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Thanks for what? for putting AMR in the predicament we find ourselves in? for taking over the debts your bankrupt airline brought in? for the silly frivolous lawsuits you filed over the past year?
If there's any gratitude that should be given, it's should go to AMR from TWA for temporarily saving your butts from the unemployment line. And you still have the gall to demand to be slotted in so that original AA'rs should get laid off first before you do?
If the purchase did not go through, where do you think you'd be right now?
AMR would probably be one of the few profitable airlines today and you'd be singing your tired ole song of "TWA is the best" at your new job slinging spaghetti at the local Olive Garden. The only furloughed FAs would still be the ones who're on furlough today, probably even less than that.
do you actually believe that taking over the debts TWA incurred would be a BENEFIT for AA? you guys are truly high on crack.
[P]Some facts:[BR][BR]There was no assumption of TWA, Inc. debts by American Airlines. Those debts were eliminated in the bankruptcy proceeding. AMR did assume renegotiated and substantially cheaper ($700,000,000) aircraft leases.[BR][BR]According to Jane Allen, AA vice president of Flight Service, STL is AA's second most profitable hub (after ORD).[BR][BR]Frivolous law suits are often dismissed at considerably earlier stages of the proceedings than the current status of the legal actions to which you are referring. The fact that they are still pending indicates that the judges (whose opinions are the ones that matter, as opposed to yours) do not share your point of view.[/P]
Well, let's see, I've been furloughed for what will be a year in January, so there is no thanks there for any extension on my career or a HUGE pay raise. The only TWA'ers who got a huge pay raise were those topped out, my pay changed very little. When you take into account paying for insurance, and the reduced flexibility brought about by APFA's contract, then I actually might have taken a pay cut! Also, did you forget those 159 AA f/a's junior to 4-10-01 that flew all spring and summer while I was on the street, when it should have been the other way around. There recall rights start over. It's very difficult to discuss issues with most of the nAAtives, yes, both sides do have valid arguments, but as has been said before, the courts will decide.
Those 159 were working while you all were fighting the single carrier issue. Had it been resolved earlier, then that would not have been the case.
On 12/5/2002 7:12:38 AM coldplay wrote:

Thanks for what? for putting AMR in the predicament we find ourselves in? for taking over the debts your bankrupt airline brought in? for the silly frivolous lawsuits you filed over the past year?
If there's any gratitude that should be given, it's should go to AMR from TWA for temporarily saving your butts from the unemployment line. And you still have the gall to demand to be slotted in so that original AA'rs should get laid off first before you do?
If the purchase did not go through, where do you think you'd be right now?
AMR would probably be one of the few profitable airlines today and you'd be singing your tired ole song of "TWA is the best" at your new job slinging spaghetti at the local Olive Garden. The only furloughed FAs would still be the ones who're on furlough today, probably even less than that.
do you actually believe that taking over the debts TWA incurred would be a BENEFIT for AA? you guys are truly high on crack.

Your comments have been forwarded on to the offices of the APFA. Stop the bashing now. It's not appreciated and in the end, it serve's no purpose toward your cause.

The lawsuits over our senoirity will continue. Let the legal process take it's course.

For now, I'd be very worried if American will follow USair's and so to be United's lead in filing for bankrupcy. And please note that their problems have nothing to do with purchasing another carrier.

For all of you that still have a job, let's concentrate on returing AA back to profitbility.
On 12/5/2002 4:21:43 PM F/A TWAA wrote:

Your comments have been forwarded on to the offices of the APFA. Stop the bashing now. It's not appreciated and in the end, it serve's no purpose toward your cause.


what next? you're going to forward it to Sherry Cooper, then maybe on to George Bush? ooo...maybe you could get me and the others banned from any bulletin board when we point out what faults you bring to our company. Maybe you could also forward this to Congress and the Supreme Court, so they could dismantle our right to free speech.

that's the problem with you folks, you can't handle the truth when it hits you smack on the face, you all start running to momma to tell on the "bad" people who say things you don't want to hear.

truth be told, the purchase ADDED a lot more burden to AMR than help. I don't know why you all think the addition of TWA to AMR is currently helping out, it just added more problems and trouble. Sure it had some benefits, but if you weigh it, the bad outweighs the good. If you think about it, being the biggest airline also means having a lot more expenses to keep it running, and with the current state of our economy right now, I'd rather we stayed a smaller airline and keep expenses at a minimum.
Add your silly lawsuits and Sherry's desire to destroy the APFA, i wonder how many AA'rs really feel Happy you guys are around.

hope your arms ain't too tired slinging those noodles.
On 12/5/2002 5:26:41 PM coldplay wrote:

