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Bottom of the Recall List reached...decision time is here

I was hired 11/00 and I just got the email back from Mark. I wanted to know where I stood on the recall list. I am #503 for recall out of 867 on the list. So where did the "600 left on the furloughed list come from, after this recall"??? Just wondering. So basically they have to come up 364 people to get to me.

Wow 503 with your hire date? I am way down. But i will write Mark and find out where I stand and post.

they need 214 (+/-) for this recall out of 867 makes sense (leaves 600 in balance). in my letter it stated i was NOT senior enough to even get recalled. also alot of people junior to me accepted other east recalls so there is less people junior to you and me and more people senior to me.

I believe in the next recall they will start at the bottom (most junior) of the invol list and give these F/As an assign or resign choice

I believe this post by EMB FA is incorrect. Every time they do a recall they start at the most senior first and then work down and then back up. They "should" get everyone they need from this recall.
Actually it's correct. Once they reach the bottom of the list they enter "ASSIGNMENT MODE" from then on out. So, any recall in the future will start where they left off in inverse order and work up until the list is done. You can only pass if there is someone JR to you that has no accepted recall. That time has passed. The VF's have no passes.
I could be wrong, I don't have the contract in front of me...

So, if there is another recall, would they "offer" from the top again? When do they start assigning, and when they do is it from the top or bottom? I'm picturing it working like the old reserve system lol...
I could be wrong, I don't have the contract in front of me...

So, if there is another recall, would they "offer" from the top again? When do they start assigning, and when they do is it from the top or bottom? I'm picturing it working like the old reserve system lol...

The contract isn't really specific except to say "no one left junior"...

With that being said THIS recall still needs 83 people, so they would start at the bottom and go up. If it doesn't exust the list, I believe the more senior people would be safe to pass during the NEXT recall. There would still be junior people to them so they COULD pass. Saying that all future recalls would start at the bottom would not be accurate!!!
Twice- well, maybe we should get clarification. I am not right 100% of the time by any means but, it's the way I read it and always thought it was handled.
I could be wrong, I don't have the contract in front of me...

So, if there is another recall, would they "offer" from the top again? When do they start assigning, and when they do is it from the top or bottom? I'm picturing it working like the old reserve system lol...

Assigned recall will be in inverse order until all positions are filled. Assignments will begin when they reach the end of the list and still have open positions.

The contract does not state if for the next recall they would start at the top of the list or continue assigning in inverse order. 19-2 talks about in seniority order, unlimited passing until nobody junior to you remains on the list, etc. It is not real clear for multiple recalls.

Have they been starting at the top of the list for each recall so far? If so then that is what they will probably do for the next recall as well. If not, then they will probably just stay in assignment mode.

I thought for each recall so far that they started at the top of the list and worked their way down, but I admit I have not paid close attention to the details of the recall process.
While sitting OPR we tried to find reference in the contract about the method in which the inbol list recall order is made. So that is a question that should be clarified. It only refers to "until no one junior" like a previous poster mentioned.
I also assumed that they would start at the bottom and offer the most jr furloughees the "last chance".
I saw somewhere that the openings that were not filled initially would be filled with the majority going to BOS, and the others going to DCA and LGA.
To those thinking of coming back, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! 😱
It will be nice to have some fresh outlook and attitude on the line and I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
On the flip side of that, if I don't get some flying hours in-I'm going to go bankrupt. Not what I imagined for myself.....ever. :cold:
I also assumed that they would start at the bottom and offer the most jr furloughees the "last chance".
I saw somewhere that the openings that were not filled initially would be filled with the majority going to BOS, and the others going to DCA and LGA.

That's what the company is doing now. They have sent letters to the 83 most junior telling them they have to come back or resign. It's going to get interesting.
Zarah I am with you. PITBull, can you provide some insight? Has there ever been this particular situation with assignment mode and possible multiple recalls off the invol list? Really, the argument can be made either way.
So I'm confused... the list on theHub... is it incomplete? Are they assigning this time or are we talking about next time?
Well, it all depends on how far they reach up this recall with assignments. If they stop short is what we are wondering for the next recall. Where does it start? The bottom of the list or top? I just want this clarified and worked out before Tempe runs wild with people's recall rights. Uncharted waters I would say.
Yep. They only got 133 out of 216. They reached the bottom and are now assigning.
I'm not understanding what the confusion is here..??

Yes. The bottom of the list has been reached. They are in assignment mode.

As I have stated before, I am in receipt of my letter stating I have been recalled from involuntary furlough because the bottom of the list has been reached. 83 more f/a positions are still to be filled.

43 in BOS
28 in DCA
12 in LGA
I'm not understanding what the confusion is here..??

Yes. The bottom of the list has been reached. They are in assignment mode.

As I have stated before, I am in receipt of my letter stating I have been recalled from involuntary furlough because the bottom of the list has been reached. 83 more f/a positions are still to be filled.

43 in BOS
28 in DCA
12 in LGA

There is no confusion on THIS time being in assignment mode.

The question is ...... If they come back up and get the 83 they need withough exusting the list, if there is another recall.....will they still be in assignment mode or will they start at the top like every other recall????????

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