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Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request

I'm not even going to debate the whole preference versus orientation language as you can find science to support both. I happen to of the opinion that both are correct. I have a friend who was gay the day he landed in his Mother's arms. I also have friends who "turned gay" and then went back to heterosexual relationships. These is also a difference between Men and Women in this area as well!

turned gay???? Seriously, this individual was confused about HIS SEXUALITY. Possibly experimenting with his sexuality. I have a personal friend who waited until his late 40's to finally come out, after decades of marriage and kids. I dont think you can CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY, BUT YOU CAN SUPPRESS IT

Two people have caused the prom to be cancelled for many.

Really now? THEY CANCELLED IT? Would they cancel it if I said I was going to show up in JEANS?

Now one can argue and I would to school officials that the whole thing was a tempest in a teapot and they should have just pocketed their personal beliefs and let the prom go forward as I'm pretty certain that more needless furor has been caused now then 2 17 year old lesbians (or students goofing on the admin) could ever drum up at the prom.

This is a glaring example of a time when people just need to "mind yo bidness mo fo". People need to remember that homosexuality is generally not contagious
turned gay???? Seriously, this individual was confused about HIS SEXUALITY. Possibly experimenting with his sexuality. I have a personal friend who waited until his late 40's to finally come out, after decades of marriage and kids. I dont think you can CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY, BUT YOU CAN SUPPRESS IT

Two people have caused the prom to be cancelled for many.

Really now? THEY CANCELLED IT? Would they cancel it if I said I was going to show up in JEANS?

Now one can argue and I would to school officials that the whole thing was a tempest in a teapot and they should have just pocketed their personal beliefs and let the prom go forward as I'm pretty certain that more needless furor has been caused now then 2 17 year old lesbians (or students goofing on the admin) could ever drum up at the prom.

This is a glaring example of a time when people just need to "mind yo bidness mo fo". People need to remember that homosexuality is generally not contagious


You have an opinion and that's fine, however not all science supports your theory and I'm not going there, no matter how hard you attempt to goad me.

If you showed up in blue jeans there may be a confrontation. When the actions of two people because of their beliefs and/or preferences cause directly or indirectly an annual tradition to be cancelled then you do have the makings of the tyranny of the minority.
Secret, secret, I got a secret. Gays tend to use the discrimination card like any other minority and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. After all discrimination is discrimination and SHOULD be punished to the fullest extent of the law :up: :up: :up: No questions asked.

Pssttt, Pssttt:
Newsflash, the gay community doesnt want SPECIAL RIGHTS, THEY WANT "EQUAL RIGHTS".
And, they seek an end to discrimination against gay men and lesbians in employment, credit, lending, housing, marriage, adoption, public accommodations, and other areas of life.
Spousal benefits, such as health insurance and pension plans for long-term domestic partners, and the legal recognition of same-sex couples ("gay marriages") also became important gay-rights issues.
The whole marriage issue is a perfect example. Out come the bibles to proclaim, Marriage is between a man and woman, blah, blah, blah. Marriage was meant for procreation, blah, blah, blah. And gays can ONLY have "CIVIL UNIONS". Is that equal? Discriminatory? HUH?
you have an opinion and that's fine, however not all science supports your theory and I'm not going there, no matter how hard you attempt to goad me

So, you support science, huh? Well, they used to think homosexuality was a mental illness up until 1973.
So, you support science, huh? Well, they used to think homosexuality was a mental illness up until 1973.

Some would argue that it is worse than that! Most religions aren't handing out the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for homosexuals. That's the sad reality. Nothing in this country has ever been granted, it was earned and fought for.

ME? I honestly don't give a rat's arse who has sex with whom, or when. To me what happens between Consenting Adults is just that, between them. I don't want to hear about it. I also don't want to have to hear about "Rights" that if granted impinge upon my right to live in peace.
turned gay???? Seriously, this individual was confused about HIS SEXUALITY. Possibly experimenting with his sexuality. I have a personal friend who waited until his late 40's to finally come out, after decades of marriage and kids. I dont think you can CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY, BUT YOU CAN SUPPRESS IT

Two people have caused the prom to be cancelled for many.

Really now? THEY CANCELLED IT? Would they cancel it if I said I was going to show up in JEANS?

Now one can argue and I would to school officials that the whole thing was a tempest in a teapot and they should have just pocketed their personal beliefs and let the prom go forward as I'm pretty certain that more needless furor has been caused now then 2 17 year old lesbians (or students goofing on the admin) could ever drum up at the prom.

This is a glaring example of a time when people just need to "mind yo bidness mo fo". People need to remember that homosexuality is generally not contagious

Psst...its a registered mental disorder but was changed due to pressure and campaign contributions on the Progressive Left....Psssst.
Psst...its a registered mental disorder but was changed due to pressure and campaign contributions on the Progressive Left....Psssst.

Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder?
No. All major professional mental health organizations have gone on record to affirm that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association's Board of Trustees removed homosexuality from its official diagnostic manual, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Second Edition (DSM II). The action was taken following a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the field. The experts found that homosexuality does not meet the criteria to be considered a mental illness.

Psst...its a registered mental disorder but was changed due to pressure and campaign contributions on the Progressive Left....Psssst.

You don't think it had anything to do with realizing that their original conclusion had no basis in fact and was merely a result of prejudice? Similar to the 'science' that claimed blacks were inferior to whites.

Some how the idea of religion passing judgment on other is a bit laughable. This coming from belief systems that advocate stoning for adultery (oddly only the women. I guess that's because the men wrote the rules), people walking on water, spreading the seas, rising from the dead, birth without sex and other such sane ideas. And religion wants to judge gays? Seriously?
I am trying to figure out where this science come from that says it's a choice. I have read the articles investigating genetic links and things of that nature but I have yet to read anything that sounds reasonable to indicate it is a choice. I have yet to meet a person who remembers making a choice about what sex they like. I know I never did. I just remember seeing a picture of a naked woman when I was young and thinking .... hmmm..... that likes really good. the only person/people I can think of who would think it's a choice are the folks like Ted Haggard who got busted for being gay and have a lot of money too lose if they don't 'fix' them selves.

