Mec President Resigns Early

I understand that Teddy didn't accept the deal that Glass offered her, however, would that not have been a great time to let people know of the offer. Maybe she was thinking over whether to take the deal or not. I don't know. Or maybe she should have tried to get the same deal for the other F/A's who where in the same boat as her. Just an idea.
EyeInTheSky said:
PineyBob, the scary thing is how much more damage WILL this person inflict upon US Airways before he leaves? If I were management in Tempe, I'd be watching this one closely. IMHO, nothing short of a public apology and his subsequent firing will right this wrong.
I wonder if Doug answers emails? Dunno, but Lime Boy and I are about to find out.......
N109UW said:
I understand that Teddy didn't accept the deal that Glass offered her, however, would that not have been a great time to let people know of the offer. Maybe she was thinking over whether to take the deal or not. I don't know. Or maybe she should have tried to get the same deal for the other F/A's who where in the same boat as her. Just an idea.

I understand your point, but I place it in this context.

You have one person, putting in a lot of hours, feeling the responsibilty of thousands of members. The issues are many, and they all are landing in her lap.

From the actions of the other LEC's, I doubt Teddy was getting all of the support she needed.

So here floats this offer (a win - win for the company; if she takes it, they are rid of her, if she doesn't, maybe they can smear her). If Teddy were acting on her interests, she would have taken it immediately.

Evidently, she assigned little value to the offer, as she stayed in place, working her butt off, even with a recall effort nipping at her heels. Surely while that was going down, if Teddy was self-dealing, at that point she would have taken the offer.

Now, should she have disclosed it? In hindsight, it would have avoided this ruckus for sure.

But a lapse in judgement is the worst you can call it, and in the context I described, understandable. If this is recall-worthy, there'd be no one manning the offices of IAM, ALPA or AFA.

I have been under less pressure and made bigger mistakes myself.
PineyBob said:
Nice to see another objective clear thinking person here. All you have to do is look at who is squealing loudest or acting in a petty and vindictive way to see the picture clearly.

One minor point of disagreement however. My research and supporting evidence suggests that Mr. Glass was/is NOT the instigator of this latest episode. Yes he will be the benefactor.

Dio, just a case of right church, wrong pew it appears, but otherwise great post. Glad we're on the same side on this one.

Thanks Bob, I think we both call BS when we step in it! ;)

I mention Glass because he signed the offer, and while someone else may have leaked it, I have my doubts JG didn't know about it.

If they had put half the energy into running an airline that they did screwing the customers and employees, WN would be begging for mercy!
N109UW said:
I understand that Teddy didn't accept the deal that Glass offered her, however, would that not have been a great time to let people know of the offer. Maybe she was thinking over whether to take the deal or not. I don't know. Or maybe she should have tried to get the same deal for the other F/A's who where in the same boat as her. Just an idea.

You seem like a reasonable guy so please take this in the spirit in which it is meant...but why do you believe this all this crap?

Even if I were unaware of Teddy’s proven loyalty to her members, I would still need some answers before I’d give any credence to what Laura and others like her have to say like:

1. Why is the PHL VP more willing to bury a fellow “Union Member†than to reveal her “Management Source?â€

2. Who in management took it upon themselves to dig up this info, hold on to it for several months and have a close enough connection with the PHL local to trust that their identity would remain protected?

3. Why now? Why would someone do this at this particular time and for what purpose? Teddy is gone in 3-months and this letter will not get her gone any sooner. Even though Teddy has resigned as the MECP, she is STILL the LECP in PIT and is MORE Dangerous and a WHOLE LOT LESS tempered when just acting as the rep for the Pro-Union PIT domicile than when she had to represent ALL bases (north AND south) as the MECP. Why didn't this letter come out when CLT, PHL and DCA were trying to recall Teddy earlier this month?

4. Why would someone of Teddy’s moral fiber barter herself for a few measly interline passes? Why would she go through this hell for something she has NEVER once had the need to use in her almost 25-years of service? Interline passes are no big deal. Why not ask for continuous medical or an early retirement or no social security offset or cash or even a McDonalds Happy Meal Gift certificate? All are much more valuable than Interline Passes especially if you've never had the call to use even one in the last 24+ years. Makes no sense to me and I do not trust nonsensical BS.

5. Why is Laura (PHL Pres) thumping her chest over the fact that Teddy did not tell her or Terry (PHL VP) about the letter? Are they looking for any excuse to smear Teddy? There is not a single reason Teddy would need to mention a 4/5 month old letter to either Laura or Terry. Laura was not in office 4 or 5 months ago and Terry is not a member of the MEC. Did either of them pick up the phone and call all of the folks who were in office at that time? Did they ask the MEC VP or the previous MEC Sec? NO, they did not, they just went off half-cocked demanding a resignation when they had nothing more than an unsupported fax to wave around. They ASS-U-MEd that because “They†were not told it must mean Teddy was hiding something or doing something wrong. Truth is, Teddy did tell several folks on the MEC of Jerry’s offer and no one went nuts because it was a NON-ISSUE. Just because certain folks want to blow it out of proportion now does not mean it ever held any validity. Teddy along with members of the MEC were well aware that management wanted Teddy gone they also knew that, that desire could possibly be used to help obtain some improvements for the flight attendants. Teddy has managed to accomplish a lot for the flight attendants by dangling management on a string. Sadly, now because of the ‘Three Stooges’ much of what Teddy was working on and close to obtaining will most likely fall by the wayside.

