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Mobile Aerospace

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AP Tech

Sep 4, 2002
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It looks as though Mobile Alabama is going to take a direct hit by Hurricane Ivan, who is Bronner going to get to do OUR Airbus work if and when the hangars are blown away? 😀
Dr. Bronner may find that he needs to invest some of his people’s hard-earned money to rebuild his beloved state. Maintenance hangars are probably not the only things that will be unusable for a while.
EyeInTheSky said:
We don't have any planes there right now, do we?
we have 2 planes scheduled to go to mobile in oct. :down:
AP Tech said:
It looks as though Mobile Alabama is going to take a direct hit by Hurricane Ivan, who is Bronner going to get to do OUR Airbus work if and when the hangars are blown away? 😀

So glad you are thrilled that people will lose their homes and some will lose their lives. Perhaps the BK court will show the same compassion for UAIR mechanics that are only losing their jobs.
I don’t think anything was said about people losing their homes and/or lives. The question was raised as to how Mobile Aerospace will continue with its planned work when its facilities are damaged, as they very well may be. I detected no rejoicing in the statement or a desire that anything be damaged…only an assumption that aircraft hangars may be vulnerable during the hurricane.
WorldTraveler said:
I don’t think anything was said about people losing their homes and/or lives. The question was raised as to how Mobile Aerospace will continue with its planned work when its facilities are damaged, as they very well may be. I detected no rejoicing in the statement or a desire that anything be damaged…only an assumption that aircraft hangars may be vulnerable during the hurricane.

First off, what do you think the chances are that Mobile Aerospace facilities will be damaged, but no homes?

Second, I don't know what it takes for you to detect rejoicing, but a smiley face tells me that AP Tech is happy about the coming destruction.
jimntx said:
but a smiley face tells me that AP Tech is happy about the coming destruction.
Yeah of MAE's hangars. AP Tech did'nt imply anything else, you did.
Oh, give me a break. You have a massive hurricane approaching the coast and you expect me to believe that you are sane and at the same time you want one set of buildings on the coast destroyed but nothing else? If you can believe something that preposterous, why can't you believe that UAIR management has your best interest at heart?
Nobody said anything about houses Jim. I don't think anybody wants anyone to be hurt or their homes destroyed. Just my opinion.
Most sane people pack up the car and leave. Let me see MAE do that.
EyeInTheSky said:
Nobody said anything about houses Jim. I don't think anybody wants anyone to be hurt or their homes destroyed. Just my opinion.

Hey attaching a smiley face to a statement of possible destruction, but removing the possibility of anything else bad happening is like Al Qaeda saying, "Well, yeah we wanted to destroy the World Trade Center, but we never said anything about people dying. You implied that."
What you never made a fancifull wish with out fleshing out the logistics. Cut the guy a break....
you got it backwards...this C11 huricane is going to blow a lot of work to Mobile
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