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Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request

I think I understand what you are saying and if so then I agree with the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

I actually think all people 9gays included are covered under the civil rights act of 1964 but since gays are the flavor of the day so to speak to hate, we (the public in general) have chosen not to apply those rights to this particular segment of society. That is why they and what ever the next group society choose to deny rights to has to sue in order to be entitled to equal treatment under the law.
Guess I am not up to date on womens fashions. This makes the argument against the girl wearing the tux even more untenable.
I think I understand what you are saying and if so then I agree with the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

I actually think all people 9gays included are covered under the civil rights act of 1964 but since gays are the flavor of the day so to speak to hate, we (the public in general) have chosen not to apply those rights to this particular segment of society. That is why they and what ever the next group society choose to deny rights to has to sue in order to be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

Bingo 😉
Then what is your issue with the claim filed by the ACLU against the school to allow the two girls to attend? Or do you not have an issue with it?
I don't quite see where they have an issue that can be resolved quickly.

If you are referring to the courts, all they would need to do is issue and injunction against the school prohibiting them from not holding the prom and allowing all students to attend with the guest of their choice.
If you are referring to the courts, all they would need to do is issue and injunction against the school prohibiting them from not holding the prom and allowing all students to attend with the guest of their choice.

If is the word. Then they get knee deep in a touchy issue in an agricultural/religious area that most likely doesn't see eye to eye with the GLBT thing whether or not its right.
Politics Buddy....politics.....is it right.....doubt it...long expensive road to SCOTUS, thats for sure. That's your limiting factor in all these issues.
They would have a hard tome trying to enforce that. Look how many women wear pant suits to work. We still live in a male dominated work environment even though women make up 52% (I think) of the population. The only clothing that the school could enforce is a uniform that l students need to wear or a broad rule such as 'business casual ' or something like that.

Also, our society accepts women wearing pants of all types. The same is not true for men. Whether or not a rule could be enforced for that I do not know. I would guess not. If a guy wants to come in 'drag' I do not see how that could be prevented. Wold be interesting to see. How do you tell Rue Paul that he cannot come dressed as a woman?

All of this is correct HOWEVER, if the school has a dress code they are well within their rights to enforce said dress code as a prom is a schooll sponsored event.

ANYONE of any sexual preference should be able to attend their high school prom with whomever they choose. What is unacceptable is using that same prom as a political soapbox and I think that fear played more of a part in this then anyone will admit. Also let's keep this in perspective for a second. This is a prom and while a right of passage to be sure one must first remember that this is not a dispute over how to end world hunger.

Also does anyone know if the two in question aren't doing this merely to embarass the school or their parents? Like that never happens ar 17. I know when I was 17 doing anything that upset school officials was one of my primary goals everyday.

When you dare to be different as the 2 ladies have, you open yourself up to ridicule and worse. MS has come a long way, 25 years ago someone would have likely lost their life. Now all they did was lose a special night out. Not right but hey at least it's progress.
All of this is correct HOWEVER, if the school has a dress code they are well within their rights to
ANYONE of any sexual preference should be able to attend their high school prom with whomever they choose. What is unacceptable is using that same prom as a political soapbox and I think that fear played more of a part in this then anyone will admit. Also let's keep this in perspective for a second. Also does anyone know if the two in question aren't doing this merely to embarass the school or their parents? Like that never happens ar 17. I know when I was 17 doing anything that upset school officials was one of my primary goals everyday.
When you dare to be different as the 2 ladies have, you open yourself up to ridicule and worse. MS has come a long way, 25 years ago someone would have likely lost their life. Now all they did was lose a special night out. Not right but hey at least it's progress.

First of all, it's sexual orientation, NOT preference. Preference infers choice. IT IS NOT. Secondly, this is the deep south. <Gasp> a same sex couple wants to go to their prom. Why is this even news in 2010? As usual, the straight community hides behind their fear, their prejudice and even the bible to support their discrimination of gays. What a perfect excuse to blame Lesbians for the cancellation of their prom. She wanted to wear a tuxedo. That's so transparent, its laughable. Embarrass the school? HOW ABOUT CHALLENGE THE INJUSTICE?
You call these ladies, different, sparrow. In the gay community, gays and lesbians like to call it living their truth.
SOCIETY has found excuses for many decades.....................prohibiting the woman to vote. Not allowing blacks to marry interacially, use white restrooms, enter through the front door,
All black cemetaries. etc...etc.
For every GAY Person who challenges the Straight, so called moral majority, I say, :up:
Yea, what he said.