6. What is Laura trying to accomplish? Laura has been in office LESS than two months and has done NOTHING but cause hate, discontent, division and embarrassment to AFA. Has Laura been offered something in return for all the chaos and division she has been causing?

Management wants Teddy gone because she is an effective advocate for her members. Management cringes each time Teddy gets in front of a TV camera and this letter will not stop or slow her down one little bit. Management could not gag her, they could not control her and they could NOT buy her. This is all crap spewed by the PHL Loco. Someone in Management saw that they could use their connection with the new PHL officers and have been VERY busy ever since “working†that angle to accomplish the division that they were not able to accomplish prior to Laura taking office. They used the “PHL Loco†to do their dirty work. Why? Because it was sooooo easy.
Blah, blah, blah

If you weren't a Teddy supporter, you'd be singing a different song.

If you get an offer that you aren't contractually entitled to, you have a moral and ethical obligation to reject it. You act like poor Teddy is the only MEC President in history that didn't have 100% support of the LEC Presidents. Get real - it's politics and in all the time I've been here, I've never seen that kind of support for any MEC President.
Twicebaked said:
Does anyone know how to get ahold of Pat Friend at AFA International? This is NOT going to be swept under the rug.

You can contact Pat at
However, just an FYI, she wants to see this all go away. Several members have e-mailed her asking for an investigation and even called and talked to the AFA attorney. Pat doesn't want to deal with this.

Butt out of our business. This does not invove you. You are just another PAX to the company. This matter will be forgotten soon. It is time to move on and focus on the merger.
Point 5 reveals the truth. The folks making this an issue weren't in office when the proffer was made, and disclosure WAS MADE to the folks in office at the time.

This whole deal is another Palace smear campaign, with fellow travelers in the current MEC.

Point 6 goes to an issue I have raised before. Do any of the actors in this coup have ties to Al? I'd bet the farm someone does.

Thanks for the info, abonny.
Industry Observer said:
Butt out of our business. This does not invove you. You are just another PAX to the company. This matter will be forgotten soon. It is time to move on and focus on the merger.

Sorry, sparky. I've personally expressed my displeasure with the leak and the treatment of employee data to your new bosses (since why do I trust CCY with customer data if they leak employee data on a vendetta?).

You guys get to deal with Teddy as the LECP for another few months. This customer is not going to let the new masters forget--if for no other reason to drive the remaining vestiges of idiot from the management ranks as quickly as possible.
Your asking Piney to mind his own business? :lol: :lol: AHAHAHAHAHA.........uhhhhhhhg I about spit out my coffee. Won't happen. Don't get him started on his PAX vs. Customer will just get a whole diatribe we can all be spared.
Industry Observer said:

Butt out of our business. This does not invove you. You are just another PAX to the company. This matter will be forgotten soon. It is time to move on and focus on the merger.

Not logical.

U is a publically traded company (well, until the Palace ran it into BK - twice!) selling services to the public.

U is accountable to agencies (FAA, DOT, SEC, etc.) that act on the public's behalf.

Seems to me the public has a say.

If you want it to be private, pony up the $$$$'s and take it private.
Industry Observer said:

Butt out of our business. This does not invove you. You are just another PAX to the company. This matter will be forgotten soon. It is time to move on and focus on the merger.

Sorry Sparky,

Not gonna happen with me either. True I am just a customer...and the union infighting is NOT my business or my fight. But you forget that we customers pay the bills, and the apparent conduct of one of the senior officers certainly IS our business. As a member of the law abiding public, when the appearance is that one in a senior management position of a company to whom I give tens of thousands of dollars a year in business has broken the law just to get back at someone, it becomes my business.

And besides, who the heck are YOU to tell me or any of my fellow customers what to butt out of?

Tell you what why don't you deal with the situation in a legal and above board manner, and stop caring about what your customers think? You never cared before regarding things that really matter.......

I am normally a quiet guy, but you drew me out on this one pal.....

I hope that the responsible party is identified, terminated and dealt with to the maximum extent of the law...

To the rank and file at Airways, my sincere best.
PineyBob said:
Now there's a surprise! NOT! I remain as unimpressed with Ms Friend I was was the first time I saw her on Television some time ago.

Hey Pat why not get up off your assets and try doing the right thing instead of taking the path of least resistance. I mean c'mon the rank & file pay your salary how about stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing?

The treachery of US executives in colussion with certain AFA officials needs to be ferretted out and dealt with. Otherwise how long before those same nefarious & Treacherous folks come after YOU?? As Teddy found out, NO ONE is immune from the forces that seek to profit from anothers effort. In other Words Ms Friend if they got Teddy they can get you.


They did NOT get Teddy. Teddy resigned because she could no longer be effective as the MECP while the MEC is in this turmoil and focused on nothing but crap or their self interest.

How can you fight FOR your flight attendants when the flight attendants elected representatives can focus on nothing else but destroying your efforts?

Teddy did the right thing. The AFA MEC is in a complete nose dive and Teddy has too mujch to do prior to leaving to spend all her time pulling their knives out of her back.

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