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McDonald's Could Double Wages For Employees

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Last I checked it was the liberal anointed one that was making an agenda of violating the Constitution.
Your turn.
I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you. Not even after your tax payer funded education grant which is part of the "Liberal Agenda" you abhor. 
Given the above, please explain the Republican Agenda for all of us dim bulb Liberals and Libertarians? 
I eagerly await your attempt to string two sentences together to present an opinion. Now go turn off Fox News, close all the Neo-Fascist web pages and come up with an original thought.
Glenn Quagmire said:
LOL.....no, no no.
When I was probie in 87, cleaner name Bubba used to run up the gate and get the box lunches the line tossed into the trash after arrivals on afterneoon/midnite. They were still boxed and him and a bunch of other ute's would pig out on them. They called those Colodny Burgers.......after Big Ed, God of Allegheny Airlines.
They'd be playin cards in the sheet metal shop on midnite and pigging out on trash can cuisine.
Not this boy.
SparrowHawk said:
I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you. Not even after your tax payer funded education grant which is part of the "Liberal Agenda" you abhor. 
Given the above, please explain the Republican Agenda for all of us dim bulb Liberals and Libertarians? 
I eagerly await your attempt to string two sentences together to present an opinion. Now go turn off Fox News, close all the Neo-Fascist web pages and come up with an original thought.
How about not burying businesses in taxes and fees so startups actually have a chance to start?
How about not taxing the working man to the poorhouse to support those that won't (not can't, WON'T) support themselves? Welfare should absolutely be cut. This country has made it far too comfortable for people to be "poor". Record numbers of people have become food stamp and disability (the new welfare) recipients since Obama has taken office. Democrats pander to the poor because they are so efficient at manufacturing them. They pander to a segment of the population that they expand exponentially through their tactics. 
How about not turning every group into a "victim" class to push a political agenda?
If you cannot see that the Democratic Party is manufacturing dependents to secure political power (at YOUR expense) YOU are the one that needs to open your eyes. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
How about not burying businesses in taxes and fees so startups actually have a chance to start?
How about not taxing the working man to the poorhouse to support those that won't (not can't, WON'T) support themselves? Welfare should absolutely be cut. This country has made it far too comfortable for people to be "poor". Record numbers of people have become food stamp and disability (the new welfare) recipients since Obama has taken office. Democrats pander to the poor because they are so efficient at manufacturing them. They pander to a segment of the population that they expand exponentially through their tactics. 
How about not turning every group into a "victim" class to push a political agenda?
If you cannot see that the Democratic Party is manufacturing dependents to secure political power (at YOUR expense) YOU are the one that needs to open your eyes. 
OK, let's run with this premise shall we? 
Q: What happened  on December 2, 1970?
A:The Environmental Protection Agency was created under NIXON.
Refresh my memory but Nixon wasn't a Democrat was he? Now for more fun and games let's find out some other interesting stuff. Like, Congress established much of the basic structure of the Clean Air Act in 1970, and who was President? the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 which was a significant expansion of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 and again who was President?
Most would agree that when it comes to onerous regulation these above laws and agencies contribute a great deal of the over regulation we have today. Yet the creators of those laws were in fact Republicans.
It doesn't stop with just the environment as one of the largest programs to aid low income workers. The Earned Income Tax Credit, enacted in 1975, the initially modest EIC has been expanded by tax legislation on a number of occasions, including the widely-publicized Tax Reform Act of 1986 - Take note that even the Capo di tutti capi or Godfather of  Conservatism Ronald Reagan signed the bill in 1986. Then moving forward we had Little Bush and the unfunded Medicare part D expansion of government. 
Also for the record the first student loan plan was created under Eisenhower in 1958. Moving forward we find In 1990 with President George H.W. Bush’s signature on the Federal Credit Reform Act, all government loan programs—whether guarantees of commercial loans, or loans made directly from a federal agency—would have to account for their full long-term expenses and income. Every loan program would have an estimated “subsidy cost.
So once again I ask you what agenda are we talking about? Seems the Republicans are no different now does it?
signals said:
The jey paragraph of this article is posted below:
"We believe that the culture of our team is the single most important factor in our success," Shake Shack points out. The company invests in its employees through a leadership development program that gives them transferable skills in the hospitality field, pioneered from well-known restaurateur, author and  Union Square Hospitality CEO Danny Meyer.
