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Man the lifeboats...............

"Tremendous disgust" (by our customers) - indeed! Mis-mAAnagement can't get a plane parked on an open gate due to the ground crew layoffs and poor management. They sold off the parts and now struggle to get them to us when needed. They bring in outsiders to "manage" and can't manage to fire a slug when needed.

AA sucks and it is really embarrassing; so much so that I seldom admit being part of AA when not on duty, and never - NEVER - wear their logo or uniform to and from work.

Ok, so there's my rant. Your turn.
If such is the case Sappy, then why did you just interview for management, and now that you didn't get the job you are running for TWU chairman? 😱
Bring it on. The sooner the better. AMR will emerge as a leaner, meaner and more conceptive player. They can restructure facility and aircraft leases, impose further concessions and get the company back on it's feet. Hopefully this will be a convenient way to end the APA duty restrictions and begin ultra long haul flying, evade scope clause and bring 100 seater jets on property. Of course as an unsecured AMR creditor myself it's unlikely my AAdvantage miles, refunds, credits, etc will take a haircut.



Here you have it ladies and gentlemen,,,,,,,Typical I GOT MINE, I'M A BIG SHOT TRAVELLER....So screw the employees and creditors so JOSH can continue to get his cheap fares and miles and upgrades..

Typical PRIMA DONNA ARROGANT P.O.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little do you know AA could pay us minimum wage they would still lose money because they CAN'T MANAGE!

You want to see AA go bankrupt so the employees can get screwed????????

You think service is bad now???????????? WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not saying I want AA to screw the employees all I'm saying is among AAs unsecured creditors FFs are least likely to bear the brunt in the event of a bankruptcy filing. Think about it-customers like me bring AMR revenue. After customers lose $10k-$15k in miles and other instruments do you think well be quick to resume flying AA? No

OK - so when is the Chapter 11 filing? Let's do it and be done with it.

The trend of the stock has been in a downward spiral for quite a while. Not sure why noticing/commenting on that fact is an "uninformed conclusion" but you're more than welcome to your opinion as we all are.

See? I didn't even say you were wrong as you do with everyone else.

Fuel costs have been the victim of the Fed's printing presses as has every other bit of inflation the USA thanks to George Bush and Henry Paulson (former CEO of Goldman Sachs) for the inception of the bailouts and the present resident of the "White" house that carried out the bailouts. No big surprises here.

After the Goldman Sachs engineered federal giveaway, our dollar lost 60% - 75% of its value. That's a fact regardless of how anyone attempts to spin it.

Was that a false trend for the uninformed to pick up on also?
the source of the US' economic woes is the crash of the mortgage market - which itself took out Goldman Sachs. The money that flew out of the dot.com bust in the late 90s flew into the mortgage market... you can debate who was responsible but lending standards were substantially relaxed and people who could not and in hindsight should not have been able to afford a mortgage were given one - and it only took the after effects of 9/11 on the economy to send the mortgage market into crisis... from which the US has not recovered.
Yes, the US' answer has been to print more money to get out of the crisis - and sometimes that works and is the only choice.... remember that Japan is doing the same thing to get out of their tsunami and earthquake crisis. But eventually you have to cut your spending and pay down the debt you have incurred - and global financial markets have flatly vetoed approval of the US' latest efforts to cut spending and debt.
If Europe has shown the world how not to run government finances, the US has shown the world how not to allow private/corporate finances to operate.... most countries would not have allowed the US situation to occur in their countries - but in Europe, they simply take those costs on as part of the government.
There are countries that are safely and correctly growing their economies and investments and money will flow there... Brazil, China, India and other parts of Asia.
There still are not enough places ot invest in those countries to offset the losses in the US and Europe... and thus investments in western developed economies continue to sink... and the price of oil - which is priced in dollars - continues to rise.
Only when the US gets its financial house in order - and Europe is able to do the same thing - is there hope of the global economy recovering....
and until then there will be casualties in the global economy.
The airline industry has always been one of the weakest and most vulnerable sectors and AMR is now one of the weakest players financially in the US..... thus, AMR's future is more susceptible to the entire overall economy than other companies which are not operating so close to the margin.
The notion that AMR can waltz into BK - even a pre-packaged one - and come back out able to compete is far from certain; if it was more certain, AA's leaders would have done it already.
Painful truth that some obviously don't want to hear - but that is the reality on both a global and corporate level....

nobody doubts that customers will be least affected in a bankruptcy - the objection is that you herald cuts for everyone else so you can continue to enjoy what you now have - and potentially increaese it while everyone else is taking a severe haircut.
I'm not saying I want AA to screw the employees all I'm saying is among AAs unsecured creditors FFs are least likely to bear the brunt in the event of a bankruptcy filing. Think about it-customers like me bring AMR revenue. After customers lose $10k-$15k in miles and other instruments do you think well be quick to resume flying AA? No


You don't have to say it josh.. Go back and read your post about getting "more concessions."
But don't worry, you are not alone. You are just riding the wave sweeping the nation preaching how greedy and unrealistic unions are and how they are destroying the economy. How lucky we all are to have jobs, etc.etc.etc.
And of course customers like you bring revenue....that is the plain truth.....But customers like you will also fly the cheapest fare depending where you need to go. That too is the plain truth and also understandable.
But for the past 30+ years, airline employees were the prime target and piggy bank which enabled airlines to offer cheap fares. And to this day they STILL want more, and all we hear from anti-unionists is how we need to give more concessions to help the company.
You know what else deteriorated when airlines launched their attack on airline workers?????? CUSTOMER SERVICE.....

