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McDonald's Could Double Wages For Employees

SparrowHawk said:
If the Federal Government desires to improve wages they can pay the military and civilian employees more at the entry level so they can actually NOT have to rely on Food Stamps. Look at the Federal government and their Wal-Mart wages and use of part-timers
You know what...... you're right.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Are you ready to foot the bill for higher wages for the military and civilian government employee wages so they do not have to rely on food stamps?
Military yes, civil...... maybe.
SparrowHawk said:
NO! But only because we overspend on BS that is not needed like the Department of Education as an example. We spend more on our military then all of the other nations combined (Almost). Bill Clinton balanced the budget at 1.9 Trillion or roughly half what we spend now. There is no legitimate reason for us to be spending MORE than the 2.4 Trillion we're expected to bring in this year. It's long past time for government to live the way we do. From paycheck to paycheck. If ObamaCare is good for us it's good for every member of Congress and their staff. It's long past time for the feds to walk the walk.
You know what...... you're right.
Ms Tree said:
I'm not worried about protections I'm worried about supply and demand effects on wages. If there are 1,000 people waiting in to fill a position, the company can afford to take the lowest offer and run. If someone is desperate/willing to do the job for $2/hr because they have no job and need something then what safe guard is there to prevent the corporation from taking advantage of the employee?
You don't think they take advantage of them now?
Minimum wage is not a livable wage.
What has made the Walmart pay scale possible is socialism. People will work for that small wage because they are being tax payer subsidized  through welfare benefits. 
If the workers of Walmart were not collecting welfare benefits do you really think they would be working for Walmart?
There everyday low prices are not so low for the consumer when the majority of their workforce is a welfare dependent.
Don't worry yourself about that 2 dollar an hour wage Tree because you and your kind create that situation every time you let the Democrats pass another "entitlement". All you are really doing is letting Walmart make THEIR problem YOUR problem.
You are turning an unlivable wage into a livable one for Walmart's benefit and your own detriment. Keep voting Democrat. 
Caveat emptor.
Top down, bottom up.
Bring the minimum wage earners to $30,000 ($15/hr)........then in like fashion bring the top wages down to achieve true socialism.
Andy Stern was crowing about 'workers of the world unite'. He claimed all workers should be on par wagewise....He wasn't inferring bringing the world up to our wage level, rather bringing us more in line with the world.
Ifly2 said:
and that other people are earning thier living working in those jobs. 
Or........and stay with me here......... they work a crap job for 20 hours a week while collecting government subsidies and have no interest in bettering themselves or trying to become more self sufficient.
Many of those people also qualify for education grants...... how many of them do you think pursue them?
Socialism at work.
Ms Tree said:
I see how they treat their employees and how Costco treats their employees and I choose to support a company that treats their employees well. You apparently do not care.
I can't speak for eolesen but as for me.......You are right I don't care. If the employees of Walmart have issues with their employer then THEY need to seek a resolution to their grievances.
Ms Tree said:
I get a -2 for asking who I called a liar? Really? Are you people 5 yrs old or something?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I will admit I don't know much about Erin Merryn. Is she legit or is she just trying to get her 15 minutes? Anybody want to comment on this?
Give me a break Ms Tree, you and your libtards buddies have been doing that to me for months on every single post I make.
Do as I want and not as I do right Ms Tree?
Ifly2 said:
For whatever reason, and if they are working a min wage job or more likely two of them it is not laziness, some people don't ever get beyond your idea of an entry level job.

It's not all kids makin gas $$, or whatever

Some folks work basic labor jobs just to survive

Others abuse the system of entitlements

(No, it is not all dems/libs/obamabots/etc. doing the latter. Plenty of gun totin rugged individualist tea party repug voting users workingnthe system too...)

And, no, not everyone receiving govt $$ is abusing the system.

Which would you rather help?
You don't say!
Ms Tree said:
While I think the idea of raising the min wage is a good idea (not in favor of $15 for Mc-D) I think the arguments here pose an interesting dilemma. On the one hand I don't think Mc-d should be a career as South pointed out, I also recognize that as Fly pointed out there are some folks who just won't make it farther up the ladder.

Someone (Sparrow?) pointed out else where on the forum that perhaps this is where the Fed could step in to make up the difference for those who need it. I am starting to think that might not be a bad idea. Put the minimum wage at $8 or $9 an hour and then let the Fed make up the difference based on need.
Of course you don't.
After all we NEED even more welfare right?
Dog Wonder said:
Used to be when you saw some one babbling to himself he was off his meds.
We've all gotten used to the posts from you and Bears, so what's one more?

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