Mitt Romney........ D. O. A. - on November 06, 2012

Snapcard ?

... Snapcard.
food-stamps/snapcards ... foodstamps/snap card ... snapcard r... card
Sound familiar ?
snapcard !

If you filtered out "snap card, food stamps, nobama, libtard, and fair tax" there would be nothing to see.
Just how do you come to this conclusion?

Sigh....really? Imminent Israeli strike on Iran, no question its coming. Pres refusing to meet Netanyahu. Finally "discussed" the situation after a couple weeks in a phone call instead of in person while Netanyahu is already in the states for UN business. Egypt under "brotherhood" control, Libya mess,

To every leader in the middle east, he is "distancing" himself from Israel as it applies to this situation. Refusal to entertain publically what now seems to be concrete proof that Libya was Al-quedia and a "sympathy" speech applying to the libya assaulters in which soveriegn US soil was attacked and an ambassador killed reeks of appeasement.

"distancing" and "appeasement" only tells the middleast that the US is going to sit this one out and invites all out war in the region. Something I wish we could do but the economic fact is we cannot. Lose access to the oil and most of the economies in the world will collapse. Then no matter what "snap-card" or whatever they want to call it programs are in place it means nothing. Russia, China and several others that have the means cannot and will not sit quietly by and let the oil just dissappear either. It has the potential to completly shift the balance of power world wide. For another 50 or 100 years at least he who controls the oil or influnences the oil and where it goes controls the world. Every developed economy on the planet depends on oil to function. In this country you will be hard pressed to find a single job that will survive to any degree without it in huge quantities. Airlines gone, trucking gone, farming gone, tech industries gone, retail goods gone, entertainment industry gone and the list goes on.

Long term we (residents of north america) will probably be ok if we can survive long enough to drill every oily ditch this continent has to offer but it would take years to bring the infrastructure online to meet the kind of demand just our country uses. However by that point i am not entirely certian we would be called the United States.

Maybe I am wrong and we can all sit back and eat cheetos in front of the TV with a nice paycheck while the middle east erupts in a tornado of war and conquest. i am sure gas won't go much higher than say $20 to $50 a problem, pass the cheesedip.
Sigh....Put on the foil hat.

I guess you have access to all the internal workings of the United States diplomatic mission to Israel and the middle east?

Or are you just using the Fox News filter of events. Even Romney has changed his tune and toned down his rhetoric after he was given access to intelligence briefings.

As to Egypt, are you saying we should go in and oust the democratically elected leader of that nation? Why stop there? It sounds like you have the plan to decimate any chance of peace in the middle east. Like Obama said about Romney:

Sigh....really? Imminent Israeli strike on Iran, no question its coming. Pres refusing to meet Netanyahu.
[background=transparent]On Friday, Romney said as president he would undertake “extensive covert activity” if he were president and leaving open the door to U.S. military action if that country continues pushing development of nuclear weapons.[/background]​
[background=transparent]Speaking to reporters while en route to Boston, the Republican presidential nominee outlined his Iran agenda when asked how his policy differs from that of the Obama administration.[/background]​
[background=transparent]“There would be extensive covert activity, but I’m not aware of the president’s and our administration’s covert actions to an extent to be able to define differences between the two of us in that regard,” Romney said.[/background]​


Sigh....Put on the foil hat.

I guess you have access to all the internal workings of the United States diplomatic mission to Israel and the middle east?

Or are you just using the Fox News filter of events. Even Romney has changed his tune and toned down his rhetoric after he was given access to intelligence briefings.

As to Egypt, are you saying we should go in and oust the democratically elected leader of that nation? Why stop there? It sounds like you have the plan to decimate any chance of peace in the middle east. Like Obama said about Romney:

Err, Islam has proven, there will never be peace , in the middle east !

If you filtered out "snap card, food stamps, nobama, libtard, and fair tax" there would be nothing to see.

Hittin' a little to close to home Quag.....................................................SNAPCARD! Now you add another one, to your list !
Iran has had chemical weapons and the means to deliver them for quite some time now and has not used them. Just because they may have/have nukes does not mean they will use them. While the rulers may be zealots to a degree, they know that the first nuke they launch will be the last. If you believe that the US will sit by if Iran detonates a nuke on foreign soil I suggest that you are a idiot. Should that happen, the US will light Iran up in a heart beat and we would have the full blessings of nearly everyone in the ME. The ME is about money. No one in the ME will be making money if Iran goes bat chit crazy with a nuke.

If we assume that they do have a death wish there is very little if anything that can be done short of a preemptive attack which we do not have the ground forces available for. The terrain in Iran is not conducive to quik and easy. The nuke sites are way under ground and hardened. Iran is a mountainous area and there is virtually no support from the international community for a preemptive strike. Going into Iran will spike the oil prices far beyond what our economy or anyone elses could sustain. China and Russia do not want us in Iran. I do not see Iran turning out well as a preemptive scenario.

Irans threats against Israel may or may not be real. No way to know. I think it is equally possible that Iran uses Israel like the US used Russia/communism back in the 60's, 70's and 80's for the cold war. Russia was thought to be just as crazy as Iran (but with far more military power) and nothing happened.

I doubt Israel will go at Iran. They do not have the range for their fighters to go in and back without tanker support. The sites are far too well protected. The likely hood for success is slim from what I have read. I would not be surprised if Netanyahu is doing this to seem tough for the population.

