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My Bottom Line

youngblood said:
My bottom line includes several different focal points.

1. Being able to order a pizza without checking the account to see if it will put me in the red.

2. Pay the bills without having to pick from a hat.

3. Buy groceries without taking out a loan to cover the costs.

4. Pay the funds for my children to participate in sports without having to work 20 hrs of OT a pay.

5. Not having to tell my children they have to wait until next pay for me to take them out for icecream.

6. Being able to put more than $8 worth of gas in my car without it breaking me.

These are just a few. .........."

you know sir/madam, i empathize with you on every point. do not take any of my post in the wrong way. I get to see alot of the counrty some areas are doing much better than others just like some companies are as well for that matter industries.
I too feel the frustation of i did not do anything wrong here, and in fact i feel i have gone above and beyond the call of duty many times, other people have committed decades of service to their companies and have security, pay, benefits and a pension to show for it. why is it that i must make 1988 wages in 2004 and beyond? is gas at 1998 prices ? milk? you know the rest.

now not to make fun but your story like mine and many others sounds just like the begining of numerous "infomercials" where you can "take control over your life, destiney finances insert your favorite here. To an extent this is true, as long as you rely on someone else (company) to provide a place of employement for you will never be free of what you have described above. (right out of Rich dad/Poor dad).

I CHOOSE to work for a company as opposed to owning a small business (hats off to them its no cake walk). part of that means i must accept they will call the shots all the time (ok i might choose parameters with in that) but still.

I submit that I understand things have changed and i do not like it. I also understand it is "not my fault" if you will and i still must "pay the price" I also understand that if Microsoft, Disney, Cisco Systems, Home Depot or whatever company you care to name is not going to come knocking on my door begging me for work, yet there is nothing preventing me from knocking on their doors and investigating what they have to offer. Being forced out of a profession is not new, it just sucks. But if i may go just one step further.

if UAIR was not your primary source of income/benefits, but you worked there because you enjoy avation would that change the way you feel? would it make you feel more secure knowing if "you lost the UAIR job" you could still make your payments, buy food clothing and shelter for your family? As it was put to me, make it happen, figure it out and go to it. you dont have to quit, you are smart, its a problem and its solvable come up with some answers. In the mean time a side benefit is that you become focused on this solution not "worring" about something we basically have very little control over.

with the advent of comptuers and places like monster.com, its literally just your time (which obviously you have a computer and time to post) to at least TRY for something else. as an example, i tried this experiment to see if i could do something non-aviation. my goals were. 1. non aviation, 2. no moving from local area ..but i would drive up to 1hr each way commuting 3. repalce current income.

on my first try i got 3 interviews, drive time about 15mins, income was about what it would be after cuts with raises in future.

on second try i upped my income range. ................ 6 offers, had to move out of area.....

on third try upped income range still more, things got really interesting there. when you start talking paid commutes (plane wise) company apartment. and bucks about 2.5 times current (pre cut) salary.

it merely showed me more stuff was out there than i ever thought especially in todays current economic enviroment. You might just surprise yourself to.. and you know what? you can always say no and remain at UAIR by YOUR choosing.

bottom line people are not giving themselves enough credit
My bottome line: I refuse to be UNDER HOUSE ARREST any longer for a crime I didn't commit. I am breaking these chains that have binded me for too many years.

I remember how truly it amazed be and boggled my measely little mind years ago, when I first got hired. Never was I so proud to have been selected to be a part of this industry. A dream and a job come true. I remember
thinking, I don't understand, why this company hires us, just to find a reason to fire us. I realized over time, just how arrogant and unfeeling this company is.
madders said:
Management have us all by the balls the only indespensable group is negoitiating and the rest of you that can be replace or cut down to size is putting up resistance..
Maintenance can be contracted out
Ramp services can be contracted out
technology like kiosk and gate readers can take care of gate and ticket functions internet bookings take care of reservationist..
If i were you I would make sure whatever concession given is temporary and rewards substantial.

And if you dont like it..quit and leave and find somewhere to be happy or more rewarding and most importantly somewhere that the creed is repect and truth .

Guess you never heard of the following companies:
Trans States
Express One
Express Jet
Shuttle America
Air Wisconsin.

