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Us Airways Moving To Alabama

El Gato said:
I think I may know who OldGuyinPA is...

I love San Diego too.

Oh, and if the company tries to move me to Mobile, AL.....goodbye! Been there, hated it. Mobile is kinda like Pittsburgh - it needs to be hit with an H-bomb to rid itself from the rest of the U.S. Nothing but mentally challenged rednecks and people with speech impediments there(come to think of it, most southerners seem to share the speech impediment, however I digress...). From PIT to MOB is just going from bad to bad. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I wish I knew who you were. Your Post was uncalled for. Mean and nasty. I hope you are back in Sunny SAN. We don't need trash like you in PIT!
El Gato said:
Pittsburgh - 1970's camaros, mullets, old people, corrupt politicos.


Not you again, I thought someone dropped a house on you.
RumorS said:
I wish I knew who you were. Your Post was uncalled for. Mean and nasty. I hope you are back in Sunny SAN. We don't need trash like you in PIT!

While I do like SAN, I have not and never will live or work there. But I do live in PIT. The Iron City, the city that can screw up just about anything, the place where the politicians are as ugly in their corruption as the local women are in their looks. You don't need me in PIT. Your so angry with me that I bet you are one of those local clowns who has never left the place, despite the lack of jobs and no prospects for the future. Guys like you make me wonder what will happen when US Airways goes out of business here. Will it be another Flint, MI or another Allentown, PA?

And what would you do if you knew who I was...? Come over and threaten me with a can of Iron City while you wear your "stiilers" tee shirt. <laugh> Now that would be a comical sight! :lol: :lol:
This might be an appropriate spot to remind everyone that the ignore feature is working now. It works both ways for those interested in the mutual lovefest going on here. :shock:
scot said:
This might be an appropriate spot to remind everyone that the ignore feature is working now. It works both ways for those interested in the mutual lovefest going on here. :shock:

Thanks Scot... EL GATO IGNORED
🙂 I think Step II in the process would be to replace the "stylized American Flag" as wolfie put it with a stylized rendition of the stars n bars. Then put big NASCAR numbers on the side of the planes....and sponsor advertisments. We could rename it Bubba Air or Deliverance Airways. Our boarding music could be the joyful twang of "Dueling Banjos." He11, for the full Alabama feel, we could even bring back Ol' Governor Wallace to do ad spots for our new Segregatin' Class.

My family historically comes from Mobile. What a nastly little part of America. Trailer parks as far as the eye can see, filthy red clay dirt roads. At least the USS Alabama is pretty cool. The carrier of choice in the city of crud.

Maybe bronner will introduce 767 service between Mobile and Talladega for the big races and up to all the Bama vs Auburn games.

Still Laid of and pissed off after all these years,

N513AU said:
Maybe bronner will introduce 767 service...up to all the Bama vs Auburn games.


Don't kid yourself. Last year Alabama fans bought and used 10,000 tickets for the ALA-USC game played in LA.
Has anybody else seen the trailer parked in the FEDX parking lot lately in PIT? While driving down R60 - unless I'm dreaming it read:

Alabama - It's full of surprises! Trailer was painted in streamers, celebration type decor. Is this a joke or something?
El Gato said:
I think I may know who OldGuyinPA is...

I love San Diego too.

Oh, and if the company tries to move me to Mobile, AL.....goodbye! Been there, hated it. Mobile is kinda like Pittsburgh - it needs to be hit with an H-bomb to rid itself from the rest of the U.S. Nothing but mentally challenged rednecks and people with speech impediments there(come to think of it, most southerners seem to share the speech impediment, however I digress...). From PIT to MOB is just going from bad to bad. :shock: :shock: :shock:

El Gato:

What about Biloxi, MS and the Gold Coast of FL and MS?
Mobile is 45 miles from both and Biolxi is a mini-vegas.
I'd live in MOB if the company move there.
scot said:
This might be an appropriate spot to remind everyone that the ignore feature is working now. It works both ways for those interested in the mutual lovefest going on here. :shock:
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
What kind of cost saving would there be for US by moving to Alabama? Would it at the end save several million dollars a year? Would it save some jobs or even create some new ones?

If the management would take such bald move in order to save money and to bring the airline into a profitability zone, why is then every one against it?