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Bottom of the Recall List reached...decision time is here

I'm not understanding what the confusion is here..??

Yes. The bottom of the list has been reached. They are in assignment mode.

As I have stated before, I am in receipt of my letter stating I have been recalled from involuntary furlough because the bottom of the list has been reached. 83 more f/a positions are still to be filled.

43 in BOS
28 in DCA
12 in LGA

Ok thanks for the clarification. It's getting interesting.

No matter what happens, you're gonna make it after all!

Now another question... premature I know... when those VFs start coming back, do they go back to the base they left? And does it cause displacements?
As I have stated before, I am in receipt of my letter stating I have been recalled from involuntary furlough because the bottom of the list has been reached. 83 more f/a positions are still to be filled.

So Flyguy, have you made a decision yet? If you do decide to come back, I hope you have a very thick skin because you will need it after dealing with uncouth schedulers and irate pax on a daily basis. :rant:
Now another question... premature I know... when those VFs start coming back, do they go back to the base they left? And does it cause displacements?
the question of the day...
because, the base i left (phw) no longer exists...
i now make three times more (a little bit more, actually) than what i made at usair. pardon me, usairways. and, i would give all of that up to come back. in a heartbeat. i actually assembled a child-care (he is my avatar...and my life) regimen to make a recall possible and emotionally practical.
as much as usair may now suck, the people haven't changed. and, to be sure, it was the people, my colleagues, who made flying AMAZING!! some of my best layovers were day!!
You would just be considered PHL. I was in the silly "PHW" when I was furloughed... it's just considered Philly.

Just keep in mind a lot of those people are not as happy and fun as they once were... most are counting the days until they leave. You can make your own fun though. I'm hoping the invols coming back are up for a little more smiling and hanging out. It doesn't have to all be about lost retirement and physical ailments.
the question of the day...
because, the base i left (phw) no longer exists...
i now make three times more (a little bit more, actually) than what i made at usair. pardon me, usairways. and, i would give all of that up to come back. in a heartbeat. i actually assembled a child-care (he is my avatar...and my life) regimen to make a recall possible and emotionally practical.
as much as usair may now suck, the people haven't changed. and, to be sure, it was the people, my colleagues, who made flying AMAZING!! some of my best layovers were day!!

I was also in PHW when I was furloughed but my real base (outside of the transatlantic division) was CLT, not that it mattered for me when I returned.

EMBFA is right. People aren't as fun as they once were. There is a lot of slammin' and clickin' going on. Crews just don't hang out on overnights anymore. Before, it was a given that you were all going to hang out, go shopping, go drinking, have a nice dinner, anything fun. Now it is a given that you will NOT be hanging out with the crew. I think the people have changed. People aren't happy - they're broke, they're miserable, they're tired, they're pissed off at mgmt, at pax, at schedulers, and sometimes at each other. Yes, we may all be in this together like a family, but we are a great, big disfunctional family. I love my colleagues here, but...it's not one big party like before. Erase everything you remember about the "old" US Airways or US Air because things are not the same as they were and they never will be. I am telling you this right now for your own good and yes I am shouting because I want you to really listen to me: STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!! DO NOT COME BACK TO THIS HELLHOLE OF AN AIRLINE! IT SUCKS AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AMAZING ABOUT THIS PLACE! IT ISN'T WORTH IT!

Like many have stated before, if you truly want to fly, then go work for Continental or Delta. Flying a transatlantic block to Europe with a fun, junior crew sounds amazing. That's what you'll do if you go to CO. You'll be miserable if you come back here. Take my word for it!
the question of the day...
because, the base i left (phw) no longer exists...
i now make three times more (a little bit more, actually) than what i made at usair. pardon me, usairways. and, i would give all of that up to come back. in a heartbeat. i actually assembled a child-care (he is my avatar...and my life) regimen to make a recall possible and emotionally practical.
as much as usair may now suck, the people haven't changed. and, to be sure, it was the people, my colleagues, who made flying AMAZING!! some of my best layovers were day!!

