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Mechanics to get Hose Again!

On 2/14/2003 5:44:10 PM rampguy wrote:
Wrong again. There is a place to sign for clear ice checks. We could either sign or give our pay # to the captain over the intercom and he would enter OUR #.
Rampguy...eject, eject, eject: The process you describe does not exist and is not permitted under the GPM or the FARs.
Hopeful writes:
"I'm not tooting my horn here, but the non-skilled faction of the airline workers need to understand the importance of the mechanic and what he/she is responsible for."

Yes hopeful, we understand how important you are. We all bow down to you.

"I do not nor have I ever belittled anyone for the career path they chose."

Except for about every post on this thread.

"You're the one who needs to grow up by not making your baggage tossing career out to be more than it actually is."

Especially that quote, it wasn't belittling at all.


Maybe in your mind. To the rest of us, it's the reason you guys make 50% more than us.

"You do not have a license that the FAA can revoke, do you, rampguy?"

Boy you sure waive those tickets around for all to see don't you?

"If there has ever been a better time for mechanics at every airline to seek their own unions and break away from the traditional coattail dragging that rampguy exemplifies, it is here and now."

Now that wasn't belittling either now was it?

"By the way, did you upgrade from pillow fluffing and blanket folding?"

The midnight line mechanics at our station have upgraded from sleeping to watching TV, and reading the paper 5 1/2 hours per night since 7 of them got caught sleeping on a 757 by a CSM one night.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, caught sleeping should be diciplined.

Yes, Rampguy, I have tickets to wave, what do you have?

This whole thing started with you and your deicing responsibilities. YOU DO NOT SIGN THE LOG BOOK! Who do you think you are kidding here with your pompous ramper attitude?

You wanna talk about responsibility?

You rampers truly believe you are irreplaceable, don't you.
You think the company can only contract out maintenance, but not baggage handlers or cabin service.
You're gonna get hose just like everyone else.

Remember the DC10 crash in Chicago? I know one of the mechanics involved in the engine change. He and the other mechanics who were involved were treated like criminals by the public, the families of the passengers and the FAA. You wanna compare YOUR responsibilities to that of a mechanic? Get Real!
Hopeless: Keep waving your license around like a banner. If any other FSC's talk down to you then you know why. You instigate it. You twist everything that is said to make it a negative. This is usually to cover up incompetence on your part. Your a big crybaby. You don't get worshipped. WAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA
Rampguy, what's your #, I'll pull up all the aircraft FMRs to find out where your name and number show up in any log books. The reasons licenses are required is so we are held responsible. We can be held criminally accountable for our work. What about you? If you don't close that cargo door properly, the cockpit annunciator system will alert the captain. If you can't close that door, you call maintenance. I won't waste my time belittling you because most FSCs I know are good workers and don't try to BS others into making there jobs something they aren't. Do you go home and tell your wife that you are more important than an aircraft mechanic?
And since you accused me of twisting everything to make it negative, what about you BSing this board into believing that you sign a log book! Get Real!
And you're right, asswipe, I do wave my license like a banner. The same banner that you and your unskilled cohorts have pulled on to get the wages you now enjoy. How much do you think you can negotiate without us grease monkeys in your union?

For the record, I have never berated anyone for their chosen career paths. But with people like you and their condescending attitudes, I have to make an exception.

You must have realized your great worth when fleet service took over pushbacks and deicing! That must be when you started flexing your muscles. When maintenance was doing those tasks, you probably said,
"what's so difficult about pushing an aircraft back and deicing?" Now that you have those jobs, they are sooooooo important to the operation. I don't recall any FSC being called in on his/her day off to do a tail inspection on an A300 after the crash in Queens! Do you, rampguy? My name is on two of those A300's for having accomplished the B.O.W. God forbid something tragic happens, I get the phone call and have to start defending myself. Do you have to worry rampguy?
Hopefull...save your breath..the majority of the public and the crumb pickers have no clue of our duties and responsabilities.
They only notice us when we dont have a wrench in our hands, but are blind when we are saving their behinds.
willnotworkforfree: WELL SAID! I will heed your advice and let rampguy and his sorts bask in their glory...it will be short lived!
Hey, you admit my job is responsible! Good start bagsmasher! I tell you what! When we are all out of work, let's apply for the same job! You know the one? The one that says strong mechanical ability and strong trouble shooting skills!
"Yes, Rampguy, I have tickets to wave, what do you have?"