I think the appeasement line is laughable at best. The US has not yielded or conceded anything in the ME. Obama has taken out more leaders in Alqueda than Bush in the 8 years he was pres. The ME will always be at the brink of war. They have been on the brink for several thousand years and nothing we do now will change that. Romney seems to think that he can go in guns blazing and and that will work. One look at history will prove other wise.
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Kero Schnauzer,
NO ONE except US has EVER dropped a nuke first, and that was DAM near "70" years ago !
Have you EVER asked yourself why ??
Because EVERY other country, with maybe the exception of N. Korea, KNOWS what the retaliation will be like !

Do you REALLY think BIG BOYS like say China, would stand by twittling thier thumbs while Iran gets ready to launch ?????(knowing full well the mass oil disruption that would follow)

Israel is NOT a BIG BOY !!!!!!!!

PS, a LOT of Israeli's are steadily/daily getting PISSED OFF at 'Bibi'
Ask your war mongering self WHY !!
Guess you idiots wouldn't have a problem with Chinese dictator stating publicly, that he and the Chinese nation intended to see the United States wiped from the face of the earth then...............right ?
Guess you idiots wouldn't have a problem with Chinese dictator stating publicly, that he and the Chinese nation intended to see the United States wiped from the face of the earth then...............right ?
When did the Chinese President say this? Was it on

Why would they want to do that when we buy their goods, and they hold 8% of the total US debt.

Here's a quick and fascinating breakdown by total amount held and percentage of total U.S. debt, according to Business Insider:​
  • Hong Kong: $121.9 billion (0.9 percent)
  • Caribbean banking centers: $148.3 (1 percent)
  • Taiwan: $153.4 billion (1.1 percent)
  • Brazil: $211.4 billion (1.5 percent)
  • Oil exporting countries: $229.8 billion (1.6 percent)
  • Mutual funds: $300.5 billion (2 percent)
  • Commercial banks: $301.8 billion (2.1 percent)
  • State, local and federal retirement funds: $320.9 billion (2.2 percent)
  • Money market mutual funds: $337.7 billion (2.4 percent)
  • United Kingdom: $346.5 billion (2.4 percent)
  • Private pension funds: $504.7 billion (3.5 percent)
  • State and local governments: $506.1 billion (3.5 percent)
  • Japan: $912.4 billion (6.4 percent)
  • U.S. households: $959.4 billion (6.6 percent)
  • China: $1.16 trillion (8 percent)
  • The U.S. Treasury: $1.63 trillion (11.3 percent)
  • Social Security trust fund: $2.67 trillion (19 percent)
So America owes foreigners about $4.5 trillion in debt. But America owes America $9.8 trillion.

And we import 17% of all of the goods they make. And this:


Your level of ignorance has no bottom. Just when I think you have made your dumbest post yet, you come up with another.
Quite an interesting bunch of facts. One thing that did stand out to me is that China was the single largest holder of US debt and that has people worried. China is a well known currency manipulator keeping the Yuan below market value. This is done for two reasons

1. Fuel internal growth
2. Make their products as cheap as possible on the global market.

China, IMO due to it's currency shenanigans is about to hit the economic wall in a way similar to the Housing bubble here. This is the drawback of fiat currency and printing press money. With fiat currency debt can often be inflated away as Osama Ben Bernanke has tried to do on three occassions now with Quantitive Easing. To date his measures have failed to stimulate the economy. China will be addressing these issues shortly too as sooner or later despite the best efforts of the Banksters eventually somebody has to pay up and it's usually the folks like you and me.

A trade imbalance with any country isn't a positive, just as having one country owning nearly 7% of the outstanding debt is bad for the US. Regardless of who wins the election some stark economic realities face not only the President but the entire worlds Banking and economic health.

Due to world wide debt we have come very near to the end of the road with a very harsh Day of reckoning awaiting.
Quite an interesting bunch of facts. One thing that did stand out to me is that China was the single largest holder of US debt and that has people worried.
That is not quite true. They are the foreign country that holds the largest amount of US debt. However, the United States is the largest holder of of our own debt. We owe ourselves more than we owe any other debt holder.
I doubt Israel will go at Iran. They do not have the range for their fighters to go in and back without tanker support. The sites are far too well protected. The likely hood for success is slim from what I have read. I would not be surprised if Netanyahu is doing this to seem tough for the population.

Israel is very capable of delivering a strike that far, it would involve a complex operation and the deep underground targets would be hard to get. But they have the KC 135's (707's) and KC 130's in their airforce to do it. Range is not the issue they have.

And if you don't think its every american hating quack middle east gov't's wet dream to detonate a nuke in the continental US you are an idiot.

Sound like the crowd that wrote the old terrorist manuals for the airlines....."Comply with the terrorist demands"....."do not make them feel threatened"....etc.
When did the Chinese President say this? Was it on

Why would they want to do that when we buy their goods, and they hold 8% of the total US debt.

Um, don't tell me that you missed the point of his post? Really?

On another topic ...You do know who were Obamas buddys in his younger days right? Call it guilt by association if you like or bury your head in the sand and pretend those friendships didnt exist but his actions and policies all point to them having a profound effect on who he is.

The mans vision of america is not america at all. The sad/funny part is if he continues to follow the path he seems to be on and continues the general direction that his friend circle indicates the people hurt the most by it will be the demographic that he is pulling most of his votes from.
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When did the Chinese President say this? Was it on

Why would they want to do that when we buy their goods, and they hold 8% of the total US debt.

And we import 17% of all of the goods they make. And this:


Your level of ignorance has no bottom. Just when I think you have made your dumbest post yet, you come up with another.

We all remember when FOREST GUMP said " STUPID is as STUPID does".
In southwindBAG's case, there is NOTHING More DUMB than 'SOUTHERN DUMB' !

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