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McDonald's Could Double Wages For Employees

SparrowHawk said:
Insult = No reply. Be gone and let the adults discuss things. 
Don't worry in a year or two you can sit at the big people's table.
Did you go senile between those two sentences? 
$15 an hour at Mickey Dee's just over the horizon....
According to CNN, store manager, Jay Funkhouser, who has worked with the robot for over six months now:
“These things are great! They get their work done in a fast and orderly manner. And they don’t ask for cigarette breaks.”

 AFL-CIO organizing drive for these new workers?
The current cost for an automated hamburger machine for an upscale burger is ~$150,000 at quantity one pricing. It wouldn't surprise me to see McDonalds drive the price down to closer to $50,000 for something they design and source for their own stores and franchisees.

A $15 FTE comes out to around $31K. If the machine can replace two FTE's, then it's paid for itself.

Personally, I like the idea. Fewer opportunities for cross-contamination from employees who handle the raw products or don't comply with the "employees must wash hands before returning to work" rules.

Taco Bell has a pretty stable mobile app for ordering and paying. There's no reason McDonalds or any other chain couldn't do the same to eliminate drive-thru or store order takers.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Capitalism has done a Great Job (so far)...choking the middle class into near oblivion,......so It's just a matter of time before the Mc D /Walmart workers in the good ol' USA....Revolt over Slave wages, and No bennies.
It will happen in NE/NY/NJ and CA. First (of course), but it WILL happen.
Hey, Everyone said WN would NEVER raise Fares, ...but alas..............
What do you mean, "No Benies"! BaRack-O-Care ring a bell ?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Capitalism has done a Great Job (so far)...choking the middle class into near oblivion,......so It's just a matter of time before the Mc D /Walmart workers in the good ol' USA....Revolt over Slave wages, and No bennies.
It will happen in NE/NY/NJ and CA. First (of course), but it WILL happen.
Hey, Everyone said WN would NEVER raise Fares, ...but alas..............
How about taxation in every aspect of your life?
Oooo we like big government.
eolesen said:
The Great Hypocrisy in action... let's pass a $15/hour minimum wage into law, but exempt the unionized companies?...

WAIT! You mean there are union jobs that don't pay a "Living Wage"....whatever the F$#& that means,Blasphemy!
 I have yet to find any pro-union peep that can explain exactly what a "Living Wage" means!
southwind said:
 I have yet to find any pro-union peep that can explain exactly what a "Living Wage" means!
Why should the pro-union peeps have any more luck explaining things to you than your third grade teacher?  She had four years to explain things to you.
I once ordered a double cheeseburger meal in France, and got two cheeseburger meals. Probably for the best -- the drink sizes were a lot smaller and they didn't do refills...

Since that experience, I've also used the kiosks at a newer McD's also in France, and it was refreshing know I could order something in English exactly as I wanted it (e.g. burger without onions, substitute barbeque sauce for the ketchup, and extra mayo), and not have to worry about whether or not the order-taker or the person filling the order actually understood me.
Airline kiosks are proof that technology can be designed to work efficiently and replace some human workers. May have been some hiccups early on, but eventually a large touch-screen kiosk can be perfected to take customer orders.

Right now, the biggest issue I see are the infrequent users who have to learn while they're in front of you (when you know how to use the device quickly, but you're stuck behind them). Same issue with the U-Scan checkouts at Kroger and other grocery chains. Those lanes can be slowed significantly by dimwit bumpkins who insist on feeding 15-30 wrinkled one-dollar bills into the bill validator instead of swiping their credit card (which they probably don't have). But that's not much worse than being in line at fast food joints behind those same bumpkins when they're indecisive or the order-taking clerk is mentally challenged and unable to process orders quickly.
Dog Wonder said:
Why should the pro-union peeps have any more luck explaining things to you than your third grade teacher?  She had four years to explain things to you.
And once again, proof that a Demorat Libtard can not explain the meaning of "Living Wage"!

Thanks for proving my point....now carry on proving your ignorance!
eolesen said:
I once ordered a double cheeseburger meal in France, and got two cheeseburger meals. Probably for the best -- the drink sizes were a lot smaller and they didn't do refills...

Since that experience, I've also used the kiosks at a newer McD's also in France, and it was refreshing know I could order something in English exactly as I wanted it (e.g. burger without onions, substitute barbeque sauce for the ketchup, and extra mayo), and not have to worry about whether or not the order-taker or the person filling the order actually understood me.
Some friends were at Tahoe skiing a while back and we stopped at either BK or McD's afterward.  My friend ordered a burger and wanted only lettuce, tomato and onions. Got back tot he condo with all our orders and opened our meals.  When he opened his he had a bun, lettuce, tomato and onions.  no burger.  I have to question the logic why anyone would order a burger and this place without the burger and how often this happens?  I'm thinking as an employee my first response would be "are you sure you do not want a burger on this?" just to verify.
We had a great laugh over that.  He was pissed because he had to drive back and get another burger.  I'm all for more automation.  

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