It sounds like you are a parent. Scheduling loves to assign 4 day non commutable trips to people just like you. Now you're out for 6 days and you're still on call. If your little one means as much to you as I am sure he/she does, think long and hard about this. Defer until you can't defer anymore.

Keep in mind that the industry is in a serious flux right now. Oil is going to take some casualties in some kind of form. Can you imagine coming back only to be furloughed again? 2008 is a merger now or never year, because Big business doesn't know who the next administration will be, and no one is more business friendly than this one. If there is a merger of anyone, not just US, there will be fallout. Please take our humble advice as well meant. You are very welcome, I love seeing anyone junior to me, but the reality is, it is not a good life here.
So Flyguy, have you made a decision yet? If you do decide to come back, I hope you have a very thick skin because you will need it after dealing with uncouth schedulers and irate pax on a daily basis. :rant:

Nope. Haven't made a decision yet. This is probably going down to the wire and will be last minute before the Jan. 28th deadline. The decision might have been a little easier if I had been able to hold PHL, but instead the last PHL position was awarded only 5 names ahead of mine.

As for dealing with irate passengers and unfriendly co-workers...that's basically unavoidable in any job. Since my furlough in 2001 I have encountered the same in:

-Customer Service
-Account Mangement
-Restaurant Work
-Health Insurance

I've concluded that it doesn't matter what field you work in, you will always encounter unhappy co-workers or clients, so my final decision won't be based on irate or unhappy attitudes. Rather it has first and foremost to do with $$$, and whether I can find a way to pay the bills, and secondly, if I can hold on and tough it out in another base before returning to PHL.

One thing I find interesting is how other Junior F/A's say all the time how much a change is needed, fresh faces and outlooks are wanted, but yet are so discouraging about returning. Listen, I get it, the airline is nothing fabulous, but either it's going to fall apart and dissolve, or get better either by way of a merge or change in management control.

And for all those that say go to CO...that's already been attempted. It didn't work out, and not for a lack of preparation, ability or demeanor. I was warned by many well-qualified, fantastic, and highly professional flight attendants not to get my hopes up at the CO interview last Summer. And after going through the process I understand why, I am convinced by and large CO does not want experienced, prepared flight attendants that already know what to expect of the position. They want "green" prospects to mold in their own image that for the most part have no prior airline experience. I was amazed at the people that were offered a position...unprofessional, unprepared, and clueless are 3 words that come to mind...not bitter or resentful here, I just feel like if I let US go by, it will probably be my last chance to ever work in this industry again...and I don't know if I'm ready to finally let that go.
<SNIP> And after going through the process I understand why, I am convinced by and large CO does not want experienced, prepared flight attendants that already know what to expect of the position. They want "green" prospects to mold in their own image that for the most part have no prior airline experience. I was amazed at the people that were offered a position...unprofessional, unprepared, and clueless are 3 words that come to mind..
That’s interesting to hear.

I was just a punk a few years out of high school when I went to work for US nearly 20 years ago, but there were plenty of folks around my seniority from Eastern, PanAm, and TWA who got out when the getting was good.

Heck, I think some us n00bs back then may have learned a few things from them.
Wow, you are way off... a few things...

One, you work for a different airline. Yeah, whatever, same ugly livery, but you work for a different airline. It's like someone at PSA giving advice to someone at mainline- same umbrella, different company. You are talking to someone who has only worked at the "major airline" version of US Airways- most of us have been around in some shape or form to see the demise. Going from 2000 US Airways to this abomination would be a complete shock- two completely diiferent things. While the 'new' US Airways may more closely resemble your employer, keep in mind you are accustomed to it... You do not work here and know just how miserable it really is, and sadly, you don't understand why.

The patehetic $19 they are willing to pay this person in a large east coast city is a little different than your pay and the cost of living down in the desert. These people will be on a reserve system where they don't fly and are punished if they do. How on earth do you imagine, or really, have the NERVE to tell him he won't be on reserve long? 20 years isn't a long time? Hope you're ready for that combined contract, because as of now, your 21 years puts you right at the line. What a stupid thing to say.

