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Mesa Discriminatory?

Light Years is right about U enjoying good relations with the LBGT community in DC. U DID have a GLBT sales rep, but I know that he was moved to some other position. He told me at the time. Maybe they reinstated the position. I know that U has been supportive to GLBT athletic activities in DC and BOS in the past.
I've never heard of any law requiring companies to extend benefits to domestic partners. It's their choice to give them passes or not.

A320 Driver B)
And US Airways does. Why is Mesa Airlines not allowing thier employees to use a benefit that US offers them?

And I guess you've never heard of San Francisco's Equal Partner Benefits Ordinance that forced United Airlines and other companies (along with employee pressure) to offer domestic partner benefits or get out of town in 1996?

Many cities are requiring companies with large government contracts to offer them. I can post some links if you're interested.
Forever burned into my memory banks.

Thank you Light Years.

A320 Driver 😀
A320 Driver said:
I've never heard of any law requiring companies to extend benefits to domestic partners. It's their choice to give them passes or not.

A320 Driver B)
When companies establish policies that offends one group or another, they risk losing their business. Not a wise thing to do when it comes to the G/L communities

They are a very wealthy, saavy group, and have much political clout on Captial Hill. No, not wise at all. Just negative, media attention alone could cripple a company.
Exagony, you say you have no opinion but your post reeks of a disturbing one. Everyone else on the post is discussing this in a business and equal rights context. You, on the other hand, are using terms like "morally corrupt", "offensive", and the best one of all "lifestyle" (as if the elderly gay couple next door to me's "lifestyle" is different than the "straight" couple on the other side- they both take out the garbage on Tuesdays and go to church and mow the lawn on Sunday and go to work- I dont really see anything "alternative" going on ). How come everyone else in the post maintained maturity and respect?

Okay I'll bite. In a business sense Oreinstein owns Mesa. He has every right to implement policies and benefits that he deems fit. Whether its denying employee's partners or saying you can't eat onions at Outbacks. Its his company and HE makes the rules. Although you may disagree with them and his motivations he makes the rules and if you don't like it try to change it or move on in life. I don't think Oreinstein or anyone should be called bigoted just because they don't believe in your lifestyle or morals. You arean even bigger bigot by demanding that everyone see life the way that you do. If you don't like it go out and buy/run your own airline. I do think its a dumb business move but then again look at what he's done and the money he has made and then look at yourself in the mirror. I would argue that he is a much more succesful business man then you and I. You show your hypocracy and lack of respect by not respecting that others have a different and valid point of view on things. I myself could care less if you are black, white, gay, straight what have you. I treat everyone the same until they prove they deserve otherwise. What is disturbing is your lack of maturity to cry out when someone doesn't spout off the pollitically correct mantra that you are looking for. I think that when all the states accept gay marriage and domestic partners than you will have a valid arguement about Oreinstein not letting your partner non rev with you. Until that happens whether you like it or not he sets the policies.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, last time I checked, MESA is a publically traded airline. Ornstien doesn't own the airline like a proprietor of a restuarant. He is beholden to the stake holders and the MESA BOD presents the agenda. Granted, Ornstien does have the responsibility of the day to day operation, but, HE CAN BE OUSTED LIKE ANY OTHER CEO. A constant barrade of bad publicity and light, can invoke the BOD to rid themselves of the CEO.