So 400 by years end with 40 planes... I believe they have 80 or so on order (unless that changes- I'm sure there will be many more E170 family aircraft, but if mgmt has its way they wont be at US Group). So that would be 800 F/As in the next two years. Anyone remenber how many total INV F/As there are? (2000? 3000?)
If every F/A wanted a position (highly unlikely), only about a third would ever get one?
I still think they should just merge MAA and PSA- there will be a need for hundreds of F/As there (plus a PHL base, where most furloughees were based). I hate to think of people being hired off the street while dedicated employees are shafted.
That said, if MAA gears up as quickly as it's supposed to, I think the sen. list will be gone through quickly. While some of us want to return, for a large percentage the offer of a much lower version of an already lower paying, life-sacrificing job, years later, is too little too late.