I sincerely understand your point of view and appreciate the attempt to push people into bigger and better things. Your post irked me just a little until I got to the end. Yes, I am intelligent - as most of the working force. Yes, I have a computer which I utilize to post AND make money. I also have a degree that would allow me to fall back on some other sort of income within weeks. However, my plan for today is to stay until I find something better and in doing so I will not fall victim to yet another concession WILLINGLY. I can understand down to the last sentence why you said what you did and I agree for the most part.

I have been working on other options and myself will be interviewing for another job that has better pay and benefits. My point was this. If people don't recognize the "trend" taking place in America when it comes to downsizing, outsourcing, golden parachutes, etc. they are only lying to themselves. Why should someone say "It's not my fault but I'll take the cut."? Especially when they see things being mismanaged? As a collective force, the working middle class could take a stand and say enough is enough. Hold the CEOs, Chairmans of the Board, etc. accountable for their mistakes. If I made a mistake or an ignorant decision that cost the company thousands of dollars, I would probably lose my job regardless of where I worked.

Wars have not been won with the "O well such is life attitude" and some battles have won the wars. My parents taught me at a young age that it is not okay to start a fight but when someone knocks you in the head it damn sure is okay to defend yourself. What you may not understand is that I have been without U once already and had zero income between myself and my husband. We managed and avoided bankruptcy. I can do it again. Then I had no warning. This time time I do and as such am preparing. I just feel that some wrongs don't deserve any consideration for sacrifice even though it may cost me a job in the end.

Love your Grit!

Best Of Luck to you and everyone of the same mind.
youngblood said:

I sincerely understand your point of view and appreciate the attempt to push people into bigger and better things.

{edited by mod as previously requested}

Powerful post, my friend.
EyeInTheSky said:
Well, people, think real hard and long about your Presidential vote on Nov. 2. Are you better off now than you were four years ago? It's a cliche-type question but one that you need to think about before voting. Just my two cents.

I do feel that had it not been for the current administration's response to 9/11 with the bailout money, U and others would not be here today. So my answer would be an unequivicaol YES, better today that 4 years ago. The bailout/loan gave me a chance to find another job while U was still paying me a check. A check that kept me OUT of the unemployment lines during my search for another job.

That's my 2 pennies.

I guess I have to ask: Is the current administration doing what's right to create and keep jobs in the US at a livable wage?

The GOP likes to say it's created new jobs, but those jobs have primarily been in the low paying service sector. Maybe it's different where you live, but what I see and hear around my city is more people struggling to get by. They don't have enough money to set aside for the future, they are just trying to make it today.

I know plenty of people with college degrees who are out of work or "under-employed" because they simply can't find jobs. I know people who are signed up with temp agencies so they can get a short term job just to stay off unemployment.

The poorest among us are working two jobs to keep a roof over their heads. Part-time jobs with no benefits. This affects the whole nation. What happens to them should they get a major illness or have a serious accident? Many people I know today are having to decide which bills to pay this month - the gas and electric or another essential service, like insurance premiums. These aren't people who live high on the hog.

I know in my house, we are trying to figure out where we can cut expenses. I see more and more empty store fronts. I see more "For Sale" signs on houses. I'm seeing more garage sales. I'm seeing more people lined up for services from the local charities and churches.

As people make less money, they pay less taxes in some cases. They also spend less so the small restaurants, hair stylists, handi-men, dry cleaners and other small businesses lose business.

This country can't make it on a diet of minium wage jobs.

That's my two pennies.

Dea Certe said:

This country can't make it on a diet of minium wage jobs.

That's my two pennies.


I understand what you're saying, however my comments were directly related to this one issue and how it affected me. That was my understanding of the original premis - how will U's situation affect your (my) vote. U's situation, in my opinion is horrible, but the bailout kept it going long enough for me to get out, and that bailout was begun under the current administration.

The comment (s) above, I feel, have little or nothing to do with the original premis of the thread or the quote I responded to - that being, how it affects U's employees, not the national political debate that you refer to. That debate, which has no end in site, is not what this thread is about.

2 more pennies.

ps. That wasn't a slap mind you, I just don't feel it's pertinent to this thread. As always, I hope U makes it, I have many many friends there after 20 years or so.

oops 2 more pennies there = 4 pennies 😀

I didn't take it as a slap at me, but thanks. I guess in my poor way I was trying to point out that one bottom line somewhere does affect other bottom lines. It's a spiral down for the whole economy.

