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Ramp manager terminated at PHX

so in your mind anytime a black guy gets fired automatically its racism? LOL

take that garbage somewhere else.
Everyone's been asking what the company's reason for firing him was , we all know he was compassionate towards the rampers , but what was their techinical reason .... Also he was the most talked about subject by and large in the break rooms today , can't say i heard one negative thing said about him . i suppose we will learn more as time passes , that's how the managment grap vine works , i just wish it was faster like us aviation.com
Everyone's been asking what the company's reason for firing him was , we all know he was compassionate towards the rampers , but what was their techinical reason .... Also he was the most talked about subject by and large in the break rooms today , can't say i heard one negative thing said about him . i suppose we will learn more as time passes , that's how the managment grap vine works , i just wish it was faster like us aviation.com
white guys in the same position have gotten fired without a good explanation, but no one makes a big deal out of that.

im sorry for the black guy, but im sure hes not the first person for something like this to happen, and certaintly wont be the last
This reminds me all too well of December 2002 when we were short Flight Attendants to cover the Holiday schedule. V.P. Anthony Mule' made the decision to call Flight Attendants on furlough to work flights (with no regard to seniority or contractual call back procedures) that were short staffed.

These furloughees were given false promises (which the Company never delivered on, thank you) to cover the flights. The furloughees were not up-to-date on new procedures nor security directives post 9-11 and essentially were just handed an IOM and told to fly.

Well, needless to say, AFA had a heyday with this one for all the violations that occurred. It went to grievance and also went to the FAA.

Instead of Mr. Mule' owning up to HIS responsibility for this fiasco, the Company instead fires an Inflight Supervisor (who actually had the respect of the workforce) and made him the scapegoat. Interesting sidenote, he was African-American as well. Methinks I am seeing a pattern here.
white guys in the same position have gotten fired without a good explanation, but no one makes a big deal out of that.

im sorry for the black guy, but im sure hes not the first person for something like this to happen, and certaintly wont be the last

What work force are you in ? i don't know about you but in our work force when someone who's nice and that we have a good working relationship gets fired we generally care and want to know why , regardless of their color .
Call it like ya see it barbee,but dont get put in the cornfeild,we need ya here.k

The moderators can censor me all they want but they won't shut me up. When I see injustice I call it out. Note that the folks wrankled by my accusations are from the East. Westies have shown no such umbrage. Why? Because they (Westies) know what's up. Seen it before many times.

Everyone's been asking what the company's reason for firing him was , we all know he was compassionate towards the rampers , but what was their techinical reason .... Also he was the most talked about subject by and large in the break rooms today , can't say i heard one negative thing said about him . i suppose we will learn more as time passes , that's how the managment grap vine works , i just wish it was faster like us aviation.com

Heard there is a petition to Dougie P by fleet to get his job back. Lots of rampers signed it, from the sounds of it.
I dont have a problem with ya barbee,trust me.I am east and see no issue with what you said.It happens here too.
This is a new development and facts are sketchy so take it as is. If someone at PHX has the whole story, please share.

A ramp manager at PHX who was second in line to the ramp director was fired on Monday. Word and rumor is that the ramp director took serious heat from Doug Parker after the last "informational meeting". Parker has mentioned that the morale on the PHX ramp is the worst of all the hubs and focus cities he has been too. Seems the ramp director decided to do what every reptilian fink would do and he fired the black guy and blamed the low morale on him. Don't know of anyone on the PHX ramp whose low morale could be attributed to the manager. He has only been here a very short time. Seemed like a friendly guy. However, I believe many would say the low morale could be directly attributed to the director, rhymes with Snail Salidsberry. Then consider the appointment of known thugs like rhymes with Bike Salami and Snot Cements to manager positions and you will end up with a pretty disgruntled workforce. Guess the black guy just wasn't thug enough. :huh:
It all comes down to race.Give it a break,and wake up.
It all comes down to race.Give it a break,and wake up.

Why are posters playing the race card? Why make this a racial issue??? What is the "real" reason for termination? If its discrimination, then civil rights groups would waste no time in getting involved in the issue. What really happened????? Does the terminated ramp manager perceive this as discrimation??? What are the facts????
I only know what I read here, but based on that it looks to me like he was a nice guy who cared for his employees & that is NOT what the higher ups want.
"very much a race issue in this case"

"He was engaging in dialogue regarding safety issues and such and that won't cut it in PHX. If he would have learned to walk away from us crybabies when he saw us coming, ala Snot Cements, he would still be here."

Which was it the race card or just not walking away?

"I'll keep it at that. The old AWA regime would surely send their secret police to shut me up and haul me off the premises for stating my case."

"I don't sugarcoat. I say it like it is"

"The moderators can censor me all they want but they won't shut me up. When I see injustice I call it out"

Are you gonna speak out and say it like it is and tell what you know of this so called injustice or censor yourself? Why even make an accusation if you are not going to back it up when you surely know you will be asked to. You seem to being walking but not talking like a duck.
Why not get it out in open to help the guy. He can't be fired for race. Right the injustice.
Which was it the race card or just not walking away?
Are you gonna speak out and say it like it is and tell what you know of this so called injustice or censor yourself?

Charlie..."this so called injustice"?

Are you so familiar with the man and the situation to know it not to be one?
I'm totally unfamiliar with the case and the gentleman in question other than through this thread, but; he seems to have been well thought of by his subordinates. How much Koolaide do you truly drink on an hourly basis?
Charlie..."this so called injustice"?

Are you so familiar with the man and the situation to know it not to be one?
I'm totally unfamiliar with the case and the gentleman in question other than through this thread, but; he seems to have been well thought of by his subordinates. How much Koolaide do you truly drink on an hourly basis?

Guess you missed it. Barbeetantrums seemed to imply the "injustice" was the guy was fired for being black. If true don't you think if Barbeetantrums has any firsthand knowledge of that being the case, no matter how well liked or hated the guy was, that it should be brought forward so as the injustice can be righted? Or are you content just sitting around a message board defending the guy while he sits at home unemployeed?
Or are you content just sitting around a message board defending the guy while he sits at home unemployeed?

Nope..my thoughts are:

1) This fellow seems well liked and respected by the posters who were subordinate to him.

2) It sounds like typical corporate "you're not running over the employees to our satisfaction" BS to me.

3) I didn't make much note of the race issue.

4) You seem to immediately take issue with ANYTHING that smears a bit of what I perceive to be a fantasyland "AWA's totally Great!" idea...hence the Koolaide reference.

It's fully possible that I missed something...wouldn't be the first, nor last time in my life such will happen.
4) You seem to immediately take issue with ANYTHING that smears a bit of what I perceive to be a fantasyland "AWA's totally Great!" idea...hence the Koolaide reference.

It's fully possible that I missed something...wouldn't be the first, nor last time in my life such will happen.

Well it seems you know somewhat about me and my postings and since you say I take issue with "ANYTHING" smear san AWA and you are good at numbering your points why don't you make a numbered list of all the "ANTHING" AWA smear issues in this forum and then a numbered list of the "ANYTHING" AWA smear issues I sided with? This should be quite interesting.

p.s. You will have to look past your 5/8/2007 birthdate but I am sure you know that since you know what I drink.

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