On 2/8/2003 11:28:35 AM L1011Ret wrote:
So the fear that bunches of LLC F/As would suddenly massively displace native AA F/As is misguided. Probably there would be some sort of ratio in, years of TWA seniority for years of AA occupational seniority like 4 to 1 or some sort of percentage vis a vis the mechanics would be invoked.
easy for you to say because this basically ensures you a job while bumping true AA'rs to being furloughed. how fair would that be then? oh yea, i forgot, it's fair because YOU'll have a job while some junior AA person who took the trouble of choosing AA over TWA years ago gets bumped out.
get over it, you guys lost the airline war, you're casualities and there was bound to be some. it may not be fair but LIFE isn't fair and if it was we'd all be millionaires and not have to worry about things.
the truth hurts, no matter how much spin or reasoning or justification you grasp on trying to find an answer to the spectre of a coming furlough and unemployment. get on with your life, get over it. it's not fair, ok, so it's not fair in your eyes because it affects your life. I'm just tired of hearing the same ole line about Unionism and all that crap. We're all looking out for ourselves, damn the others. just as long as I still have my job then everything is peachy and you can be damn sure I'll do everything I can to preserve it. I'm not going to hide behind UNIONISM and FAIRNESS and what was done before with air cal or ozarks or reno or whatever airline merger of the past we can think of. it all boils down to "Better You than Me". call me a greedy ******* but at least I'm honest. and i'll bet you're saying the same thing too deep inside..."why me and not him?", "why after 35 years do I have to be junior to a 5 year FA?", waah waah waah whine whine whine.
Until everyone can admit it and quit with the bull crap of Fair and equitable and true meaning of Unionism, then maybe we'll all get along better.