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Loss Reported $78 Million

Nice to hear they are making money. Too bad they cannot pay more to the new hires, or at least a decent wage. 7.52 an hour is more than an insult. That is what I was told they would pay me if I take the CAR position.

Too bad they did not tell me that on the phone when they called me for an interview, as I told them I was interested in the Ticket Agent.

Guess they must be really hard up in that department huh?

What a joke !!!!! :down:
It is sad that new hires make what they do and it shows in customer sevice and in the turnover rate for new employees. I would also be upset that I was misled over the phone. Dont forget flight benefits and other medical benefits. Yes, I know how useless sb trvl can be but for absolute emergencies and long vacations, which by the way I just had, they can work. Im not saying it justifies the wages that are offered, but it is used to entice new employees. I have often said myself many, many times the need for higher wages but I have flexibility that with a family can mean a lot. (It also helps to have a spouse with a great income.) I dont expect wages to ever be what they once were for our east coworkers but I hope the company does well enough to increase them to an acceptable level. I have encountered so many great employees while trvling that I am somewhat humbled by their pride, professionalism and hope for a bright future. Mama


I suspect most are over this. Further, I suspect that most never gave much thought to who bought who, who saved who, who's better than who, which side is lazier, etc.

Don't let a few that can't let it go make you believe that the vast majority are like them.....

I hope you are right but I have heard too much from east and west employees and there IS alot of negativity. Most are still apprehensive because they havent had any dealings with their counterparts. Im really hoping some more time will pull us all together but unfortunately sometimes it takes a tragedy, like 9/11, for some to put their differences aside. On a different note, like Bob has said many times, I also enjoy reading your posts. Regards, Mama
I hope you are right but I have heard too much from east and west employees and there IS alot of negativity. Most are still apprehensive because they havent had any dealings with their counterparts.
That's normal - you should have been around here during the US/PI merger. Once things get put together and we're all interacting, 99.9% of the people will get along just fine.

Thanx, but I think 1 merger is enough for me! Thinking about another merger makes me start reaching for the bottle! LOL Mama
See, I told everyone.
Anything this idiots can wrangle out to give the employees THEY WILL!

Its unfortunate they will not offer a buyout such as Ford/GM. .

Oh heaven forbid--its NOT COST EFFECTIVE FOR THEM>>


THIS Mgmt group Is not HONEST with the employees,
their language of profit sharing is another LIE to hide behind, in other words, so sad so sorry, ya aint getting a damn thing.

I watched Doug on CNBC this morning, and later listened to the
first hour of the webcast. I can see where the confusion over
whether it was a profit or not comes from. Doug never
mentioned the words "net loss" on tv at all. Not that he should
If you're a corporation, you can have a big operating profit,
subtract special items and pay less tax. That's what I think.
You can put net profits in a bank, but not operating profits.
Im really hoping some more time will pull us all together but unfortunately sometimes it takes a tragedy, like 9/11, for some to put their differences aside.


You truly are nuts, aren't you? You think humans need a tragedy like 11Sep01 to put their differences aside? Are you advocating such? What happened to reasoned discussion? Are you so sick that you could advocate such to "put our differences aside"?

If you have not already, check yourself into rehab. You are well overdue.
Bottom line is we are making money and doing better than in the past.
I for one am glad about that. Lets just hope all will benifit from this and makes us all better for it.
By the way MOST of you sound on this board, you may succeed in possibly driving the NEW US Airways into yet ANOTHER bankruptcy and even liquidation. (Which is what SHOULD have happened to the OLD US Airways!!!)

Oh...that's right...America West stepped in and SAVED ALL of you!!! :angry:

I'm tempted to say "screw you," but I won't, because that would be a personal attack and would get me in trouble with the mods.

So, I'll just say that you need to check your facts before you make inflammatory posts.
"So, I'll just say that you need to check your facts before you make inflammatory posts."

So WHICH part in not fact???

I suspect most are over this. Further, I suspect that most never gave much thought to who bought who, who saved who, who's better than who, which side is lazier, etc.

Don't let a few that can't let it go make you believe that the vast majority are like them.....


Flew on AW metal last week and the crew upgraded another crewmwmber and myself to first class. They were a happy, friendly crew and I was worried prior to getting on the flight they'd be awful. I got that apprehension from the threads on this board. Tomorrow I fly to BWI again with AW and I'm looking forward to more happy crewmembers.

Side note....is it true that the profit sharing the east was awarded through giving up $$$ will be shared with AWA employees too? Why complain than?

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