[P class=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN class=bodyfont][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma][FONT color=#000000]On 11/29/2002 7:29:24 AM sastal wrote: [/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=bodyfont]One day, an A320 pilot compared his level of preparation and expertise as an aviator to that of a Doctor of Philosophy -- one of the most idiotic things I had ever heard! The man obviously has no understanding of the title, and needs, among other things, an introduction to the amount of research involved in earning such a prestigious degree.[/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]MANCITYFAN[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Nah, I think you are missing the point! It is not always about the intelligence or depth of research, but sometimes it is about the TIME. The length of time it takes to become a major airline Captain is FAR greater than that to receive a Ph.D. Believe me, I know! Having done much of the work towards and contemplated the latter, and already accomplished the former, I know which is harder, and which has the economic payoff (or did!).[/SPAN][BR][BR][STRONG]You are comparing becoming a captain, not becoming a pilot, to becoming a Doctor of Philosophy. Just like the captain I mentioned did, you are comparing apples to oranges. By flying your plane across the Atlantic or Pacific, you are not contributing to the body of knowledge in your field, much less to the canon of commercial aviation (figuratively speaking). If you want to compare a PhD to a captain with your absurd argument, then I should note that you have left out a small detail around which the life of every professor revolves. It is called tenure, and at times one can wait for more than a decade to obtain it, if at all. Which is harder? Intellectually speaking, the Doctorate, naturally. It is uncanny how pilots in the majors all sound the same, especially when it comes to stressing economic payoff. [/STRONG][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=bodyfont]SASTAL[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Nonetheless, a college degree has no bearing on a pilot's salary and it is not even a requirement to become a pilot, although it is preferred. Everyone has a B.A. or B.S. today; it is a necessity if one wants a decent-paying job.[/SPAN][BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]MANCITYFAN[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Once again, you missed the mark. A college degree DOES have a bearing on a pilots salary, as no college degree means no major airline job, which means a commuter job or other, which is usually much less lucrative over time. ANd, while the FAA does not require a degree, the airlines usually DO, especially in the tight markets we will face for the foreseeable future.[/SPAN][BR][BR][STRONG]So the degree has a bearing on a pilot's salary --great. However, read my text: I did not say that a college degree is not a requirement to become a major-airline pilot. Clearly, you missed the mark.[/STRONG][/FONT][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=bodyfont]SASTAL[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]The reason why pilots in the U.S. are paid so much is that they have a very strong union that literally shuts airlines down if it does not get what it wants (e.g. Contract 2000). There are pilots in other countries who are just as skilled in flying Boeing aircraft, and they are paid one third of what American pilots are paid. And if these pilots decided to shut down a company's operation, management would simply turn around and hire people from other nations (e.g. Alitalia with Varig and Quantas in 1993).[/SPAN][BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]MANCITYFAN[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Replace pilot with ANY job in this country and the paragraph is the same! What's the point? The standard of living of pilots is FALLING. Has been for over a decade now. Even the pilot hating WSJ agrees! People live in other parts of the world on $100 per month. Would THAT suffice?![/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]However, as usual, you have taken your warped sense of reality just a hair too far. If you think that ALPA National (or the laws of the US!) will EVER allow an airline like UAL to fire all the pilots and replace them with low priced foreign nationals, then you have been reading too many comics![/SPAN][BR][BR][STRONG]My statement refers to foreign pilots, not American ones, and foreign airlines, not U.S. ones. Where in my text do you read that my scenario applies to United or any other American airline? Have I mentioned ALPA? U.S. laws? I am beginning to worry about your reading-comprehension skills.[/STRONG][/FONT][BR][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=bodyfont]SASTAL[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Please don't give me the whole we have responsibility excuse. Certainly, a pilot's job entails that, but it does not warrant the kind of remuneration pilots enjoy. U.S. pilots should consider themselves very lucky and overpaid for the work that they do and for the amount of time that they work.[/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]MANCITYFAN[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Ooops, did I miss where contracts and standards of living are now determined by the Grand Poobah Of Sastal? Lucky, overpaid, underworked. I think you covered the Holy Trinity of Pilot Bashing...well done! Do you have anything remotely intelligent or original to say or are we back to the old diatribes? [/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]How much do you pay for a cab ride from JFK to LGA? $28, I think it is! How much do you tip the cabbie? $3? $4?[/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]How much do you pay the Captain of a 737 to fly you from ORD to LGA? $100? $75? $50? $25? $10? $5? Try $4.33 INCLUDING benefits, retirement, health insurance and all those other industry-crippling costs. Perhaps you would prefer the rate for a 350 seat 747 to HKG? $16.41 per passenger for a 16 hour flight, about A BUCK AN HOUR! Oh, CRIPPLING the airline industry those salaries are![/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]The FACTS are not quite so easy to dismiss, especially when you realize you paid more for the Starbucks and the newspaper before you got on the flight than you did for that overpaid, fatcat of a Captain to fly you from ORD to LGA this morning![/SPAN][BR][BR][STRONG]Funny, and I mean it. What is this, though? Mancroeconomics?[/STRONG][/FONT][BR][BR][BR][FONT color=#000000][SPAN class=bodyfont]SASTAL[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]With that said, I think the mechanics really screwed this one up. I better start saving United paraphernalia for nostalgia's sake. [/SPAN][BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]MANCITYFAN[/SPAN][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Oh yeah, I forgot this was all about the mechanics and how they basically voted to bankrupt the company. What was all that stuff about the pilots again? $2.2BILLION of the $5.3 Billion in concessions? 20% cuts in pay and retirement? Giving up another 600 jobs? Agreeing to park another sh!tload of airplanes? Giving up ALL contract grievances filed based on Contract2000 abrogations? Giving up contractual pay protections? Giving up no furlough clause? Giving up scope clause and allowing UAX carriers to fly more RJs than were ever possible under C2K? Yeah, but what have they done for me LATELY?![/SPAN][BR][BR][STRONG]What I wrote is called a non sequitur. I suggest you look up the term in the lexicon. Mancity, keep doing what you do best, which is to fly airplanes. Don't play Alan Greenspan or captain of the debate team.[/STRONG][SPAN class=bodyfont] [/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]Over and Out![/SPAN][BR][BR][SPAN class=bodyfont]mancityfan[?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com😱ffice😱ffice /][o😛][/o😛][/SPAN][/FONT][/SPAN][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]
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[P class=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN class=bodyfont][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma][FONT color=#000000]sastal[/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN][o😛][/o😛][/P]
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[P class=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt][SPAN class=bodyfont][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma][FONT color=#000000]sastal[/FONT][/SPAN][/SPAN][o😛][/o😛][/P]