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Mechanical Glitch Forces Return Of Plane

While that was not the point of my comment, I will entertain your response.

I did not point out that it went from MCO to CLT, but it DID get ferried to CLT. So what part of my statement is "far from correct"?

I also did not state that the aircraft was test flown several times after CLT made repairs and the aircraft failed the test flights.

I read your reply to my post again and don't see where I was far from correct in anything I posted.

I hope your not going to respond like 700UW.
The article mentions 49 passengers and a single F/A, so its assumedly an RJ. As usual its a "US Airways plane" although it's operated by someone else.

I know as crewmembers we look at this as, whoo-hoo, a cabin prep. Of course its scary, but the press always likes to find the most frightened person on the aircraft, preferably a priest, promising student, or pregnant woman. 🙄 Then they throw in refrences to 9-11 (one of the biggest tragedies in the nations history and a flight returning to the airport where the passengers have to do the brace position as a precaution, um, ok).

Remember last year when a US Airways flight to Ireland had some sort of minor problem, and the Irish press's rendering of the rather routine diversion. The newspaper had a gripping story filled with panicked crew opening doors and windows over the ocean to let out smoke and fire. 😱 And oh yeah, the "air hostesses" begging passengers for help in what to do (in reality briefing the previously chosen able bodied passengers on exit operation and crowd control in the event they become incapacitated).

Shirley, to answer your question I've had a few minor incidents and have never seen anyone freak out, looks of concern, yes, but certainly no sobbing, prayer circles, or unneccesaary cell phone use. I've had people freak out more over duplicate seats, lack of coffee, and not recieving a fantasy special meal.

Even pre-9/11, the US public in general, while a difficult, condescending, and sometimes violent bunch towards cabin crew members normally, seem to be pretty calm and attentive during emergencies. You dont hear of American (the country, not the airline) flight attendants that don't know what they are doing in an emergency situation.

Thats when folks suddenly are thankful for those seasoned, professional F/As... Not to bash our foriegn peers, but I remember the Singapore Airlines crash in Taiwan a couple of years ago, and the survivors talking about the flight attendants. They said they never said a word the whole time, didnt brief anyone, and apparently the passengers (!) struggled to figure out how to operate the doors. I remember them saying they were all "so young and timid" and not to mention that they were wearing a sarong or sari or whatever they make those girls wear. I know I'd much prefer to have a highly trained U.S. F/A in a drab but sensible uniform than a Singapore Girl in a silk hanky that can shine my shoes but isnt much help in an emergency. 🙄
The a/c involved was a ERJ with 50 pax onboard. Dest. DCA.... Shortly after take off a light came on with a landing gear warning. The a/c returned to CHS with out any problems. Once the a/c got back to the gate all passenger deplaned.... not ONE paerson was crying... I know this for a fact since I was the one that met the flight. It took Delta contract maint. 1.5 hrs to repair the bad switch. Most passenger were grounded to CAE, over nighted and flown out the next day. The reason for this was no seat avail out of CHS until Today. The flight departed CHS at 7:50; 3 hrs late......

That was big of you to accept the responsibility. I really hope that two of your PIT peers in particular are willing to do the same.

And how about delldude and E-TRONS, both of whom seemed perfectly willing to jump to the MAE conclusion without the facts, then magically disappeared when things didn't go their way? <_<
Lets please stick to the original topic of the thread which was the CHS flight. If you want to debate other aircraft, please start a new thread. Thanks.
mweiss said:

That was big of you to accept the responsibility. I really hope that two of your PIT peers in particular are willing to do the same.

And how about delldude and E-TRONS, both of whom seemed perfectly willing to jump to the MAE conclusion without the facts, then magically disappeared when things didn't go their way? <_<
hey dude...i only posed a query as to which a/c it was as it wasn't mentioned....you got a problem with that dude?
you can cordially KMA.... 😉
(KEEP ME ADVISED) if you wish to rat me out.... :lol:
Was it operated by Mesa or PSA?....My guess would be Mesa.

I believe that StatioRat said that they were the one to greet the flight in CHS and it was operated by CHQ.
NOT a Mesa flight?.......bummer. Oh well, there's plenty of bashing being done on other threads....sorry to dissapoint you Mesa-bashers here!!!
MWEISS: I'm still here. Nothing magic about that.

I was enjoying some "Exponential sarcasm" with Delldude and YOU jumped in and automatically applied it to this incident......did you not <_< ?

I never mentioned MAE worked on this particular aircraft......Nope not me!! I was generally speaking my thoughts on MAE and their past performance with UAIR aircraft. If they did stuff for FREE I still WOULD NOT send it there :down:

You need to talk to some insiders at 3rd party shops like Timco and MAE. It will open your eyes as well as your mouth. Until such time, let's leave the criticisms to those in the know 😛 😛

Oh, BTW, RJ's are NOT worked by the mainline base maintenance department. Oh yeah....you already know that :huh:
Yup, I do. And if I weren't so focused on the MAE comments I probably would have said something about that sooner.

But I guess I misinterpreted your comments, so I apologize for painting you with the same brush as the two PIT maintenance guys.
PINEY: The MAJOR difference between MAE and the list you posted is that none of those companies are currently a direct threat to UAIR mechanics careers!! And if they were a threat to ANY american worker's employment you can bet your tootsie pop that I would boycott them all :down: . It's all for the sake of what's right is right.......justice in the workplace:up:

BTW, You forgot to mention Walmart......#1 importer from China 😛 !!!

MALLWART is more like it :lol:
Since last saturday 3 CHQ ERJ's have returned to CHS with landing gear indicator malfunctions:

A/C - JBA - 4/17
JRG - /18
JRD - /22

and as a sideline, during a personal trip a couple of weeks ago an ERJ (don't know whether MESA or CHQ) had to abort the takeoff roll due to another indication.

Thank God for Boeing.