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Luv Into Phl

"Whatcha going to do CCY boyz? The game isnt on a board (and for most of us front line people has never been), so what do you want us to do? "

A pay cut would be nice- LUV, Dave
7.5victim said:
Nothing like showing your ignorance. I can tell you that starting wages on the ramp at companys like FL are more than they are at many legacy carriers.

Your quote is somewhat inaccurate, I've looked into Ramp positions here in TPA for FL and B6, FL ramp started at $7.50/hr and B6 offered $7.25/hr, US currently pays its newhire ramp around $8.60/hr. I could not imagine myself loading 717's or A320's in the Floirida July heat and humidity for these kind of slave wages! As for productivity issues, they only benefit the company, MORE WORK for less pay and with less people, the only Airline that pays its employees accordingly with increased productivity is WN, who by the way, are the highest paid rampers in the industry now!

Its time for some Philly "Attytude"
Lets show them we can hold our ground Dave.
No more running.
Thanks Piney Bob I am getting lots of use from your word.
Glad I was not aborted so I can stand and defend OUR turf.
:up: FUP :up:
Just keep drinkin' the Kool-aid. SW is not about profits, it's about "people" 😛 .

I have zero confidence in this management who fights with and insults not only its employees, but its customers. How is the current US Airways going to respond to this? Probably by shrinking, laying more people off, creating some arcane travel rules, downsizing equiptment or exiting markets, asking for paycuts, and then putting up for sale.

I'm curious as to how Southwest is going have quick turnaround in PHL (being in terminal E doesnt help anything with delays) and who the city of Philadelphia thinks will pay for the Express terminal and international terminal. Certainly not Southwest. Are they ready for the loss of US? Maybe they should talk to people in SAN, LAX, IND, DAY, BWI etc... or STL.

I have to say I agree with some of 100above's comments... its disappointing to see great careers turned into Wal*Mart jobs- but this is happening just as much at US with the replacement jets, MidAtlantic etc.

There is only so much these low fare carriers can do- we dont see them in Latrobe and we dont see them in London. There will always be a need for major, international airlines and something needs to be done to save them while not taking from the employees- its never worked before and wont in the future, but the downward cycle is continuing, and it will end badly if not disaterously.

US Airways at the moment couldnt turn a profit if it was the ONLY airline flying east of the Mississippi. This will be used as an excuse for the failed business plan.
usramperTPA said:
I've looked into Ramp positions here in TPA for FL and B6, FL ramp started at $7.50/hr and B6 offered $7.25/hr, US currently pays its newhire ramp around $8.60/hr. I could not imagine myself loading 717's or A320's in the Florida July heat and humidity for these kind of slave wages!
I'm sorry, you are obviously correct. The "slave labor" wage line must be between $7.50/hr and $8.60/hr then? 😀 I'm sure the FL rampers envy the US rampers when they pull in in their Hummers, right? Sorry, but labor costs, and labor productivity are the main reason that so many US mainline stations are now US Express stations. Good productivity benefits the employee as much as it does the company. Good productivity brings job stability. The most productive carriers are less likely to furlough. The best employees gain station seniority more quickly, as less motivated employees wash out. And the profit sharing bonuses offset pay differences, and give the employee a reason to be productive. Sorry, pay for performance works!
Well I'll be damned...with attitudes like this , We just might have a fight on our hands without our leaderships input...or rather inspite of it.

Piney Bob made a very solid point...The first Luv-bug hasn't even landed in PHL...and they have yet to get a dose of ATC and weather related problems in PHL..maybe just maybe they have bitten into a tougher cut of gristle than they are prepared to chew? Heck we've been there and know what we are dealing with afterall....This is our battle to win or lose...not theirs to take from us and win.

I'm not one to discredit WN...Cuz they run a good ship , the facts and results don't lie...yet nothing says we're beaten till we admit defeat...or Mgt. cuts and runs again.

I would have to conclude yet again...Daves response to this incursion should either be an affirmative and proactive one...or just another reason he needs to be shown the door.

I hope Bronner is watching this carefully...and with an objective eye.
Not to diminish the WN threat at PHL at all, but remember that they are only getting access to 4 gates which will be about 40 flights for them. There are no other gates available in PHL or I'm sure FL would have pounced on them. This is a whole different ballgame than at BWI where US basically said, have it its yours and there was lots of room for them to expand. We all know that PHL has no more room to expand at the present time. 40 flights a day will be a kick in the teeth to the bottom line depending on the routes they choose, but this will not be BWI all over again and depending on how CCY handles it, could actually end up helping US in the end. It all depends on what approach they want to take. Maybe this will be their wake up call to change more about US other than the payscales.
Time to rolling hub PHL and get better use from your employees. Make them more productive. Time to change the fare structure. Make it something someone without an MBA can understand (if you actually do). Time to rethink the whole game guys.
a320av8r said:
Just keep drinkin' the Kool-aid. SW is not about profits, it's about "people" 😛 .
I don't recall saying that at all. It's obviously about the profits as WN, 'cuz they keep having them, unlike most other airlines....

However, if you think that the WN people don't have anything to do with their profitability, you are sadly mistaken.
I've got an idea. Dave could start up an airline within an airline and call it Metrojet! As a former U employee I feel for all of you.

I have to share your views on this. We do need a metaphoric call to arms as flyinghippie opined.

However as tad states...this could be?..or rather should be the wake-up call that U management needs to right this abomination they've lapsed us into.

WN is one hell of an airline...and they have outstanding leadership and employees...but We have great employees and a different service to offer...or should I say we need to return to offering a different service than that of WN. What's wrong with offering a definable choice?

We may not be done over 40 flights out of PHL...but we should treat this as if it we're the Alamo....I'm sure them Texans can grasp the concept. Right ya'll??

Needless to say...and I share Phantom Fixers views...Dave Siegels response should be his final measuring stick as our CEO. Should he blow this?..or even attempt t use this acton as leverage against labor again?....They door needs to whack him in the butt hard enough to hit the potomac without a single bounce.
PineyBob said:
Don't prove out to be the losers many think you are. LEAD, LEAD, LEAD and then LEAD some more Dave. These people will respond to you.
No Piney,
You are WRONG!!! We will NOT respond to Dave. Another management team, YES! Dave NO!! He has done too much damage to this group of employees that EVERYTHING is gone.
Mr. Bronner, if you are reading ANY of this stuff listen to us NOW....If you want a return on your investment FIRE DAVE NOW!!!!!
With Dave at the helm...NO TALKY TALKY!!!!
I think SW will be willing to put up with PHL because they realize if US Airways goes away then the door is wide open for them in PIT & CLT. PHL will be a necessary evil for SW but if it helps put the final nail in our coffin then it will be a wise investment for them.
The company press release is as follows:

Southwest Airlines Announces Arrival in Philadelphia; Airline Will Announce Flights, Fares Soon

DALLAS, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The airline known for its "LUV" is teaming up with Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, to let Freedom ring in 2004 when Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV) lands at Philadelphia International Airport.

The carrier, making the announcement today in Philadelphia with airport and local officials, will arrive in May 2004 and utilize four gates at the airport to bring Philadelphia area residents up to 14 daily flights initially to a variety of short and longhaul destinations. Southwest will begin service with five new aircraft deliveries from Boeing. Flights and fares will be announced later.
