Mitt Romney........ D. O. A. - on November 06, 2012

Seems to me that BO is just going through the motions with this election. I personally don't think he is serious. C'mon, what is up with going on The View instead of meeting with some important world leaders. I get the feeling he is counting the days till retirement. Typical stoner.

Like the Hawaii home?
Maybe that 'unskewed' poll is right?
Ironic, coming from the White Al Sharpton.

Didn't realize you viewed Barry-O that way, but come to think of it, fits perfectly !

Seems to me that BO is just going through the motions with this election. I personally don't think he is serious. C'mon, what is up with going on The View instead of meeting with some important world leaders. I get the feeling he is counting the days till retirement. Typical stoner.

It's called, "Fielding Softball questions"!
Have my clues................unemployment up, Triple A rating down, 57 states, ObamaCareTM , Socialist, 4 trillion amassed debt, in less than 4 years, Bankrupt, Taxpayer funded Clean Energy company's............need I go on ?

Get a clue..............freeloader !
Doesn't take much to refute a talk radio parrot.

Already got three flat screens. Paid cash.

A lot freeloaders sell their snapcards for cash, then take the cash to the pawnshop to buy their flat screens !

Sound familiar ?

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