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American plane loses panel in flight, flies to Paris

Check the numbers on the last custom sticker applied to the A/C bay door.
Half of it should be left on the fillet panel.
While the pictures are very dramatic there
was no danger to the airplane or crew.

And if the right pack panel was left closed before they took the picture half the people out there wouldnt know anything was wrong. We legally dispatch aircraft with fairings and panels missing quite often.
Customs officials have been caught opening and closing this very same panel more then once. This situation has been brought to the attention of local management to no avail.
A customs security sticker is not going to hold a 3'*6' panel closed in flight. In any case the latches on a pack bay door may apear to be flush but not physically locked.
No, actually, it was sarcasm, Mach.... I agree with the decision made, believe it or not.

I do have to say I find it ironic that some of the same people who bemoan what the company does as far as safety are the same ones willing to back up the PIC decision made here..... That might lead someone to believe it's only an appropriate safety-related decision when it's made by union members...

Got it, release the drag so I can take the hook out of my mouth 😉

Union members are just as capable of making questionable safety decisions.

By the way, anyone have one of these? http://www.thecatconnection.com/page/TCC/PROD/BEST/GFT-5055 😛
Actually, this whole incident has nothing to to due with union membership. It just illustrates that when a pilot has to make a key decision, it is he and only he (or she) who bears responsibility. When management makes a bad decision, they get a bonus or severance package. And then move on to a discount airline...

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