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Machinists Update

Mr Nelson, you obviously are someone else posing as the New Mr Nelson, or you have no idea who i am or what i believe. With only 163 post, you have in no way the ablity to judge!
Tim Nelson said:
Pitbull, save it, is it anything other than futile to continue the goofy and unclear argument of usflyboy which has deteriorated to no more than a personal attack to 'rattle your cage'? It is interesting that it is even worth your time. Does it matter if it is 23% or 21% or whatever? Basically it's all futile anyways if there can not be negotiated agreements within 4 months. Even then, I am not convinced that that is enough to save your company. And to be sure, it seems a great impossibility for the IAM, CWA, AFA to negotiate anything in the face of what amounts to only a 1% cut from management, clerks and other non-union employees.

Tim...why don't you crawl back to where ever you slithered from and leave the U employees alone, they have their plate full without asinine input from some non employee trouble maker, get a life, hit the road :down:
Tim Nelson said:
Pitbull, save it, is it anything other than futile to continue the goofy and unclear argument of usflyboy which has deteriorated to no more than a personal attack to 'rattle your cage'? It is interesting that it is even worth your time. Does it matter if it is 23% or 21% or whatever? Basically it's all futile anyways if there can not be negotiated agreements within 4 months. Even then, I am not convinced that that is enough to save your company. And to be sure, it seems a great impossibility for the IAM, CWA, AFA to negotiate anything in the face of what amounts to only a 1% cut from management, clerks and other non-union employees.


Basically, I agree with your summation. Futile indeed.
Take your own advice then.


Are you now a moderator?
700UW said:
Take your own advice then.


Are you now a moderator?
No, not a Mod, But you are appearently buddies with one or more of them. You do enough crying to them when little 700 has someone DISAGREE with him, or has a different OPINION!! GOOD LUCK & GOOD DAY!!!!

Learn to stick to the topics with facts and added value, if you attack and insult you have to pay the price.
700UW said:

Learn to stick to the topics with facts and added value, if you attack and insult you have to pay the price.
"attack", and "insult" is ALL you E V E R come uome up with!!!!!!!!! Get over your self, man!!! your "in the loop", "you know EVERYTHING"!!!! I told you........... I'm watching you!!!!!!! You are worried about NOTHING, but your position in the Intetrnational!!! Thats all you want..... You come on here like some self centered rightious dude, that is going to save labor!!!! Give me a break!!!! I said LONG ago, I'll be watching you, and you have not said ANYTHING but tell ME I "insult", ....And "attack"!!!! Thats all you ever have to say, 700!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
"attack", and "insult" is ALL you E V E R come uome up with!!!!!!!!! Get over your self, man!!! your "in the loop", "you know EVERYTHING"!!!! I told you........... I'm watching you!!!!!!! You are worried about NOTHING, but your position in the Intetrnational!!! Thats all you want..... You come on here like some self centered rightious dude, that is going to save labor!!!! Give me a break!!!! I said LONG ago, I'll be watching you, and you have not said ANYTHING but tell ME I "insult", ....And "attack"!!!! Thats all you ever have to say, 700!!!!


So I can see you did not learn from your trip to the cornfield.

Watching me? WOW my own online stalker. Call the EAS.

You got issues.
700UW said:

So I can see you did not learn from your trip to the cornfield.

Watching me? WOW my own online stalker. Call the EAS.

You got issues.
Back to the "stalking" word now!!!!! :down: No, 700, not stalking, OR attacking, OR insulting.........Just replying to a guy who thinks he is sooooo important in an organization that is so disfunctional, and delusional, that you can't see anything but looking out for yourself trying to suck up to the higher-ups so that you can get a do-nothing job with the International, because you know your job, along with thousands of your fellow " brothers&sisters", are GONE!!!! Your "sound bites", and your constant posting of YOUR "facts, may be good enough for the ill-advised, and naieve among us, but for those of us who TRULY understand the gravity of our current predicament, whether it be those of us that are leaving(or already did), or those that KNOW, and understand the reality, and want to talk, and would rather have a job, no matter the cuts,......well, we are truly tired of your same old diatribes, and BLAH!!!!...BLAH!!!!!!.....BLAH!!!!!!! So, mr (kooky)In the loop man, you call it stalking, I call it watching!!!!!!!! Now, for my FAMOUS pic(700, you should recognize this smell)!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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