The only way the dress code BS floats is if it was clearly spelled out beforehand. Since there has been no indication that it was, I am working on the assumption that it is a load of crap as Sky pointed out. Had the dress code been the only issue, I doubt the girls would have objected unless it was a ploy to prevent them from attending.

This is simply an example of bigotry and the school shut it down out of spite because it knows it did not have a legal foot to stand on. Whether the girls are trying to make a point or not is irrelevant. They are exercising their constitutional rights and the last time I checked, there is never a bad time to do that.
Secret, secret, I got a secret. Gays tend to use the discrimination card like any other minority and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. After all discrimination is discrimination and SHOULD be punished to the fullest extent of the law :up: :up: :up: No questions asked.

Do you agree????

Then what happens when some industries like the airlines hire only gays as I see in my dinky area? What if only gays are promoted? Is that discrimination or an agenda? There is nothing wrong with being gay and equality for all is a must. But don't pee on my hetero leg and tell me it's raining!

The whole gay thing was that it sought justice not the transformation of society as a whole. So why do I feel my rights as a white, hetero, male are being violated yet again for something I had nothing to do with? :down:
First of all, it's sexual orientation, NOT preference. Preference infers choice. IT IS NOT. Secondly, this is the deep south. <Gasp> a same sex couple wants to go to their prom. Why is this even news in 2010? As usual, the straight community hides behind their fear, their prejudice and even the bible to support their discrimination of gays. What a perfect excuse to blame Lesbians for the cancellation of their prom. She wanted to wear a tuxedo. That's so transparent, its laughable. Embarrass the school? HOW ABOUT CHALLENGE THE INJUSTICE?
You call these ladies, different, sparrow. In the gay community, gays and lesbians like to call it living their truth.
SOCIETY has found excuses for many decades.....................prohibiting the woman to vote. Not allowing blacks to marry interacially, use white restrooms, enter through the front door,
All black cemetaries. etc...etc.
For every GAY Person who challenges the Straight, so called moral majority, I say, :up:

I'm not even going to debate the whole preference versus orientation language as you can find science to support both. I happen to of the opinion that both are correct. I have a friend who was gay the day he landed in his Mother's arms. I also have friends who "turned gay" and then went back to heterosexual relationships. These is also a difference between Men and Women in this area as well! 'Nuff and last I have to say.

Just remember that "Challenging the Injustice" for one is "Civil Disobedience" to another. How do you think the King of England viewed the Founding fathers? Terrorists? or Freedom Fighters?

Point is it all depends upon perspective now doesn't it? There is also the tyranny of the minority at play here as well. Two people have caused the prom to be cancelled for many.

Now one can argue and I would to school officials that the whole thing was a tempest in a teapot and they should have just pocketed their personal beliefs and let the prom go forward as I'm pretty certain that more needless furor has been caused now then 2 17 year old lesbians (or students goofing on the admin) could ever drum up at the prom.

This is a glaring example of a time when people just need to "mind yo bidness mo fo". People need to remember that homosexuality is generally not contagious
Secret, secret, I got a secret. Gays tend to use the discrimination card like any other minority and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. After all discrimination is discrimination and SHOULD be punished to the fullest extent of the law :up: :up: :up: No questions asked.

Do you agree????

Then what happens when some industries like the airlines hire only gays as I see in my dinky area? What if only gays are promoted? Is that discrimination or an agenda? There is nothing wrong with being gay and equality for all is a must. But don't pee on my hetero leg and tell me it's raining!

The whole gay thing was that it sought justice not the transformation of society as a whole. So why do I feel my rights as a white, hetero, male are being violated yet again for something I had nothing to do with? :down:

News flash. I bet most pilots are male, most military personal are male, most strippers are female ... go figure.

I seriously doubt airlines have a 'gay agenda'. Being a stewardess (later renamed flight attendant) was a female only job. Had to be a registered nurse as I recall. Macho men probably do not see being a FA as a job for them. There are a few straight men, more gay men but the over whelming majority are women. I do not think there is any conspiracy and there is no evidence to support your claim.

Not sure why you think your rights are being violated. So far you have not even presented a case for making the claim.