He has nothing since he isn't an almighty mechanic.

"This whole thing started with you and your deicing responsibilities. YOU DO NOT SIGN THE LOG BOOK!"

I believe ramp guy was from TWA. I'm not sure what he meant. At AA, we do not sign the logbook, but by golly, we sure wish we could! Then pilots might mistake us for mechanics! Wouldn't that be wonderful! We all want to mechanics, don't we?

"Who do you think you are kidding here with your pompous ramper attitude?"

Who has the pompous attitude here? A lowly ramper, or a mechanic who thinks he is God because he signs the logbook?

"You wanna talk about responsibility?"

Not really, but it appears you do, so go for it.

"You rampers truly believe you are irreplaceable, don't you."

Yes, we believe that, in your tiny little mind.

"You think the company can only contract out maintenance, but not baggage handlers or cabin service."

If you compare us to WN, who AA would like to become more like, yes they contract out heavy maintance, but not their ramp.

"You're gonna get hose just like everyone else."

We've already seen far layoffs on the Fleet Service side, so I'd bet you are right.

"Remember the DC10 crash in Chicago? I know one of the mechanics involved in the engine change. He and the other mechanics who were involved were treated like criminals by the public, the families of the passengers and the FAA. You wanna compare YOUR responsibilities to that of a mechanic? Get Real!"

No we could never compare to an almighty mechanic like you.
Also you guys cry that we are "riding your coattails." That no longer holds water. The TWU separated you guys, and the Title 1 contract was negoiated completely seperate on this last contract. We did get a good contract, but WN's pays more, now it will be a lot more with these concessions. You will continue to cry the "coattails" thing until you vote AMFA in. This will never happen.
Bagsmasher: All that rhetoric and you still haven't described all your worth and responsibility! The days of paying the unskilled skilled wages are drawing to an end!
"Bagsmasher: All that rhetoric and you still haven't described all your worth and responsibility!"

I don't have to describe my worth and responsibility to you. It would be a waste of time, seeing how you view us anyway.

"The days of paying the unskilled skilled wages are drawing to an end!"

First of all, we don't make what you do, we make 50% less.
Secondly, we don't get paid any more than other rampers in the industry.
Thirdly, AMR may go under, or outsource us all. I will probably have an easier time replacing my $22/hr job, than you will have replacing your $35/hr job.

I don't care how important your job is, your condescending attitude makes me sick.
"Hey, you admit my job is responsible! Good start bagsmasher! I tell you what! When we are all out of work, let's apply for the same job! You know the one? The one that says strong mechanical ability and strong trouble shooting skills!"

When are you going to figure out that we don't all want to become mechanics? We don't. Quit flattering yourself.
I for one am glad that I am getting out of this airline business.

One more thing in the food for thought catagory directed at the ramp types out there who are so eager to bash the mechanics: What kind of marketable skills do you have to show if you were to be laid off?

"One more thing in the food for thought catagory directed at the ramp types out there who are so eager to bash the mechanics: What kind of marketable skills do you have to show if you were to be laid off?"

No one here is bashing mechanics, hopeful is doing the bashing.

hopeful writes:
"The days of paying the unskilled skilled wages are drawing to an end!"

Obviously he thinks anyone who doesn't have an A&P license is worthless, and are being overpaid. I guess he would also think that the agents are also overpaid since they have always earned about the same hourly as the FSC's. Maybe he would be happy if the rest of us made minumum wage, and mechanics made $100k. Then after a repair was done, the agents and FSC's could gather around and cheer as hopeful signed the logbook.

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