Maybe if the Pilots and F/A's had not been getting ALL of the pie over the last 50 years, while the Mechanics were strapped with a strength in numbers industrial union, then the mechanics would have felt as if they had something left to give.
The NMB and Federal Govt. screwed them on more than one occasion in their attempts to correct that situation. Once screwed by the NMB, Govt, Company, and Company Union, regardless of the outcome, the mechanic are not going to take the loaf of bread while others take the meat and potatoes.
Truth is, on many flights, it is really the avionics and stystem mechanic that is flying the aircraft anyway (AutoPilot). These fine professionals were just recently acknowledge by the AMFA/NWA P.E.B. presentation and the outcome was for once in the favor of the mechanic without the unskilled in the equation.
Right or Wrong, the UAL Mechanics did not want to be responsible the reversal of such a long fought gain.
Face it, the mechanics are now industry/profession thinkers and protectors, instead of patsy's that protect the unskilled.
The time has come for all mechanics to gather into ONE single union. And that union is non-AFL-CIO AMFA.