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Midatlantic Jobs

Let me clarify myself on my question. If I am junior to Sam's (WHO IS NOW EMPLOYEED ON MAINLINE) and he is being furloughed, if he choices to go to MDA OR MAA, will he or she be junior or senior to me @ MAA OR MDA if i am already working w/ MDA OR MAA?

Here is how I understand it:

The seniority for mainline f/a's who end up at MDA will be your mainline Date of Hire.

Thus, if you were class 10/99 and you accept a call out of inv. furlough status to work at MDA, your seniority will be 10/99.

If/when a new round of inv furloughs happens at mainline, then those folks will get offered jobs at MDA in descending seniority priority.

This means a mainline class 7/99 f/a will have more seniority for bidding and pay at MDA than a mainline class 10/99 f/a and a mainline class 8/93 f/a will beat both of those out for seniority.

I do not know the arrangement for placing future inv. furloughees at MDA: Will it be as positions open up, mainline inv. furloughees will be offered positions in seniority order or will it be a displacement scenario (assuming MDA doesn't grow as fast as mainline f/a's are kicked to the curb--dunno, could be). I suspect it will be a displacement scenario.

PitBull, can you confirm or clarify (or correct) my statement above?

I hope this helps clarify.
In solidarity,
Well, you are correct. If you are over at MAA and someone from mainline gets furloughed in June that is senior to you, they go in front of you.
They can bump you down but not out.

MAA is expected to have over 40 planes by the end of the year and about 400+- flight attendants.

With that said, if MAA has all the flight attendants that it needs, those that just got furloughed will have to wait for an opening.

Hiring ended with the Jan. 3 2000 senioirity number. A f/a was called last minute to fill a vacancy.


No displacing MAA f/as to the street, future invols from mainline will slot in as openings become available. Everything else you said above is correct.Do not
use the Am. Eagle contract off the MEC web. Its in the process of bing taken off. Since the Committee has been negotiating, things have changed, including pay rates that have been slightly bumped up.
So 400 by years end with 40 planes... I believe they have 80 or so on order (unless that changes- I'm sure there will be many more E170 family aircraft, but if mgmt has its way they wont be at US Group). So that would be 800 F/As in the next two years. Anyone remenber how many total INV F/As there are? (2000? 3000?)

If every F/A wanted a position (highly unlikely), only about a third would ever get one?

I still think they should just merge MAA and PSA- there will be a need for hundreds of F/As there (plus a PHL base, where most furloughees were based). I hate to think of people being hired off the street while dedicated employees are shafted.

That said, if MAA gears up as quickly as it's supposed to, I think the sen. list will be gone through quickly. While some of us want to return, for a large percentage the offer of a much lower version of an already lower paying, life-sacrificing job, years later, is too little too late.

You should be receiving a letter very soon. They are burining through the list. There are approx. 2,00 INVOLs and 3,200 Voluntary furloughees who are all due to come back by Dec. 2005. However, it could still be a revolving VFs offered in the future for folks to go out again and again, whereby saving juniors to say on mainline longer. Onlyway to stop that is to continue to shrink mainline and express the flights. Hmmm, could happen.
Thanks for the info PIT.

We also have to remember that some have resigned and forfeited recall rights by going to another airline. Some have gone to Express carriers as they don't require one to give up recall- I wonder will they go to MAA? I guess it depends on which one they are with. Some may have given up on the whole thing all together. I knew a F/A around my seniority that passed the bar exam, fulfilling her parents wishes, and then promptly went to fulfill her own dream of being a flight attendant-I don't think she'll return as she is now practicing law. 🙂 She misses it, but not that much!

So is there a time when the voluntary program ends altogether, leaving 5000 invol/MAA eligible F/As? I think the plan IS to shrink the mainline more. MAA is the new mainline.
A couple questions...

1. I think there are 837 VF's due back in June. And extensions must be filed by MAR 3rd??? Any updates on how many have extended???

2. The company continues to set DEC 05 as the ending date of ALL VF Programs. Any chance we can get them to offer VF's ending in 06, 07, or 08-(Round 3 concessions)? If not, there will be many mainline fa/s in for a nasty surprise. I'm still amazed how many crazy 8's think there is nothing to worry about. Clueless...... 😱

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