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Mech Layoffs

March 21, 2003

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

On March 19, United announced they would invoke provisions of the collective bargaining agreement to shut down the Indianapolis Maintenance Base, placing all IAM-represented employees there on temporary ‘no pay’ status. The carrier indicated other locations could follow.

Based on the circumstances and the rarely used contract language cited to justify this extreme measure, IAM attorneys and representatives will seek an injunction preventing this action by United.

Our position in court will be supported by grievances filed on behalf of all employees threatened with the loss of valuable contractual protections regarding severance pay, seniority protection and relocation benefits.

In solidarity,

Scotty Ford
President and General Chairman
IAM District 141-M

Good luck, Scotty...if you and RP don''t bring us a deal within the next 15 days, Judge Wedoff will insert your injunction AND our contract into the document shredder. BTW, how are things going over at Hawaiian Airlines these days....
On 3/21/2003 1:49:21 PM ual747mech wrote:

On 3/20/2003 11:48:28 PM UAL_TECH wrote:


Indy is gone, Oakland is next.
Everything is collapsing back to SFO.

Take Care,


That''s what the company is proposing. I think Oakland might be saved though



We can always hope, but in reality, none of us are safe.

Good Luck to us ''ALL''!!!

Take Care,

The reason Indy is closing is because it is costing the company millions of dollars in fines for not being able to staff it per the agreement with the city or the state. We do have a contract to prevent the company from closing or selling any of our three maintenance bases and that''s the only reason why Indy is still open. With the war going on and the company in bankruptcy the company will use those as a tool to close any maintenance base they feel is not needed. Legally they have the right to do that per the CBA under the act of war and other circumstances. I feel Oakland has a good chance of staying open because SFO will be crowded once they move all the maintenance, except for overhaul, from Indy to SFO. Also, I think the company is getting incentives from the city of Oakland after 9/11 to keep the base open. The city of Indy and the state would like to keep the base open as well but it''s not cost-effective for the company. Depending on how many maintenance that''s going to be done in house after the dust settles, Oakland might be closing too.

"There''s the latest according to my crystal ball."

Take Care.

What is interesting is the absence of UAL management fallback to SFO. Is UAL going to paint a ''starfish'' on the side of the Indy hangers or sell it off (including management staff) to Raytheon LCC, and/or Timco? I also understand that EADS and/or Heico may be interested in the property, as it is perfect to do hmv for scarebus.

Guess we will find out these answers on 1 May.

Take Care,
Sorry to hear about this! Unfortunatly We at AA will probably be going thru the same thing soon!
On 3/23/2003 11:59:59 AM ual747mech wrote:


T ; We do have a contract to prevent the company from closing or selling any of our three maintenance bases and that''s the only reason why Indy is still open.
excuse me,but during BK all bets are off regarding contracts.everything on the table is subject to change.​
On 3/22/2003 5:34:32 PM crossfeed wrote:

As of now looks like Oakland will be operating till June with out the forced ANP (except for 38 people). This is my prediction which is probably wrong, and pilots, FA.... reading this could really care less.


Crossfeed: sadly many people, from whatever group could care less if someone else is laid off, as long as it''s not them. But as a pilot who has been furloughed before, on my 3rd airline, my heart goes out to anybody with a family, from any group who looses their job. It kills me to see the wholesale slaughter of labor by any management in any industry. Good luck to all, I may be joining you on the unemployment line, with my head held high, in the very near term.

Denver, CO
On 3/25/2003 7:56:09 AM delldude wrote:

On 3/23/2003 11:59:59 AM ual747mech wrote:


T ; We do have a contract to prevent the company from closing or selling any of our three maintenance bases and that's the only reason why Indy is still open.
excuse me,but during BK all bets are off regarding contracts.everything on the table is subject to change.​


That's what I said Bubba!!! Here's my post once again: "We do have a contract to prevent the company from closing or selling any of our three maintenance bases and that's the only reason why Indy is still open. With the war going on and the company in bankruptcy the company will use those as a tool to close any maintenance base they feel is not needed. Legally, they have the right to do that per the CBA under the act of war and other circumstances."
On 3/23/2003 10:28:43 PM UAL_TECH wrote:


What is interesting is the absence of UAL management fallback to SFO. Is UAL going to paint a ''starfish'' on the side of the Indy hangers or sell it off (including management staff) to Raytheon LCC, and/or Timco? I also understand that EADS and/or Heico may be interested in the property, as it is perfect to do hmv for scarebus.

Guess we will find out these answers on 1 May.

Take Care,


I heard only 1 line from Indy will be going to SFO, everything else will be farmed out. Looks like Oakland will be shutting down if that''s the case because there''s going to be a lot of room in SFO.
On 3/25/2003 7:14:04 PM DB Cooper wrote:

Invoking Force Majeure will enable UA management to systematically deviate from the CBA. AMFA has already filed a grievance at NWA challenging the layoff of 2,000 AMT's. http://biz.yahoo.com/rc/030325/airlines_layoffs_1.html

Looks like AMFA will not see any result for a long time. Their grievance after 9/11 layoff is still pending.

"We'll probably wind up in court to fight it," said O.V. Delle-Femine, national director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, which represents 13,400 workers at Northwest Airlines. In fact, a lawsuit the union filed on behalf of 600 workers fired after Sept. 11 is still pending, Delle-Femine said.

I heard only 1 line from Indy will be going to SFO, everything else will be farmed out. Looks like Oakland will be shutting down if that''s the case because there''s going to be a lot of room in SFO.

Looks so... right. See you soon, If I am around???
Good Luck, and watch your back!!!
Take Care,
On 3/30/2003 7:32:08 PM UAL_TECH wrote:

Good Luck, and watch your back!!!
Take Care,


You do the same bud!! Thx.

Looks like they may be laying off to 89 (not sure the month), once the language is changed in the contract. I was hired to do overhauls during the late 80''s, so this makes a lot of since with the reduction in the size of the mainline, elimination of push backs, and elimination of overhauls, 777,747,757,737,727,DC-10... Side note, we had 777 seats sent to a OSV in Los Angeles during our LAST overhaul visit, one of our inspectors went down to over see the work, he stated they pay minimum wage, and they get the job done, hard to compete with that pay. A lot of back shop jobs maybe farmed out in the near future, if not most? I would like to see UAL survive, with all these cuts they might, not sure if I will be there though?

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