On 12/5/2002 4:21:43 PM F/A TWAA wrote:

Your comments have been forwarded on to the offices of the APFA. Stop the bashing now. It's not appreciated and in the end, it serve's no purpose toward your cause.


what next? you're going to forward it to Sherry Cooper, then maybe on to George Bush? ooo...maybe you could get me and the others banned from any bulletin board when we point out what faults you bring to our company. Maybe you could also forward this to Congress and the Supreme Court, so they could dismantle our right to free speech.

that's the problem with you folks, you can't handle the truth when it hits you smack on the face, you all start running to momma to tell on the "bad" people who say things you don't want to hear.

truth be told, the purchase ADDED a lot more burden to AMR than help. I don't know why you all think the addition of TWA to AMR is currently helping out, it just added more problems and trouble. Sure it had some benefits, but if you weigh it, the bad outweighs the good. If you think about it, being the biggest airline also means having a lot more expenses to keep it running, and with the current state of our economy right now, I'd rather we stayed a smaller airline and keep expenses at a minimum.
Add your silly lawsuits and Sherry's desire to destroy the APFA, i wonder how many AA'rs really feel Happy you guys are around.

hope your arms ain't too tired slinging those noodles.

You are being totally absurd in your post.
TWllcers, are beyond the "baiting stage". The courts will make the decision. There was a time that TWllcers tried to 'discuss' issues - it was pointless. Take your anger to the gym, and work it off . THere is no need to lash out at another member just because you dont see eye to eye.
Speaking of which, has anyone talked to John Ward, APFA President lately?
On 12/5/2002 6:22:26 PM riptide44 wrote:


You are being totally absurd in your post.
TWllcers, are beyond the "baiting stage". The courts will make the decision. There was a time that TWllcers tried to 'discuss' issues - it was pointless. Take your anger to the gym, and work it off . THere is no need to lash out at another member just because you dont see eye to eye.
Speaking of which, has anyone talked to John Ward, APFA President lately?


what's so absurd about my post? It's the general feeling of a lot of people here and in the company but most are just too chicken to say what they really feel lest they be branded as non-PC.
I'm not angry, and shake my head in disbelief as to a post being forwarded to APFA. what good would that do anyway? aside from lifting up one's ego because he'd think I'd run and hide and shake in my boots to the very thought that "ooo...someone reported me to the APFA! I should turn my PC off less they find me and shut me down!"...uh, sorry to burst your bubble because as everyone here knows, you get banned from a site, you just re-post as someone else.
I just laugh at all your "valid points & issues" because all it really shows is how desperate you all are trying to garner the sympathy vote. It's been a year and a half and yet No one still has PROVEN or OFFERED a valid reason as to why LLC'rs believe they deserve more than intra-company transfers or the Reno FAs, in terms of seniority.
You rely too much on the courts when you should really rely more on common sense and common decency. Anyone with the right morals and human decency would be ASHAMED of what you'd get if you do win your lawsuits...but I guess that wouldn't really bother you because after all you'd gain a job while true AA'rs would lose theirs, and it's all about you guys anyway in your fantasy world.

That's LIFE (Last In, First Evicted).

You are a mean person with a very ugly heart. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain.
On 12/6/2002 12:31:30 AM F/A TWAA wrote:


You are a mean person with a very ugly heart. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain.
that's funny, that was the same thing Michael Jackson told me when I explained the truth to him, that no matter how many skin grafts and facelifts he gets, he'll still be depicted as an Afro-American Music Superstar in history books.

Facing and hearing the truth hurts especially if it's something you're trying so hard to deny. You always tend to tell the other person to shut up or that he has a cold cold heart.

so get down from your high horse, and explain to me, oh please explain to me, just what exactly makes you any different from every former OAL FA, any every former AA intra-company transfer, and every walk-in applicant that had to start AT THE BOTTOM of the seniority list, when they became AA Flight Attendants? what makes you so special that you don't have to start at the bottom and that you have no qualms about knocking junior original AA FAs to the unemployment lines ahead of you, someone who spent his glory years at another airline? As someone said, you may have spent the last 100 years at TWA, but the last time I looked this airline was spelt A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N, and the only similarities it has is the letter "A", No "T"s, and no "W"s.

LIFE = Last In, First Evicted. You may think I'm mean, but too bad, others don't think i am, several people agree with me after all I'm just repeating things I've read and heard from others, including LLC'rs who are just grateful for what they have today. These are the very people that deserve to stay with the company and continue their careers, and as for the small, tiny, wee pockets of resistance like Cooper and her band of greedy lackeys, it's a shame that they can't be furloughed ahead of those who truly need a job.

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