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Mechanics May Get Jobs Back

NFS, are you now MS Cleo?

No one knows how the judge will rule and outsourcing is an added expense, not a cost savings.

And $10 to $15 million is not a hollow victory.

And I am so glad you are keeping your track record of attacks and insults once again.

Come up with some facts for a change.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
700, this is all EMPTY rhetoric!!!! U wants to outsource maint, they asked the judge, HE will rule, we are in BK, thats why I said our victory, although somewhat of a morale booster, was a hollow victory!!!! They will do what they want!!!! In this atmoshere of the airline industry, the unions are just "delaying" the inevitable!!! What is so hard to understand here, 700?? I'm not saying I disagree with taking them to court, What I AM saying is YOU are fighting a LOSING battle!!! Just move on to something else......Forget about sucking up to the "big guys"....Meaning, ""the click"!!!!!! Thats what this is all about for you!!! You are seeking a job on easy street!!! You spout the same old "steel mill mentality", union rhetoric time and time again. 7 0 0.....It truly is quite boring!!

My opinion exactly, thankyou.
700UW said:
And $10 to $15 million is not a hollow victory.

I will agree this was a good and just victory, by you know what they say about getting blood . . . .

Labor’s only hope is that the management team members collectively have massive hearts attacks and strokes all at the same time and then Judge Judy replaces Judge M. Other that that, best befriend a good head hunter
700UW said:
NFS, are you now MS Cleo?

No one knows how the judge will rule and outsourcing is an added expense, not a cost savings.

And $10 to $15 million is not a hollow victory.

And I am so glad you are keeping your track record of attacks and insults once again.

Come up with some facts for a change.
No, i'm not MS Cleo,a###ole, that is called an O P I N I O N......FOOL!!!! As far as an added expense, your only correct if you state it as an "initial expense". Factor in wages, benefits,vac, sick time,workers comp ins, etc...In the LONG run, it would be cheaper.....PERIOD!!!!

OK...The $10-$15 mil......LMFAO!!!!! We are in BK, 700 :shock: Can't wait to get that check!!!!!

And once again, you end with your same, old, tired rhetoric of "attacks", and "insults"!! I find it funny that ANYONE who challenges your "superior" knowledge of EVERYTHING,.......Y O U accuse of "attacking" you!!!! WHAH!!!!....WHAH!!!!.....WHAH!!!!!!.....BLAH....BLAH.....BLAH!!!!!!! Your a Union "TOOL--FOOL"!!!! Don't worry, the way you sound on these boards, you'll be at the International in short order.....collecting a paycheck for performing a job that will REALLY contribute to our countrys' economic well being!! <_< :down: GOOD DAY!!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
700UW said:
NFS, are you now MS Cleo?

Your a Union "TOOL--FOOL"!!!! Don't worry, the way you sound on these boards, you'll be at the International in short order.....collecting a paycheck for performing a job that will REALLY contribute to our countrys' economic well being!! <_< :down: GOOD DAY!!!!!

😛 Why did you wish him a good day after slamming him, hard.... 😛

Let me guess, he deservers it and is the polar opposite of the captain...antonyms

You know opposites attract so in reality they are one and the same...goof balls 😛

Oh to be toyed with in fantasy land where everyone has an opinion and way too many take it for real life and increase their BP to dangerous levels, and for what? Hmmmm

Glad to see you have to attack and insult.

Let me tell you this again since you can't seem to comprehend it.

The Greivance award is a secured Debt, secured means it will get paid.

In the first bankruptcy all pre-petition grievances were filed with the court and were paid in full, see the laws protect the employees in those matters and they get paid.

Just ask the several hundred people in Tampa who were laid off that got 60 days backpay and benefits under the WARN Act during the last bankruptcy, as a matter of fact Judge Mitchell is the one who made them pay the claim as it has priority.

Education is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power, why don't you take the time to educate yourself, you actually might understand who things really work.
Education is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power,

Actually 700, it goes like this "Information is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power, I like Power". You forgot, "I like power"

I saw that over one hundred times on Lilo and Stitch.
Ha, ha, you just made me bust a stitch. :lol: :lol: :lol:
cavalier said:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
700UW said:
NFS, are you now MS Cleo?

Your a Union "TOOL--FOOL"!!!! Don't worry, the way you sound on these boards, you'll be at the International in short order.....collecting a paycheck for performing a job that will REALLY contribute to our countrys' economic well being!! <_< :down: GOOD DAY!!!!!

