When I see folks make comments that are directly related to "blaming" Unions for their paraticular plight, of course, I am going to make adament comments. You are still going at it for someone who gently sit back and watches these boards. If you make comments, as we all do, get prepared for a lip lashing, otherwise to post. As you have stated in previous post, folks have a choice to leave the job, there is no "gun to anyones head". I say, don't post. No one has a gun to your head. Ohterwise, prepare for what comes.
You have implied above that perhaps if you were not union, the company would have worked out a better solution to furloughing you..like, buy out, or early retirement etc....
Trust me, that would not have happened. This co. claimed there was no money. Why would they pay folks to leave when all they had to do was negotiate severe concessions, that folks would just leave. You speak about your friends who are flight attendants who love, love their jobs. Have you ponder the question of why 85% of the furloughees are VOLUNTEER? Do you think f/as would rather take a furlough and look for something else than out right quit? Wouldn't that make some sense, that if you wanted to leave a job that could not pay your bills anymore, that a furlough may be your best interest? We have three Voluntary furloughs going on right now. Perhaps, when the co. will need to hire again f/as (especially when USA goes to war, and the airlines may be a target again) You can apply for a job here in our department. You get to be paid for your room, and meal expense and get to use hotel toilets and bathrooms...and get to stay on planes for 13-14-15 hours at a time serving "mini banquests" 5-6-7 times a day; short staffed to boot...fun, fun, fun! And all on a reduced wage for 6 years. Oh, in if you call in sick..boom you get a 5 hour penalty $200.00 "hit" right off the bat.
Again, I am trying to make a point, that we have every right to voice "discontent".
If that offends you, I am sorry. I have a difficult time believing that folks still today feel that no union is better than a union. Agents decided to get a union in 1999, because while they were non-union the company went after them on everything plus their kitchen sinks. They lost their "defined pensions" while other unionized workers got to keep theirs.
Unions are brought on properties when workers have had "enough" and don't have a voice in the work place. When mangement screws up and treats their employees with disrespect and disregard, even in the best of times.
That is why unions are voted in. When a mangement team treats their employees with respedt and fairness, they get loyalty and NO union.