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M & R Vote For A UNION.

M & R Vote For A UNION.

  • TWU

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • IAM

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • AMFA

    Votes: 27 41.5%
  • Teamsters

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • No UNION

    Votes: 9 13.8%

  • Total voters
If you must (Got to cover all bases). Look at the IBT. They have the TOP PAY and BENEFITS on Contracts for Airlines ie. A/P's Hands Down. For more info and cards go to www.teamster.org/aamx or www.teamster.org/USAirTeam. From what I hear IBT is doing real good at AA & USAir And the IAM is all up in arms over this Merger with AA because they do not have the inside info they had with the Merger of AWA who was IBT and a much smaller work force at the time. The COMPANY did not want the AWA IBT contract due to the langue in the contract over outsourced work like C- Checks that Would have had to come back in house.. They wanted the USAir IAM Bankrupt Contract. This time looks like the shoe is on the other foot with the Company working with the AA unions and not the IAM. Dont let a Union use Scare Tactics like Decertification and you will lose your Pension to hold you to that union. Get What You Want. My card is in IBT. Have a good one my Union Brothers.
You are so full of crap, the IBT at HP let them outsource all your heavy checks, your Airbus were overhauled by Aeroman in San Salvador and Timco in Macon, GA, and Lake City, FL did your Boeing Aircraft.

Your lead negotiator at HP was Andy Marshal, he wasnt an HP employee, nor was he even an aircraft mechanic, he delivered packages for UPS.

US did all the heavy in house, it took a CBA abrogation in bankruptcy to permit them to outsource only the widebodies and 757s, the 737s and A320 family were done inhouse.

The ibt couldnt even get enough cards after the merger and went bye bye. The IAM negotiated a transition agreement that forced US to have 50% of all billable hours done inhouse. Improvements in pay, vacation, sick time, raises, holidays and a defined benefit plan.

You ibt supporters are lying, just like you are lying to the AA mechanics, telling them you can force the company into section 6 negotiations, which is a lie and you made the same promise to UA and now UA is having a card drive to oust the teamsters.

You got voted out at WN, you dont represent any major mechanics except CO/UA and you cant even integrate them, and the ibt has the highest percentages of outsourced work.

The ibt pension is on the verge of bankruptcy. Explain how half the mechanics in SFO are members of the LAX local and cant even participate in SFO meetings and have no say.

Your lying.

Get YOUR FACTS STRIGHT! ALL outsourcing was done Before the IBT was Voted in at AWA.. NO more work after the IBT was voted in was outsourced. They brought back work that had been outsourced before the IBT was voted in.. just get your brain washed IAM facts stright ramp boy. What I said was no lie BUT FACT.... :lol:
It doesnt matter if it was done before, they failed to bring it back inhouse.

And glad to see when the real facts are posted you cant refute them, now can you?

What about Andy Marshal, the UPS package delivery driver who was your main rep and contract negotiator who wasnt even an HP employee nor an aircraft mechanic?

What about who overhauled your airplanes?

What about everything that was poised to you?
http://www.wctpension.org/fyi/green_zone.html ( The Western Conference of Teamsters (WCT) Pension Plan) This Actuarial Certification with Explanation and 2012 Funding Certification (required by the Pension Protection Act) states that the WCT Pension Plan remains in the "green zone" for 2012. As for Andy Marshal, he was with the IBT and helped get AWA (HP) its First and Only Contract when the Teamsters were voted in. And did a good job with what he had to work with. (NOTE ALL C-CHECKS HAD BEEN OUTSOURSED BEFORE THE IBT WAS VOTED IN.)We were in Negotiations for our second contract when AWA and USAir Merged. We techs were to small a group to sway a vote over the IAM techs/stores/rampers. The True Facts... B)
I have worked under IBT, IAM and TWU. In order of preference I prefer to be represented by the (1) IAM, (2) TWU and the IBT last. But I’m hopeful for AMFA, I understand they will file on or about the week of May 20th due to the last laid off with recall cutoff at AA.
I have worked under IBT, IAM and TWU. In order of preference I prefer to be represented by the (1) IAM, (2) TWU and the IBT last. But I’m hopeful for AMFA, I understand they will file on or about the week of May 20th due to the last laid off with recall cutoff at AA.
I wish the best for my AA union brothers and after all this voting is done I hope we end up with a strong UNION TWU,IBT,IAM,AMFA. 😀
I wish the best for my AA union brothers and after all this voting is done I hope we end up with a strong UNION TWU,IBT,IAM,AMFA. 😀

Travis, you do not want the ibt. Their final and last straw will be at UAL. ibt will not represent any mechanics in the passenger airline industry come 2020 or before. Write this down my friend...
Travis, you do not want the ibt. Their final and last straw will be at UAL. ibt will not represent any mechanics in the passenger airline industry come 2020 or before. Write this down my friend...
I was with the IBT and they brought back work in house that was lost to outsoursing and it stayed in house and this got recalls of our AMTs that were on layoff when the Company shut down the hanger in PHX (C-CHECKS AND B-CHECKS) Before the IBT was Voted in. We also had to get new hires from the street. I think they did the best they could have done with nothing to bargin with unlike the IAM who let usair outsourse c-checks before the merger with AWA(HP). Its hard to have Negotiations with nothing to work with. I look at Southwest and can say IBT got them a good Wage and start before AMFA was voted in and manage the IBT contract till its end, also i have not looked to see what AMFA changed in the new contract at southwest. I guess each of us has to look at things form his on side of the street then vote for what he feels is best for him or her.You never know who will be around in 2020 my friend We Work For A Airline LOL. :lol: And thats a fact....
C-Checks were not outsourced. The only outsourcing that occured was because our CBA was abrogated in chapter 11 the company could outsource the widebodies and 757s HMV, no c-checks.

