set or malfunction?? the brake was set ,what are these other known malfunctions on the 170's you speak of ?also the spoiler lever is on the first officers side ,not next to the brake handle which is next to the pilots seat (within easy reach to play with),whats the story about the two other aircraft with the brake set and the handle down? pleas give us more details
First of all, the speedbrake lever (spoilers) are NOT on the FO's side. It IS next to and directely forward of the parking brake. I have had a situation where we could not release the parking brake. We were waiting to take the runway with the parking brake set. When cleared onto the runway, the brake was released (lever down) but the system remained pressurized. Took almost 4 minutes to get the brake off...
As far as the IAH incicent, I believe the brake lever was in the on position, not sure what led to that though...