But the bean counters went to their charts and grapha and determined that lower costs should trump good service.
You don't have to say it josh.. Go back and read your post about getting "more concessions."
But don't worry, you are not alone. You are just riding the wave sweeping the nation preaching how greedy and unrealistic unions are and how they are destroying the economy. How lucky we all are to have jobs, etc.etc.etc.
And of course customers like you bring revenue....that is the plain truth.....But customers like you will also fly the cheapest fare depending where you need to go. That too is the plain truth and also understandable.
But for the past 30+ years, airline employees were the prime target and piggy bank which enabled airlines to offer cheap fares. And to this day they STILL want more, and all we hear from anti-unionists is how we need to give more concessions to help the company.
You know what else deteriorated when airlines launched their attack on airline workers?????? CUSTOMER SERVICE.....

But the bean counters went to their charts and grapha and determined that lower costs should trump good service.

Josh has evidently forgotten (or didn't learn "as it didn't apply to him") the outcome of the French Revolution in 1793. The needs of the people trumped the greed of the elite, in a rather messy way.

Human emotions haven't changed for a few years and it's entirely possible that very thing could happen again, if enough people get hungry enough and lose everything, causing the breakdown of an entire society.

If that ever happened, it would really suck bigtime to be IDd as a little greedy weasel like Josh.
I've been under concessions for 23.5 of 25 years as a AMT. Concessions doesn't work!
You don't have to say it josh.. Go back and read your post about getting "more concessions."
But don't worry, you are not alone. You are just riding the wave sweeping the nation preaching how greedy and unrealistic unions are and how they are destroying the economy. How lucky we all are to have jobs, etc.etc.etc.
And of course customers like you bring revenue....that is the plain truth.....But customers like you will also fly the cheapest fare depending where you need to go. That too is the plain truth and also understandable.
But for the past 30+ years, airline employees were the prime target and piggy bank which enabled airlines to offer cheap fares. And to this day they STILL want more, and all we hear from anti-unionists is how we need to give more concessions to help the company.
You know what else deteriorated when airlines launched their attack on airline workers?????? CUSTOMER SERVICE.....

But the bean counters went to their charts and grapha and determined that lower costs should trump good service.
And of course customers like you bring revenue....that is the plain truth.....But customers like you will also fly the cheapest fare depending where you need to go. That too is the plain truth and also understandable.

Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?
Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?

Stocks again lower across the board, AMR taking more hitting than other transportation stocks though. Airline deregulation is an oxymoron. Airlines via the EPA, FAA, TSA, OSHA, and the rest of big government Alphabet agencies is the most regulated of the transportation sector, only pricing is deregulated.
Airline deregulation is an oxymoron. Airlines via the EPA, FAA, TSA, OSHA, and the rest of big government Alphabet agencies is the most regulated of the transportation sector, only pricing is deregulated.

Hmm. Can you tell me which transportation company isn't regulated by the EPA or OSHA? Better yet, can you tell me of *any* company which doesn't have EPA or OSHA to contend with?

Railroads have the FRA to contend with, and from second-hand experience, they're just as nit-picky as the FAA can be.

Trucking companies and bus companies deal with the FMCSA's oversight.

And yes, TSA is supposed to cover all those modes of transportation as well, but so far, aviation sucks up more than 95% of their budget and attention.

Railroads have the FRA to contend with, and from second-hand experience, they're just as nit-picky as the FAA can be.

Trucking companies and bus companies deal with the FMCSA's oversight.

Yep; you're correct our trucking and rail systems extend to every corner of the globe where they are subject to foreign regulators as well.
Yep; you're correct our trucking and rail systems extend to every corner of the globe where they are subject to foreign regulators as well.

What exactly is the point you trying to argue?... You said airlines were the most regulated in the transportation sector, thanks to big government.

Now you're complaining about foreign countries?...

OK, I'll bite. It's a slow news day so far...

Isn't the argument used by most of your union brothers to combat outsourcing along the lines that there is no safety oversight or regulation offshore?...

Where exactly is the regulation and oversight mandated by other countries more stringent than what AMR (or any other airline) is already dealing with from the US?

And more importantly, what does it have to do with the stock price?... DL supposedly flies to more countries than AA does. Shouldn't their costs and stock price be impacted to a greater degree than AMR's?....

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