Dog Wonder
The Just Ain't Right loves the uneducated. No one else votes for them.
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Train a kid to be a burger flipper, and you want a living wage?
Whoopee....go flip some burgers if that is your destiny.
The Just Ain't Right loves the uneducated. No one else votes for them.
Never did
Worked lots of jobs, among them mucking stalls, tobacco pickin, busboy, washing cars, driving trucks, wrenching on and painting airplanes, air traffic control and flying airplanes for the smallest and the biggest.
Not too proud to do any of em over again if I have to
Every job isn't worth the same, but every worker is worth a share commensurate to his contribution, not the scraps justified and rationalized by your dismissive comments.
And the Demorats love to keep 'em on "The Government Plantation" stuff anybody?
LOL....and you and I are to decide what wages company X should pay its workers based on their corporate earnings?
Mickey Dee seems like they have a model that is quite successful. MD also has plenty of people looking for secondary or tuition income without too much of a problem. Yes they have a high turnover but if many would look into the restaurant and fast food industry they would see that is standard for that type work.
MD's first obligation is to their shareholders and not their know, just like in the airlines.
I already said I am not to decide... Straw man
The sub, or just barely sub full time scheduling to avoid benefits thing was in wide use before the Heritage Foundation designed Obamacare, so, another straw man...
People will work for any wage before starving, so the fact that they can hire means nothing, another straw man
Unrestricted capitalism has always resulted in a bottom rung that just barely gets by, who happen to supply the labor that creates the revenue that feeds the fat cars their caviar.
Unchecked, there are revolutions, either bloody, or in the form of underground economies and sub-classes of people that learn to work the system, instead of working.
I already said I am not to decide... Straw man
The sub, or just barely sub full time scheduling to avoid benefits thing was in wide use before the Heritage Foundation designed Obamacare, so, another straw man...
People will work for any wage before starving, so the fact that they can hire means nothing, another straw man
Unrestricted capitalism has always resulted in a bottom rung that just barely gets by, who happen to supply the labor that creates the revenue that feeds the fat cars their caviar.
Unchecked, there are revolutions, either bloody, or in the form of underground economies and sub-classes of people that learn to work the system, instead of working.
For proof of this read about the corporations owned by Carnegie, Morgan and others in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Now those were the good ole' days for labor. Working 16 hr days for pennies on the dollar why the bosses and owners made millions. Three cheers for unfettered capitalism ...... blah blah blah.