None of my gay friends said they choose to be gay. They all said that to wake up one day and think, "hey, I'm going to choose a life style that will prevent me from marrying who I love, risk being beat up by homophobes, ridiculed, ostracized, deprived of equal treatment just to mention a few" would be insane. They all said it is who they are. They could no more be straight that I could be gay.

I am sure there are people who like to explore different things but they are no more gay/straight or what ever than a person who plays MS Flight is a pilot.
None of my gay friends said they choose to be gay. They all said that to wake up one day and think, "hey, I'm going to choose a life style that will prevent me from marrying who I love, risk being beat up by homophobes, ridiculed, ostracized, deprived of equal treatment just to mention a few" would be insane. They all said it is who they are. They could no more be straight that I could be gay.

.........exactly. What the moral majority gets confused about is choice. One can choose to deny one's sexuality due to religious upbringing, for example. One can suppress those feelings for years and choose not to come out. We all learn what is "considered" right and wrong at a very early age by society. Many gays continue that "internal battle" not only into adolescence, but into adulthood. One's CHOICE to come out is IN REALITY TO ACCEPT YOUR GAY.
Pssttt, Pssttt:
Newsflash, the gay community doesnt want SPECIAL RIGHTS, THEY WANT "EQUAL RIGHTS".

So..why is sexual orientation worthy of consderation via any "Hate Crime" provisions? Joe Psycho kills two people. One's a middle class white guy he just didn't much like. The other's the same but a gay man, whom he didn't much like either: He called them both vile names before killing them. He insulted thefirst about his mother, the second about his sexual orientation..

Do we now have:

1) Sigh..another tragic murder by some random psychotic?
2) Gasp!...He can't do THAT!..That's a Hate Crime!!..and demands "Special" ummm...err..."Justice!".....?

Mostg importantly; Ouside od obviously prosecuting the murderer; WHY should there even be the slightest legal considerations for the hypothetical scenario? "Equal"?..or "Special RIghts"?
So..why is sexual orientation worthy of consderation via any "Hate Crime" provisions? Joe Psycho kills two people. One's a middle class white guy he just didn't much like. The other's the same but a gay man, whom he didn't much like either: He called them both vile names before killing them. He insulted thefirst about his mother, the second about his sexual orientation..

Do we now have:

1) Sigh..another tragic murder by some random psychotic?
2) Gasp!...He can't do THAT!..That's a Hate Crime!!..and demands "Special" ummm...err..."Justice!".....?

Mostg importantly; Ouside od obviously prosecuting the murderer; WHY should there even be the slightest legal considerations for the hypothetical scenario? "Equal"?..or "Special RIghts"?

Thank You.

I'm not in favor of creating anymore "Preferred" Minoroties" Sexually my "rights" and those of my Girlfriend are violated almost daily because whether most know it or not Oral Sex is outlawed in 26 states including mine.

When most of the sodomy laws were written Oral sex was considered "Deviant". So where are "My Rights"!!! Who knows how many "Lewinski's" I missed on because of being descriminated against??

What Gay and Lesbian activists want is not equal rights, they want what I call "Super Minority" status.
Thank You.

I'm not in favor of creating anymore "Preferred" Minoroties" Sexually my "rights" and those of my Girlfriend are violated almost daily because whether most know it or not Oral Sex is outlawed in 26 states including mine.

When most of the sodomy laws were written Oral sex was considered "Deviant". So where are "My Rights"!!! Who knows how many "Lewinski's" I missed on because of being descriminated against??

What Gay and Lesbian activists want is not equal rights, they want what I call "Super Minority" status.

I am not aware of many gays who want rights not entitled to everyone else. Seems that other groups seem to want that to assuage their guilt. All my gay friends only what the rights that everyone else is entitled to by law. The right to serve their country with out having to hide who they are, the right to marry the person who they love and all the rights that come with it.

I agree with the idea of hate crimes but with a twist. On capital crimes I agree that there is no need for hate crime. Murder or rape is murder or rape. I do not feel that there is a need for extra penalties. However, the example I use is graffiti. I believe there is a difference in intent between a set of initials tagged on my garage door as opposed to a swastika. One is simple destruction of property they other adds a threat and intimidation. I believe there is a clear difference between the two and that the penalty should be different between the two. JMHO.
When most of the sodomy laws were written Oral sex was considered "Deviant". So where are "My Rights"!!! Who knows how many "Lewinski's" I missed on because of being descriminated against??
What Gay and Lesbian activists want is not equal rights, they want what I call "Super Minority" status.

A sodomy law is a law that defines certain sexual acts as sex crimes. The precise sexual acts meant by the term sodomy are rarely spelled out in the law, but are typically understood by courts to include any sexual act which is unnatural. It also has a range of similar euphemisms. These acts typically include oral sex, anal sex and bestiality; IN PRACTICE SUCH LAWS HAVE RARELY BEEN ENFORCED AGAINST HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES. Sodomy laws can be found around the world. Today, consensual homosexual acts between adults are illegal in about 70 out of the 195 countries of the world; in 40 of these, only male-male sex is outlawed.

Sodomy laws in the United States, laws primarily intended to outlaw certain sexual acts concerning sodomy, were historically pervasive, but have been invalidated by the 2003 Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas. While they were OFTEN ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO OUTLAW SEX ACTS BETWEEN HOMOSEXUALS, many definitions were broad enough to make certain heterosexual acts illegal as well.