😛 Why did you wish him a good day after slamming him, hard.... 😛

Let me guess, he deservers it and is the polar opposite of the captain...antonyms

You know opposites attract so in reality they are one and the same...goof balls 😛

Oh to be toyed with in fantasy land where everyone has an opinion and way too many take it for real life and increase their BP to dangerous levels, and for what? Hmmmm
I slammed him......"HARD".......because #1, 700 needs a reality check every once in awhile!!! And..... #2, I always try to end my quotes with "good day"!!! I'm a Paul Harvey fan, so I suppose you could accuse me of "plagerism"!!!

Antonyms!!!!....Great analogy, CAV :up:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
I slammed him......"HARD".......because #1, 700 needs a reality check every once in awhile!!! And..... #2, I always try to end my quotes with "good day"!!! I'm a Paul Harvey fan, so I suppose you could accuse me of "plagerism"!!!

Antonyms!!!!....Great analogy, CAV :up:
Actually I like the harv myself being into radio big time and tuning out the tube which makes one into what we see one these boards...goof balls 😛

plagerism, a term made famous by the other crooks, politicians
700UW said:
Glad to see you have to attack and insult.

Let me tell you this again since you can't seem to comprehend it.

The Greivance award is a secured Debt, secured means it will get paid.

In the first bankruptcy all pre-petition grievances were filed with the court and were paid in full, see the laws protect the employees in those matters and they get paid.

Just ask the several hundred people in Tampa who were laid off that got 60 days backpay and benefits under the WARN Act during the last bankruptcy, as a matter of fact Judge Mitchell is the one who made them pay the claim as it has priority.

Education is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power, why don't you take the time to educate yourself, you actually might understand who things really work.
The best way to answer this post is this.................700 REPORTED ME!!!!! LMFAO!!! Todd PM'd me.........700 thinks i'm "attacking", and "insulting". I challenge ANYONE to show me where I attacked. or insulted! I am merely stating my disagreements with 700 over his CONSTANT towing of the union line, considering the situation we are facing, and the fact that HE does not like when ANYONE disagrees with him!! I thought the purpose of these board were for EVERYONE to share their OPINIONS freely, and to DISAGREE without being LABELED an " attacker", or an " insulter"!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!

HEY................700 For you!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
The best way to answer this post is this.................700 REPORTED ME!!!!! LMFAO!!! Todd PM'd me.........700 thinks i'm "attacking", and "insulting". I challenge ANYONE to show me where I attacked. or insulted! I am merely stating my disagreements with 700 over his CONSTANT towing of the union line, considering the situation we are facing, and the fact that HE does not like when ANYONE disagrees with him!! I thought the purpose of these board were for EVERYONE to share their OPINIONS freely, and to DISAGREE without being LABELED an " attacker", or an " insulter"!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!
HEY................700 For you!!!!
Like me that guy has had 50 different screen names and 700UW stuck after he toned it down now he wants to become something he will never be, civil.

FYI…Todd is the BEST mod these here boards have…
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
The best way to answer this post is this.................700 REPORTED ME!!!!! LMFAO!!! Todd PM'd me.........700 thinks i'm "attacking", and "insulting".

Hey I got the same email yesterday from todd accused by 700UW of attacking him is it a form letter?
Haven't you guys realized that 700 is a self-made dead-end martyr who appears to only have control of anything, on this board. He obviously spends a lot of time worrying about this place out of work and even though he denies it, I can bet my bottom dollar that he talks as much at work as he types here.
He will never lose because he always thinks he is right. I mean he KNEW that i ws a forman.
Just let him rant and rave and get whatever information he takes the time to look up during his long days on the computer and decifer it yourself,but believe halfof what he types.

Just my opinion.
PITMTC said:
Haven't you guys realized that 700 is a self-made dead-end martyr who appears to only have control of anything, on this board.

Just my opinion.

OF course lol we aren't dumb
700UW said:
Just ask the several hundred people in Tampa who were laid off that got 60 days backpay and benefits under the WARN Act during the last bankruptcy, as a matter of fact Judge Mitchell is the one who made them pay the claim as it has priority.

60 days backpay and benefits?? I was layed-off and I am on recall for TPA, I haven't got a penny from them concerning the WARN ACT, are you sure 700UW?
I hope theres something left of the airline since I'm bidding back in next month, how will seniority in the 1500's do in Pit or Phl? My vacation is over :blink:

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