Why plant or steel mill closing didn't personally seem to affect me at the time, I believe they may now. Have you noticed how lousy textiles are these days? The poor workmanship of clothing. The poor quality of the fabric?

I don't want to start a debate, you're right, the original premise was indeed the bottom line for a US Airways employees.

Regarding the 4 pennies: don't cha just hate inflation? :lol:

Dea Certe said:

Regarding the 4 pennies: don't cha just hate inflation? :lol:


It's up to 6 brassy pennies now. Inflation stinks for sure, but I did get a COLA raise in my new job this month. I never saw one of those at U, at least not in the last decade!
youngblood said:
The question was - what is your bottom line. I would rather be part of something that attempted to stop the elimination of the middle class than someone who stood on the sidelines and said "What a Shame".

:up: Very well said....... your opinion is shared by many.
FYI___The middle class has been MIA for a while now. It's just that the U employees who are used to good paying jobs when faced with that same reality are shell shocked and didn't even notice until it affected them personally.

I didn't start out at U like many did. I came from a place where you worked hard for the little money earned, where everyone envied the employees at U and someone always knew someone who was going to "get them in".

I sit back and read these boards and realize I am lucky. I always told my fellow co-workers at U, "I wasn't born at U, and therefore know what reality lives outside of U". That reality has always been here folks but you were just blinded to it. I lived through the mills closing and watched entire towns shut down as well and people kill themselves, people selling the spare car and boats and motorcycles, even small airplanes. All that work went overseas years ago, this outsourcing in not a new concept, it’s just that it didn’t matter to the U employee back when things at U were good for them.

It’s a valiant attempt to stand up to corporate America and stop the insanity. What this management team is offering I would think anyone is their right mind will just say no, but I am afraid that will not stop the middle class erosion that started a good twenty five years ago.

I am afraid a lot of U employees are just now seeing the reality faced by millions.

cavalier said:
FYI___The middle class has been MIA for a while now. It's just that the U employees who are used to good paying jobs when faced with that same reality are shell shocked and didn't even notice until it affected them personally.

I didn't start out at U like many did. I came from a place where you worked hard for the little money earned, where everyone envied the employees at U and someone always knew someone who was going to "get them in".

I sit back and read these boards and realize I am lucky. I always told my fellow co-workers at U, "I wasn't born at U, and therefore know what reality lives outside of U". That reality has always been here folks but you were just blinded to it. I lived through the mills closing and watched entire towns shut down as well and people kill themselves, people selling the spare car and boats and motorcycles, even small airplanes. All that work went overseas years ago, this outsourcing in not a new concept, it’s just that it didn’t matter to the U employee back when things at U were good for them.

It’s a valiant attempt to stand up to corporate America and stop the insanity. What this management team is offering I would think anyone is their right mind will just say no, but I am afraid that will not stop the middle class erosion that started a good twenty five years ago.

I am afraid a lot of U employees are just now seeing the reality faced by millions.
Once again, Cav,, You are 100% correct!! Good post :up: GOOD DAY!!
Dea Certe said:

I guess I have to ask: Is the current administration doing what's right to create and keep jobs in the US at a livable wage?

The GOP likes to say it's created new jobs, but those jobs have primarily been in the low paying service sector. Maybe it's different where you live, but what I see and hear around my city is more people struggling to get by. They don't have enough money to set aside for the future, they are just trying to make it today.

I know plenty of people with college degrees who are out of work or "under-employed" because they simply can't find jobs. I know people who are signed up with temp agencies so they can get a short term job just to stay off unemployment.

The poorest among us are working two jobs to keep a roof over their heads. Part-time jobs with no benefits. This affects the whole nation. What happens to them should they get a major illness or have a serious accident? Many people I know today are having to decide which bills to pay this month - the gas and electric or another essential service, like insurance premiums. These aren't people who live high on the hog.

I know in my house, we are trying to figure out where we can cut expenses. I see more and more empty store fronts. I see more "For Sale" signs on houses. I'm seeing more garage sales. I'm seeing more people lined up for services from the local charities and churches.

As people make less money, they pay less taxes in some cases. They also spend less so the small restaurants, hair stylists, handi-men, dry cleaners and other small businesses lose business.

This country can't make it on a diet of minium wage jobs.

That's my two pennies.



You speak the absolute truth of many folks plight in our airline and in America today. I have been saying what you state above for the past few years now. That is why I take a position WITH LABOR.

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