So, you support science, huh? Well, they used to think homosexuality was a mental illness up until 1973.
So what happened in 1973 other than an agenda ??
So, you support science, huh? Well, they used to think homosexuality was a mental illness up until 1973.
A sodomy law is a law that defines certain sexual acts as sex crimes. The precise sexual acts meant by the term sodomy are rarely spelled out in the law, but are typically understood by courts to include any sexual act which is unnatural. It also has a range of similar euphemisms. These acts typically include oral sex, anal sex and bestiality; IN PRACTICE SUCH LAWS HAVE RARELY BEEN ENFORCED AGAINST HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES. Sodomy laws can be found around the world. Today, consensual homosexual acts between adults are illegal in about 70 out of the 195 countries of the world; in 40 of these, only male-male sex is outlawed.
Sodomy laws in the United States, laws primarily intended to outlaw certain sexual acts concerning sodomy, were historically pervasive, but have been invalidated by the 2003 Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas. While they were OFTEN ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO OUTLAW SEX ACTS BETWEEN HOMOSEXUALS, many definitions were broad enough to make certain heterosexual acts illegal as well.
The laws were also written to make more successful prosecution of pedophiles. Now we all know (At least I hope we do) that pedophila and homesexualaliy are entirely different,
HOWEVER, here is a point to ponder. Since the "Homo Promo" and some science supports that homosexuals are born that way does it not follow that pedophiles are also "Wired" at birth also? The recidivism rate on sex offenders is staggering which supports that assumption. Also be aware the there is now a growing incidence of Pedophiles demanding the same rights as gays and lesbians. Ever hear of NAMBLA???
If we grant Gay's and Lesbians "Rights" as they define them don't we in turn have to grant those rights to pedophiles???? Or are we just moving the target/double standard?
A law on the books whether enforced or not, still infringes upon my rights. Suppose I'm in ahotel room in rural Georgia and some ofver zealous Southern Baptist Sheriff/Minister aressts me and charge me with sodomy? When it's you sitting home watching TV you can say "It Rarely happens" However I I'm in the cell on a felony charge then it's an epidemic in my mind. It depends which side of the cell door you're on doesn't it?
So what happened in 1973 other than an agenda ??
Are you freaking kidding me? What part of minors and consenting adults are you not clear about? Unfreaking believable. I expected better from you Sparrow.
Are you freaking kidding me? What part of minors and consenting adults are you not clear about? Unfreaking believable. I expected better from you Sparrow.
And, I expected that narrow-minded, ignorant response.
Bother way, back on topic...........a JUDGE ruled that HER RIGHTS were VIOLATED:😵n/
So once again it looks like it all comes down to money. Makes this poster wonder if that was the goal all along?
Of COURSE the school was wrong, even if only from a political point of view.. Once you get into public funding, a school district must comply with Federal Law. Debating the morality is foolish and really shouldn't even be attempted as this one was and is a matter of law. The law is pretty clear since it wasn't merely a dress code issue.
When the actions of two people because of their beliefs and/or preferences cause directly or indirectly an annual tradition to be cancelled then you do have the makings of the tyranny of the minority.
Why shouldnt she sue?
They CHOSE to discriminate, violate her rights instead of:
She's free to sue if she so choses. Just suppose the happy "Couple" did this whole thing as a way to get money via lawsuit?
What if their Lesbianism is a short lived as there noteriety? Just because you stand in a garage doesn't make you a car.
Would you have assumed that Rosa Parks was just in it for the fame and glory as well? Do you have a shred of evidence to support your theory that the two girls in question are just in it for the fame? US legal system is based on innocence till proven guilty.