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ANP for AMT''s at Indy

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DB Cooper

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Seat 18C
March 20, 2003

To District 141-M Members Employed at United Airlines:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

United Airlines today notified District 141-M that as a result of the commencing of war in Iraq, the airline intends to place members at the Indianapolis Maintenance Facility on Authorized No Pay (ANP) status in two phases:

Phase I: March 25 – 468 mechanics
Phase II: April 15 – all remaining mechanics

United advised that it would begin recalling members from leave on June 15, 2003 with all remaining members returning to duty on August 15, 2003.

Additionally, the Company is reviewing its system-wide operation and additional temporary leaves are possible.

Furthermore, United will be reducing its active fleet on April 1, 2003 by seven 737s, ten 757s and four 777s.

District 141-M recognizes the additional hardships that war brings to the entire industry, but we feel the problems would be better addressed through consensual, ratified agreements than knee-jerk reactions to each emerging crisis.

District 141-M is reviewing United’s actions with our legal advisors and we will advise the membership of any new developments.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Scotty Ford
President and General Chairman
IAM District 141-M

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