Costco, NuCor Steel and ahost of companies are recognizing that the way to increase profits is through better skilled front line workers. This not a new thing. It's frankly just good business. Go back to the days of Henery Ford who was asked why he paid his workers so much. He replied "Because my workers should be able to afford the product they make" (not an exact quote). That's why we have a Sam's Club and a Costco. Both serve the same market segment yet achieve the same end result. The end result will change whn people abandon Sam's Club and choose an alternative.
SparrowHawk said:
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]OK, let's run with this premise shall we? [/SIZE]
Q: What happened  on December 2, 1970?
A:The Environmental Protection Agency was created under NIXON.
Refresh my memory but Nixon wasn't a Democrat was he? Now for more fun and games let's find out some other interesting stuff. Like, Congress established much of the basic structure of the Clean Air Act in 1970, and who was President? the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 which was a significant expansion of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 and again who was President?
Protecting Air and Water (life necessities) is a bit different than redistributing wealth by raping the WORKING public consumers wallet with BS taxes. 
SparrowHawk said:
It doesn't stop with just the environment as one of the largest programs to aid low income workers. The Earned Income Tax Credit, e[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]nacted in 1975, the initially modest EIC has been expanded by tax legislation on a number of occasions, including the widely-publicized [/SIZE]Tax Reform Act of 1986[SIZE=14.3999996185303px] - Take note that even the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Capo di tutti capi[/SIZE][SIZE=14.3999996185303px] or Godfather of  Conservatism Ronald Reagan signed the bill in 1986. Then moving forward we had Little Bush and the unfunded Medicare part D expansion of government. [/SIZE]
The earned tax credit is a refund to help low income people. It is not a handout. The people that get those refunds EARNED that money. I would say assisting those that are productive is preferable to giving someone a handout for decades who earned NOTHING.
SparrowHawk said:
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Also for the record the first student loan plan was created under Eisenhower in 1958. Moving forward we find [/SIZE][SIZE=14.3999996185303px]In 1990 with President George H.W. Bush’s signature on the Federal Credit Reform Act, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.3999996185303px]all government loan programs—whether guarantees of commercial loans, or loans made directly from a federal agency—would have to account for their full long-term expenses and income. Every loan program would have an estimated “subsidy cost.[/SIZE]
OK You got my attention. Can you go into further detail?
SparrowHawk said:
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]So once again I ask you what agenda are we talking about? Seems the Republicans are no different now does it?[/SIZE]
Republicans favor business it is true but business is what generates wealth for this country. Welfare does not.
I promise you this country did not achieve prosperity by everyone sitting on welfare. 
If you can prove to me that someone on welfare for 20+ years is anything but a drain on resources and the economy do tell. If not then you're just blowing hot air.
Protecting the environment is nowhere near the scope of charging someone in New York City $5.95 in taxes for a pack of cigarettes.
You are comparing apples and oranges in a weak attempt to justify your stance. Pathetic really.
SparrowHawk said:
Seems we have the sound of crickets coming from La Li
I have a life outside of this Forum. I don't always answer everything immediately because I have other things going on. Besides, I don't post on your schedule.
At any rate nothing you said amounts to anything except the possibility of the  Federal Credit Reform Act.  I will be looking into that and comment later after I have had a change to research it. If you have more to add about that specific subject than please feel free.
As do I. Still can't resist an insult can you? Well when that stops we can engage. Otherwise enjoy your status as a hypocritical free loader. I laid it out in black and white for you. Can't help it if you don't like what I found in under 10 minutes.
SparrowHawk said:
As do I. Still can't resist an insult can you? Well when that stops we can engage. Otherwise enjoy your status as a hypocritical free loader. I laid it out in black and white for you. Can't help it if you don't like what I found in under 10 minutes.
What you found was nothing..... and it took you 10 minutes. 
Insult = No reply. Be gone and let the adults discuss things. 
Don't worry in a year or two you can sit at the big people's table.
Notice the lady whining about what employers did when they were forced to go $15 in
Then organize and see what you end up with.
Caveat Emptor

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