New hires are not around the corner at East. Once the involuntary F/As are assigned or resigned, they have to recall the thousands of voluntary furloughees- all of whom are senior to anyone who was ever furloughed, so everyone from the late 90s onward will be bumped down, not up.

We did not begin 16 new destinations last year. We began two, and resumed one, to bring our total of international destinations to 19. Heathrow will bring it to 20. The company has said over and over again that South America does not fit into the current route structure, and they are right. You may see a few new international cities with the widebody arrivals which are still a few years away. PHX to Europe is very low on the priority list even then.

Not that any of that international flying means anything to you in PHX, except maybe for non-revving. The company has dragged it's feet for two years completing 7 sections of a 35 section contract. Reading posts like yours from a 21 year F/A doesn't get our hopes up. Wow, LEAD pay? Were you the only airline in the industry without it?

Furthermore, the company's decision to become the "Britney Spears" of the industry has pretty much turned off any potential merger partners. The fact that those are their words and not mine show exactly how unprofessional this company is- and it saddens me if that's something else you don't see. Once US was everyone's first pick for mergers with it's army of frequent business travelers, with a route network blanketing the busiest part of the United States, and a lucrative Shuttle on some of the busiest routes in the nation. The new US's amateur management has forced a horrible way of operating and bizarrely chintzy brand upon a business oriented route structure. It's alienated it's loyal customers, driven employee morale to unbelievable depths, become the laughingstock of the industry, and won recognition as not only the worst airline in America, but 'worldwide', according to a UK poll.

Since you don't work "here", and obviously have as little of a clue about it as your 'in-over-their-heads' management team, why don't you stick with giving advice about America West. Your post might be impressive to someone working at a fast food restaurant, not a former flight attendant of a major airline.
EXCELLENT Post! (And I wouldn't expect ANYTHING Other from You!) And for a Westie with 21 years thinking they are soooooooooooo knowledgeable, THINK AGAIN! The difference between the EAST and the West is VERY EVIDENT in how they see the operational status of THIS AIRLINE. Major corporations have Management that are in position to M-a-n-a-g-e the business, this airline has Circus Clowns pretending to be "Top Talent". And there isn't anyone that CAN DISPUTE the facts.........when you finish LAST in every category of Customer Satisfaction, something isn't going very well. Tempe likes to use the phrase "Pardon Our Dust".........more appropriate would be "Watch out for the Horsesh*t!"
Hello --I have a question. Just got the recall letter in mail --the one that makes you decide or you have to resign from company--and i watned to know what I should do. I am finishing up school right now--the semester just started--and i am full time and graduating in may so I cant jsut stop.

Someone said something about if you are in school you can pass without having to be resigned.
Who should I tell or should I put this on my letter or what.
I wouldnt mind going back but obviously i cant this semester until i graduate. Please give me some advice about who to tell this information to.


p.s. thanks for all of the honesty from you people flying about what things are like right now//it is good for people to know what to expect when we return.
You have 90 days or the end of your current semester. Whichever comes first. After that you will have to resign or come back. You may see if they grant you an Education Leave but good luck. They are not so liberal with those these days. They like to keep us in the cinder pit.
thanks beachboy--do i call them and tell them i am in school or what. Or do I need to send a letter frm the dean?
I'm not sure. Actually, if you are really nice maybe Rick Carpenter will let you stay out on Education Leave. Call them Tuesday and ask.
Has anyone out there heard how far up the list (in inverse order) they sent the recall or resign letters?

I wonder how many they had to send out to get the needed number of returnees. :unsure:
Has anyone out there heard how far up the list (in inverse order) they sent the recall or resign letters?

I wonder how many they had to send out to get the needed number of returnees. :unsure:
Letters were sent to every involuntarily furloughed flight attendant.

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