, only to lose the 'Big Enchilada' to Hillary !
(Something about the great state of Wisconsin....caring NOT....for the color RED in elections for the POTUS)
How many times do you need to hear it. Hitlery's not an enchilada..............she's TOAST!
southwind said:
How many times do you need to hear it. Hitlery's not an enchilada..............she's TOAST!
(Trust me, I realize that I'm typing, to the equivalent of a 5 year old.)
Look you Dumb shiit, in POTUS elections, it's a  'numbers games'..............like in the number of ELECTORAL Votes.
You and your KOCH buddies aren't turning blue states ...red anytime soon.
Wisconsin, Illinois, V I R I G I N A.......New Hampshire....Colorado(que-pasa) New Mexico,..... O H I O, IOWA....(dells) Pennsylvania and probably Florida most likely will stay ... ' YANKEE '  BLUE.
You see...southwind,...........I KNOW you...' Don't get out Much ', but in case you are unaware, there are a  LOT of....' Brotha's....Sista's.....Amigo's.....Amiga's.....young people (especially women) gays, just for starters, who don't like the politics of (say) MIKE  HUCKELBERRY   etc. , so therefore they vote Democratic, OR vote Indy, OR don't vote at ALL.  Whatever.  BUT they D O N 'T vote 'RED' !     COMPRENDE  ?????????????
And in case your not aware (Which of course you're NOT)...Good 'ol GEORGIA is getting more PURPLE all the time, thanks to all those new Mexican Restaurants  that you are getting your TACO's from.
The day GEORGIA ever turns Blue (Even if were every other election) the GOP will be DEAD and BURIED Forever.
Georgia could in a sense Finish the JOB of the GOP death nell, that the Tea-Potty and FAUX news started.
(All the...KOKE  $$$ in the world could Never change that)
Is 'ol UNCLE Herman  6969 Cain up for another comedy show  ?? 
Yeah, not so sure about that, Bears. Talk to Latinos and Blacks about core values, and you'll find they're far more conservative than the average limousine liberal.

The only message that the Democrats seem to know how to send is "we're your friend because we give you handouts."

Mia Love's comments about entitlements being a new form of slavery are getting a lot of attention in the black community this week. As more and more brown and black Senators and Representatives get elected as R's, that message will only get louder. At some point, trying to call out Mia Love, Tim Scott, Herman Cain, Allen West, and Ben Carson as nothing but a bunch of Uncle Tom's just won't stick. These are successful people because they didn't live off handouts, and they didn't just take advantage of people the way that charlatans like Sharpton and Jackson have.
Yep, Barry-O doesn't quite understand, the majority of people would rather have a job vs. a handout!
And let's face it , Demorats aren't well known for their job creation policies!
southwind said:
Yep, Barry-O doesn't quite understand, the majority of people would rather have a job vs. a handout!
And let's face it , Demorats aren't well known for their job creation policies!

Do tell. Who is?
delldude said:
President Walker and the right to work country.
Ah HA.    I KNEW it.  I KNEW I was Correct.......(that dell thinks ............like I prognosticated)........that Walker WOULD win the GOP nomination  !!!!!!!!!!!
eolesen.  Private Enterprise  ??   You're  " P E "   =  Stagnant WAGES,  NO Middle class,..OUTSOURCING  !!
Go ahead Eric,...........Prove me Wrong, ( that is, IF you can) !
You CLOWNS....think raising any state minimum wage (to keep up with the rising cost of a loaf of bread, or a half gallon of milk) is a F'n HANDOUT !!
Wages are FLAT, and have been since EL-CHIMPO, because the middle class is shrinking.  So NOW.....WHO wants to prove me wrong   ????????????   Go ahead Eric, why dont YOU start first.
The old adage......." Don't try to B S....a  B-Shitter " still rings very true   !!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You CLOWNS....think raising any state minimum wage (to keep up with the rising cost of a loaf of bread, or a half gallon of milk) is a F'n HANDOUT !!
No, don't recall anyone ever saying that it was a handout. It's just a dumb idea.

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
The old adage......." Don't try to B S....a  B-Shitter " still rings very true   !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So does "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools speak because they have to say something."
southwind said:
Tell us Tree, which party, in your mind, "Stifles" business growth, more than the other?
Neither is better than the other.
eolesen said:
No, don't recall anyone ever saying that it was a handout. It's just a dumb idea.

So does "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools speak because they have to say something."
Raising the minimum wage a " Dumb Idea "  ??
Eric, is the Idea of a ..Middle Class....a Dumb Idea  ??
Is ...OUTSOURCING a  Dumb Idea (by your idealized Private Enterprise) ??
Lets use 'those two'  for starters shall we .
Yes, raising the minimum wage is a dumb idea. It's an entry level jobs killer, which has already started to be proven in places like Seattle where it's become local law.

If you want a middle class, you don't go creating entry level jobs that people will have no reason to leave. You chose to make a career out of entry level jobs. You didn't do anything to earn higher wages other than stay put in the same job doing the same things for 20+ years. That ship has sailed, Bears.

If you want a middle class, you don't go closing down coal fired power plants in the name of the environment, putting tens of thousands of miners and rail workers out of work and raising retail electric prices for everyone. Nor do you put up faux objections to things like the Keystone.

If you want a middle class, you don't overtax the rich and the corporations who hold the keys to whether or not those items you buy at Walmart are made in Souzhou or Huntsville. Even France realized their "punish the wealthy" scheme from three years ago was a total failure. The rich folks simply moved to London...

If you want a middle class, you don't require companies to hire only union workers, or dictate what they provide as far as benefits.

Get government out of the way, and you'd see the middle class returning.

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