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Machinsts To Meet With The Company

E-Trons, Jack Mama, & 700UW:

E-Ttons said: “Yes, you are in the loop at your level. But you are no way in heck privy to the international level of wheeling and dealing. Remember the secrecy behind all IAM negotiations. You know only what they want you to know. And that goes for the AGC's too. If you believe otherwise then you are simply naive. As far as the IAM not talking with the company......c'mon already. The IAM has a vested interest in UAIR and will do what is necessary to protect that interest as much as possible. And how do you think that is done?? Constant communication. That's just common sense. Come to terms with it already and quit sounding off like Rush Limbaugh the media moron.â€￾

Jack Mama said: “so 700, has the company given the IAM the lastest proposal yet?
What have the non-negotiations resulted in?? Loss of the A320 work? Loss of the A330 work? How much more to the mechs have to suffer to save the less skilled workers????â€￾

700UW said: “No proposals have been given to the IAM.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: E-Trons your post is very accurate and insightful. Jack Mama, remember I said that if the IAM did not participate in the new business plan there would be pain. Is this enough pain? If not, there is more in store if the IAM does not participate in a meaningful way. 700UW, today a LGA union rep was talking to about 10 IAM members and I over heard him say the company is now seeking a 40% pay cut from the IAM.


Rumor has a union official the one and only Bill Fried Brain saying they want all but 700 mechanics gone and all of utility and stores....don't worry folks, the mighty union mad dogs will save us.
700UW said:
AA overhauls the C-17 for the military. DL made over $300 million in profits last year by doing third party maintenance.


I am sure that DL can easily do thrid party work because being a non-union shop makes it easier for them to stay nimble and be efficient without having long drawn out negotiations to keep with the times.

BTW, AA and DL are probably bad examples to compare yourself to as they lost over $200mm and $600mm respectively for the 3rd quarter.
jack mama said:
How much more do the mechs have to suffer to save the less skilled workers????

And just who in hades do you think you're refering to my high and mighty union brother? :angry: Shall we bow before your great intelligence and dexterity? Just because you have your A & P license, and you hold the position you do, do not fool yourself in to believing that there are not others out there who are not just as educated and skilled as you are. So when you're tossing that holier than thou chest around, let me know so I can duck. I "sling bags" for a living because I choose too; not because I'm inept or unable to do something more mentally adept and challenging. Is'nt there an unwritten code of brotherhood in our bylaws about trashing a fellow member? I would think this is a time to stick together! We're not the enemy; the guys in the ivory tower in Crystal City are. 😉
An ALPA rep told me the company is getting ready to ask the pilots for more since the IAM is going to get raises.

I heard this from e170propagandafirstofficer.
700UW said:
An ALPA rep told me the company is getting ready to ask the pilots for more since the IAM is going to get raises.

I heard this from e170propagandafirstofficer.
Listen to him folks, he is in the loop.....

We shall see who is in the loop, a snare is what it will be called.

Don't forget another fruit loop in the loop one Mr. Bill Fried Brain hinted at massive reductions coming upon the IAM ranks, so getting raises after that affair will be small potatoes, and that company has said: “ok, we can accept that“.
700UW said:

Please explain what your post has to do with the thread topic:

"Machinists to Meet with the Company"

This is not a political web page.
Now, Now, 700,, It's not nice to call another stupid!! The Mod gods may get angry. Oh, that's right.....seems you get away with it while others get sent to the cornfield because of someone crying!!!( uh, 700, can you here me now?)

Thank you for putting the topic in "bold type".. Wow!! What would I ever do without your help!!

Alright , "in the (kooky)Loop" Man......Lets try this. Your reply as to a PROPOSAL not being PRESENTED to the union is a typical disingenuous answer by a "High-placed union man"(in your mind)!!! If you are sooooo, "in the loop", as you say, then you would know that the company wants ALL utility, ALL stock clerks, GONE!!! With me so far??? Also, as stated by someone with the 1970's slacks, and bowl haircut, and who is charged with negotiating our contracts <_< , right here in PIT,stated yesterday, that the company wants ALL heavy outsourced!!! Wants ONLY line maint!!! Mechs down to the 700-800 range!!! Hmmmm That is a shock :shock: Uhhhh....700, YOU have not heard this, or, you DIDN'T KNOW???? :shock: I'm just beside myself, you know, you ALWAYS post "FACTUAL" information!!!!

NUFF SAID!!!!!..............GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Now, Now, 700,, It's not nice to call another stupid!! The Mod gods may get angry. Oh, that's right.....seems you get away with it while others get sent to the cornfield because of someone crying!!!( uh, 700, can you here me now?)

Thank you for putting the topic in "bold type".. Wow!! What would I ever do without your help!!

Alright , "in the (kooky)Loop" Man......Lets try this. Your reply as to a PROPOSAL not being PRESENTED to the union is a typical disingenuous answer by a "High-placed union man"(in your mind)!!! If you are sooooo, "in the loop", as you say, then you would know that the company wants ALL utility, ALL stock clerks, GONE!!! With me so far??? Also, as stated by someone with the 1970's slacks, and bowl haircut, and who is charged with negotiating our contracts <_< , right here in PIT,stated yesterday, that the company wants ALL heavy outsourced!!! Wants ONLY line maint!!! Mechs down to the 700-800 range!!! Hmmmm That is a shock :shock: Uhhhh....700, YOU have not heard this, or, you DIDN'T KNOW???? :shock: I'm just beside myself, you know, you ALWAYS post "FACTUAL" information!!!!

NUFF SAID!!!!!..............GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!

That's very true and what that 60 year old hippy want-a be union official said, of course it was on the "QT", because he being one in, "The Loop".

Another union official who the Pittsburgh News Media loves to come to for cries of woe: “Teddy Excite-istâ€￾ was on the news again crying how the F/A will not survive this latest round making it sound like a death sentence. The typical dramatization making it sound like anyone making what they will be earning with these latest cuts is absolutely impossible to survive. Trouble is I see "millions" of people still breathing, eating and laughing all making even less. How can that be? Oh, I forgot, they are F/A/s and were promised a certain wage level. All I can say is welcome to life folks where things are not fair, where it's hard to make it, where there are no mommy and daddies to get your ice out of this jam called life. It you have your health and brains, you have absolutely no excuse to complain . “In the world you will have troubleâ€￾ , that was written by our maker so go cry to him, the news media isn’t the answer and neither are the unions because they are part of the problem.

Cool, you are reduced to name calling because you are at a loss of anything else to respond with. Is that the best you can do? tsk tsk.
usa320pilot has informed me through his unimpeachable sources that dick cheney has loaned IAM the use of his bunker in MT.STORM for the top secret
talks he reported.
we are awaiting confirmation from 700uw.....
700 is in utlity, and thats why he cant admit it , Im sure its painful. But you know as well as i do its a coming! Good luck 700, maybe youll get a fulltime job at iam?
usfliboi said:
700 is in utlity, and thats why he cant admit it , Im sure its painful. But you know as well as i do its a coming! Good luck 700, maybe youll get a fulltime job at iam?
Date Line CLT: Boofman becomes union man, captain America lives....everything will be ok now.......as far as the lav trucks, oh well there will have to live without the boof

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