Mgt Demands Retroactive Paycut For Pilots


Apr 16, 2003
If the Pilots accept the most recent offer, they will have to pay back the "over pay" that they have received since May 1, 2004. (in other words, if they accept the 30% pay cut, they will have been "over paid" by 30 % since May 1 and will have to pay it back.)

If they accept the retroactive paycut, it would be the second time, except the first time was decided by the MEC and was not voted on by the pilots. It still remains to be seen if the pilots will get to vote on this.


it's obvious that management DOESN'T WANT an agreement. In contrast, ALPA seems to want one AT ALL COSTS!

One more thing. I can't imagine a judge imposing retroactive ANYTHING! This whole concept is a crock, brought about by the ALPA MECs agreement to something similar previously. These guys are really SMART!
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oldiebutgoody said:
it's obvious that management DOESN'T WANT an agreement. In contrast, ALPA seems to want one AT ALL COSTS!

You are correct. Many in ALPA are set on an agreement at all costs.

Recently one of the GAG MEC members indicated that there WILL BE ROAD SHOWS NEXT WEEK. I find this especially telling since there exists no TA for which road shows should be necessary. The NC has not presented a company offer for which the MEC has “tentatively agreedâ€￾ and then, upon agreeing, send out for membership ratification.

In other words, by announcing that ROAD SHOWS will start next week, this MEC member has shown that he has no intention of allowing the ALPA negotiations to proceed according to the by laws and constitution of ALPA. I suppose he doesn’t feel that there is enough time to follow the standard procedures.

But thankfully, since he himself is unwilling to be a blessing, he always finishes his posts with the warning, “Sincerely and God Bless.â€￾


Why doesn't management agree to a retroactive paycut for themselves and go back to when they blew the first round of concessions? This is total bull and seems like a ploy to NOT get an agreement with the pilots. Who in their right mind would vote yes for that? This could set a very bad precedent for all usair employees. For all of the bad things that have been posted about the four pilots who have held firm against the brainwashing in negotiations, these four seem to be the only ones with a backbone who are willing to stand up for their profession.
Welcome to the world of the IAM, we had to "pay" the company back since we did not settle right away during round one of concessions.
700UW said:
Welcome to the world of the IAM, we had to "pay" the company back since we did not settle right away during round once of concessions.

It is amazing isn’t it!

They "management" gets it in their head that the talks should have been settled by May 1st and by God they will see to it that they "have it their way".

I don't know if this management is paving the way to crush the remaining middle class or they are following the footsteps of the ones before them, either way equals pain and suffering for the remaining middle class workers who make them rich.
This is so obscene. Why is ALPA even negotiating right now? Like I said before Hellen Keller would even have figured it out by now: THEY DON"T WANT AN AGREEMENT. The harder ALPA tries, the more outrageous the company's demands. I urge all pilots to vote no and to contact ALPA National. Why? ALPA national has to sign off on any agreement that goes out for ratification. Any agreement coming out of this is surely to be so low that it will surely take down the profession with it. Do you want to be a part of that?
This is all total MADNESS. I agree with a prevoius post, this management team does NOT want agreements. They seem intent on "taking their chances" with a judge. Maybe for all employees that remain,All of you should be thinking the same way. As with the IAM's stance, screw these people!! Don't even talk to them. I even think the IAM should not be talking in relation to them presenting their "cost saving " ideas.F*$# them!!! Let MANAGEMENT figure it out, it's THEIR job!!!! Other than that, let a judge decide your fate!!!!! Hang tough people!! GOOD DAY!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS, I think ALPA national has to step in here. This thing is spinning so out of control that it needs to be stopped. What honor is there in negotiating the profession so low? I am amazed at the number of pilots at this company who have been Captains for over twenty years who have not saved much!! All were counting on their pension. First there was B-Scale, now this. We're hitting a new low here people.
golden1 said:
love your avatars!

Oh, and this retroactive repayment is


I always did say to finish what you started...CROCK-Of_ S**I-T
I am not sure if there is any truth to this new rumor that the pilots have to give back salary to May 1. I would rather quit than give back monies already earned.

I did check out the company's latest offer on the Pilot's only section and I could find nothing that shows a retro effective date. I only "scanned" it over but it did not appear to state any such thing.

So my guess it that is just a rumor about retro active pay... but then again who knows.

The last rumor that has yet to come into the picture is the selling of all the 737's to Fed-ex. That was supposed to be a done deal. It may still be in the process of happening, but so far it hasn't actually happened.

I would bet that someone made a statement that led someone to believe that it was retro active,,, but I just hope not...

As for us... I think this week we hit our bottom line. With a 30% pay cut, being transferred from PIT to possilbely CLT, to be bottom reserve FO on a 737. Is just not worth it. I mean say he would make $60,000, less $10,000 for 401K as there is no longer a retirement, that would leave $50,000 Gross, less taxes and the cost of renting a place, take home would be less that $30,000. For that we would be better off starting over.... That is of course ASSUMING the Company even makes it to October.

Yesterday my sister-in-law asked if she should book her son's flight home from CLT to SEA over Christmas. They ususally fly on U. I had to tell her it would be a long shot and to wait.

As for me I am taking my last non-rev trip this week from PIT to SEA hoping to make it back on Sunday, before the next possible BK filing....

I wish everyone the best. I know my husband just loves to fly planes. It has been an often bummpy road the last 18 years, as he has always been on the bottom of the list. He missed it by just ----------- that much. Oh well, it was a good time whlie it lasted...

One last comment... It is difficult to sore with eagles when you are managed by a bunch of Turkeys and Ego centric Union.

Both are at fault. The ALPA reps who are working on the new contract have all been Captains forever. The fist officer rep is a FO on a 330 and makes $$$ so even at a 30% pay cut he is still well off. They have all made their money and can walk. It is absurb to me they would agree to a 30% paycut rather to improve productivity. Can't they think outside of the box??? What happened to the concept of scheduling all time and only use reserves for true need. What happened to scheduling 8 - 9 hours of hard time each day??? It amazes me is that the union leaders would rather take less money than be more productive. If that is the case, the Company is dommed to fail.. EGO vs the Incompentent management.

Why hasn't the Company taken any of the Mechanic's suggestions??? It does not require a contract change for some things to be more productive...

Can't the Company start Point-to-point flying without contract changes...??? Why don't they do something????

Oh well, I guess it will be up to the judge to decide....


P.S. I am sorry about the spelling...
I did check out the company's latest offer on the Pilot's only section and I could find nothing that shows a retro effective date. I only "scanned" it over but it did not appear to state any such thing.

Perhaps Page 5, under Revisions
WOW, I just went back to the ALPA web page, and sure enough it says pay rates effective 5/01/2004....... on page 5. I guess when I saw it the first time it just didn't click. I was busy looking for the attachment A. Amazing....

Oh it does state a 21% reduction.....Oh isn't that an improvement. .. Whatever happened to 16.5% with productivity improvements, or would that just make more sense...

You know, I have always been one to support a yes vote to do whatever it takes to keep this company going, if not for me there are 28,000 other familes,...

but you know... on this one I think I will support a NO vote 200%. This is just absurb... How do we give back money already spent? Future deductions from our already reduced pay? Is that even leagal??? Something smells really bad....

Why hasn't Chip said something about this??? We all know he is ready to walk, but is he ready to payback....??? Good question.. And are the pilots (ALPA REPS) really putting the best plan forward to keep this Company going, or are they just in it for themselves.???? Or is that just the dark side of people....

I refer to ALPA reps in a different light than the averge joe pilot, or for that matter the pilots that have been Captains for most of their career. Those at the top do not have a clue about those on the bottom.



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