Try again.
I was with the IBT and they brought back work in house that was lost to outsoursing and it stayed in house and this got recalls of our AMTs that were on layoff when the Company shut down the hanger in PHX (C-CHECKS AND B-CHECKS) Before the IBT was Voted in. We also had to get new hires from the street. I think they did the best they could have done with nothing to bargin with unlike the IAM who let usair outsourse c-checks before the merger with AWA(HP). Its hard to have Negotiations with nothing to work with. I look at Southwest and can say IBT got them a good Wage and start before AMFA was voted in and manage the IBT contract till its end, also i have not looked to see what AMFA changed in the new contract at southwest. I guess each of us has to look at things form his on side of the street then vote for what he feels is best for him or her.You never know who will be around in 2020 my friend We Work For A Airline LOL. :lol: And thats a fact....

I can only tell you what happend here at SWA while we had teamsters.
They always were doing secret "behind closed door deals" with the company (they also did this with the CAL mechs prior to merger with UAL), teamsters contract language allowed the co to outsource wel over 75% of all maint. teamsters also allowed the company to outsource out of the country by first allowing them to go to Canada, and now to ElSolvador. Teamsters left unlimited language to outsource out of USA. When AMFA took over contract they imediayely started to work on closing those doors. AMFA successfully nego limitations to outsourcing beyond USA, also nego strong head count as well as all heavy maint protections and shop protections. AMFA was also able to nego more maint in house, mods, shop work ect... AMFA has also nego 717 maint, 2 lines of heavy maint, "C" check lines brought back in, and more backshop work. The teamsters raised our dues without a vote. The teamsters were never around except for when they heard about the record card drive or sometimes around contract time only.
I will agree with you about one thing; our big contract wage increases, as well as stock options, were added to our contract when the teamsters were here. However, it was not the teamsters that are responsible for our increases, it is the men and women of AMFA at NWA. The teamsters was just following what the rest of the industry was doing which was piggy backin off the AMFA and NWA guys who are responsible for the big wage increases for the mechanics ranks in this industry. The TWU at AA has a history of agreeing for concessions even without being in BK. They done it in the 90's, 2000's, and again in 2012. Seems to happen their about every 10 years. The teamsters have not brought any maint back into house since they have taken over the contract. The two new hangers that are being built is for new 787 maint once they get there and back into service. And lastly, the IAM allowed the closure and outsourcing at UAL prior to AMFA taking over. AMFA couldn't stop it, it was already agreed to by the IAM.
AMFA has done the fastest and with the best results for it's members than any other union did for the mechanics at all the other airlines that have merged and integrated so far. I say so far as AA and US are not merged yet. And I hope they do it better and faster than we did, especially with AMFA in charge by then. Just wanted to share some history with you about the crooked teamsters while here. Good luck to you guys and if you do get another choice of union representation I would recomend AMFA. They are the best craft union for the mechanics and they are the real democratic and transparent union out there. By all means pls do your own homework and gather all your own information, don't just believe or disbelieve what I have told you, anyone can get on here and post anything. If you do look back on all my postings, If I was wrong in the past I admitted and posted corrections, not like others out here, Overspeed, Anomaly, CIO and there's more...
I hate to say it but, I believe you guys at US will have no say-so on your future representation. AMFA will be filing soon for a representational election at AA. After they win (AMFA) then AMFA will be able to show the members just how transparent and democratic they are as well as the members over at your carrier US, then when the integration is complete, with the size of AA mechanics rank you guys will become AMFA. Now the best thing you guys could do is run a card drive for AMFA at US so that you guys are the same union for integration. When you are the same union you will be integrated and it says to withing the unions verbage. Basically with AMFA you guys will be integrated by DOH/DOC. Again good luck you guys are going to need it. Just look at the AirTran guys as an example. If they were AMFA they would have been integrated per DOH/DOC.
C-Checks were not outsourced. The only outsourcing that occured was because our CBA was abrogated in chapter 11 the company could outsource the widebodies and 757s HMV, no c-checks.

Try again.
It doesnt matter if it was done before, they (IAM) failed to bring it back inhouse. Your on words. 🙄 also you said🙁Improvements in pay, vacation, sick time, raises, holidays and a defined benefit)
AWA (IBT) pre-merger with USAir: We made more per hour than USAir did pre-merger /Vacation did not change / we had unlimited sick time at full Pay perday not half pay as we do today/we lost 2 holidays at the merger/ we had a 401k plan and were in Negotiations at the time of the merger. have a nice day 700.
Are you that ignorant?

Our CBA was abrogated in 2005 by Judge Mitchell, it allowed the company to outsource the HMV on 767, A330 and 757s. C-Checks were never farmed out.

So all heavy was done in-house from 1949 till 2005. When we merged and got a transition agreement it brought more maintenance in-house, 50% of all billable hours of heavy mtc must be done in-house and PIT, CLT, and PHX heavy are protected from layoff as long as any work is outsourced.

So can you the same about any IBT represented heavy mtc?

Nope you cant cause they farm it all out.

So the IAM crappiest bankruptcy CBA is still better than the former hp cba.

Keep trying, your losing the battle, use facts, dont make up crap.

HP AMTs NEVER made more in pay than US, why do you keep lying again?

Do you understand we havent had section 6 negotiations since before chapter 11?

The current Section 6 negotiations are the first to occur after bankruptcy.

We never gave it up, it was taken by the courts.

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