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Mda E170 Incident


May 9, 2004
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Anyone know about a MDA E170 experiencing an incident on landing at IAH recently? Another website has photos of one with the main wheels/tires ground off to stubs.

Similar incident with USAirways mainline A320 in FLL a while back.
I've seen the pics, but don't know exactly what happened. Heard they landed with the parking break on?????? Is that possible.
if the system is like the -145 then yes, it's possible. COEX did it once.
I thought I heard something about it from a mechanic recently. Supposedly they called up the MX in PHL to see if any of them wanted to go down there and fix it. That's the last I heard of it though. Anyone know the aicraft #?
they left the parking brakes on while landing. freakin retards. i really hope it was the republic guys and not one of our original mda guys. must have scared the living crap out of them. somebody is losing their job for this one.
The Flight Attendants reported that it felt like an incredibly rough landing.

They didn't have to prepare the cabin or anything. The slides were not deployed but they did deplane via airstairs on the tarmac and transported to the airport by bus.
And it happened AUG 15th....

So let's not try and make this an MDA / Republic issue.
MarkMyWords said:
And it happened AUG 15th....

So let's not try and make this an MDA / Republic issue.

Wow. I can't believe we didn't hear about this sooner.
Jonnyd said:
I thought I heard something about it from a mechanic recently. Supposedly they called up the MX in PHL to see if any of them wanted to go down there and fix it. That's the last I heard of it though. Anyone know the aicraft #?
:down: Yeah, they should have sent one of the recently hired $23.00 an hour non schooled temps to fix it. THREE MINUTES LEFT IN THE 4TH QTR. FRANK UR NOT GETTING ANY DUES FROM MAA MECHS. GUESS THE COMPANY HAS TO FIRE US OR PAY OUR DUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
The incident was an MDA crew. All information was gathered, an investigation has taken place, and no wrong doing was placed on the crew.

The Embraer 170/190 has had a problem with the breaks becoming pressurized with the handle not in the "set" position. There is no way to know for sure, but it has happened on other aircraft during ground ops that the parking break would not release with the brake handle in the stowed position.


etops1 said:
they left the parking brakes on while landing. freakin retards. i really hope it was the republic guys and not one of our original mda guys. must have scared the living crap out of them. somebody is losing their job for this one.
Thank you Etops, you should be working for the NTSB with your great analysis.Were you there? Do you know what happened, how it happened or why it happened? We had a F100 land in ORD years back. They landed and found they had no brakes and no reverse. This all due to a faulty squat switch on the landing gear. I suppose those pilots were retards as well in your book. Instead of name calling, let the investigation play out and lets see what really went wrong.

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