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Merger Information - watch CNBC

DCAflyer said:
They'll be in C-11 by the end of summer.  Same with AA.

I don't know what you are smoking but there is NO WAY THAT AA will be in Chapter 11 by the end of summer!
In matter of fact,AA will probably earn a SMALL PROFIT for the 2nd and 3rd quarters.
Look at the stock price of AA in the last 60 days and you will see that the money is betting on AA.
Do not lump AA into the same category as Delta who is a major loser because their leadership was too slow to react to the rapidly changing airline business.

AA/TWU, because they are one,was ahead of the other non-BK majors with ILC's.
These concessions have not fixed the airline but have bought AA more time outside of C11 to try to correct some of its problems and remain a viable legacy carrier.[And I voted against the concessions]
So then I guess the UA code share and cooperative agreements for clubs is toast eh?????

How long do you think it will be until they discontinue the UA code share and other agreements? Or could it be a three way code share, like DL/NW/CO?????? Perhaps UA will join at some point??
Art at ISP said:
So then I guess the UA code share and cooperative agreements for clubs is toast eh?????

How long do you think it will be until they discontinue the UA code share and other agreements? Or could it be a three way code share, like DL/NW/CO?????? Perhaps UA will join at some point??

In the announcement did lakefield or parker comment on star alliance
if not I think Usairways needs to put out a statement as to how the merger will affect Star Alliance.

Then again Air Canada did put up some investment in this merger maybe that serves Star interest
Nothing mentioned about Republic or MAA so far? Anyone know the details?
ringmaruf said:
* New airline to provide customers full-service offerings and consumer-friendly pricing structure of a low-cost low-fare carrier *
'Full-service offerings' says to me that Star stays.

among the lowest debt levels of all major airlines *
Huh? Last I saw HP had more long-term debt than every airline, including CO...
I had to bust their little bubble but HP had to LOWER their fares to match Delta's Simplifares levels. HP still has fares above Delta's $499 domestic coach max (as does US). So much for the LCC fare structure.

As I've posted twice on this board today (see also the Delta board), even Wall Street analysts are coming to the conclusion that I said... "Delta management will fight like all get out to prevent another C11 filing." While I think US/HP will be a formidable competitor, every other airline will be doing their best to sink this deal.

I'm happy for you guys at US esp., this is far from the final salvo in this chapter of industry consolidation (and not necessarily the final partner for US). This model could easily be applied to other airlines who wish to merge and have very good potential to integrate their network and eliminate excess and unprofitable capacity. A Delta - United merger comes to mind with Delta as the surviving entity.

You might have missed it, but Delta stockholders voted today to more than double the number of shares Delta is authorized to issue. Hmmm....
Mesa and HP are connected at the hip in PHX...to think otherwise...dream on
I see a whopping total of $150 million in "at risk" equity here. I'm "stunned."

Airbus floats a loan in exchange for future orders.
AC tosses in $75 million, and will probably get all outsourced MX in return.
Air Whiskey plays "money for guaranteed feed profits."

It's also worth noting that these investors get 40+ points of the new stock for this. HP's shareholders get 40. Existing US equity holders get, basically, squat.

I'm _stunned_ that they found 150 million in at risk money. Stunned. Amazed. Astounded.

Shellshocked. That's less "at risk" money that Bronner blew for the entire airline the first time around.
jack mama said:
Nothing mentioned about Republic or MAA so far? Anyone know the details?

I think there is alot of us asking the same question. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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