I was with the IBT and they brought back work in house that was lost to outsoursing and it stayed in house and this got recalls of our AMTs that were on layoff when the Company shut down the hanger in PHX (C-CHECKS AND B-CHECKS)
Before the IBT was Voted in. We also had to get new hires from the street. I think they did the best they could have done with nothing to bargin with unlike the IAM who let usair outsourse c-checks before the merger with AWA(HP). Its hard to have Negotiations with nothing to work with. I look at Southwest and can say IBT got them a good Wage and start before AMFA was voted in
and manage the IBT contract till its end, also i have not looked to see what AMFA changed in the new contract at southwest. I guess each of us has to look at things form his on side of the street then vote for what he feels is best for him or her.You never know who will be around in 2020 my friend We Work For A Airline LOL.

And thats a fact....
I can only tell you what happend here at SWA while we had teamsters.
They always were doing secret "behind closed door deals" with the company (they also did this with the CAL mechs prior to merger with UAL), teamsters contract language allowed the co to outsource wel over 75% of all maint. teamsters also allowed the company to outsource out of the country by first allowing them to go to Canada, and now to ElSolvador. Teamsters left unlimited language to outsource out of USA. When AMFA took over contract they imediayely started to work on closing those doors. AMFA successfully nego limitations to outsourcing beyond USA, also nego strong head count as well as all heavy maint protections and shop protections. AMFA was also able to nego more maint in house, mods, shop work ect... AMFA has also nego 717 maint, 2 lines of heavy maint, "C" check lines brought back in, and more backshop work. The teamsters raised our dues without a vote. The teamsters were never around except for when they heard about the record card drive or sometimes around contract time only.
I will agree with you about one thing; our big contract wage increases, as well as stock options, were added to our contract when the teamsters were here. However, it was not the teamsters that are responsible for our increases, it is the men and women of AMFA at NWA. The teamsters was just following what the rest of the industry was doing which was piggy backin off the AMFA and NWA guys who are responsible for the big wage increases for the mechanics ranks in this industry. The TWU at AA has a history of agreeing for concessions even without being in BK. They done it in the 90's, 2000's, and again in 2012. Seems to happen their about every 10 years. The teamsters have not brought any maint back into house since they have taken over the contract. The two new hangers that are being built is for new 787 maint once they get there and back into service. And lastly, the IAM allowed the closure and outsourcing at UAL prior to AMFA taking over. AMFA couldn't stop it, it was already agreed to by the IAM.
AMFA has done the fastest and with the best results for it's members than any other union did for the mechanics at all the other airlines that have merged and integrated so far. I say so far as AA and US are not merged yet. And I hope they do it better and faster than we did, especially with AMFA in charge by then. Just wanted to share some history with you about the crooked teamsters while here. Good luck to you guys and if you do get another choice of union representation I would recomend AMFA. They are the best craft union for the mechanics and they are the real democratic and transparent union out there. By all means pls do your own homework and gather all your own information, don't just believe or disbelieve what I have told you, anyone can get on here and post anything. If you do look back on all my postings, If I was wrong in the past I admitted and posted corrections, not like others out here, Overspeed, Anomaly, CIO and there's more...
I hate to say it but, I believe you guys at US will have no say-so on your future representation. AMFA will be filing soon for a representational election at AA. After they win (AMFA) then AMFA will be able to show the members just how transparent and democratic they are as well as the members over at your carrier US, then when the integration is complete, with the size of AA mechanics rank you guys will become AMFA. Now the best thing you guys could do is run a card drive for AMFA at US so that you guys are the same union for integration. When you are the same union you will be integrated and it says to withing the unions verbage. Basically with AMFA you guys will be integrated by DOH/DOC. Again good luck you guys are going to need it. Just look at the AirTran guys as an example. If they were AMFA they would have been integrated per DOH/DOC.