Spin, Spin, Spin yet again. AMFA DID NOT do an election re-run because certain people were voted out. It was IN FACT re-ran do to some election laws were mistakenly broken by the guys that were running against the existing officers. Now if you say that AMFA is corrupt as you have said, and that it was all re-ran because "Louie didn't get his cronies voted back in" then why in the hell didn't Louie have all the candidates removed from running until the next election? AMFA is not corrupted. They had a re-run, and yes, the same results prevailed, but it was all done fairly and "by the laws" that govern union elections. AMFA actually showed it's true colors, and the fact that they ARE transparent and follow the laws that govern them.
Now lets all watch the newbies coming into AMFA National, and let's see if they can do good for the membership. If not they will be removed, trust me they are going to be watched under a microscope, if they do not produce for the membership, they will be removed. Besides that, once AMFA is voted in at AA, then AA will be running the National anyway. Keep spinning overspeed, you are entertaining at least...