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Loss Reported $78 Million

I think it is now evident why DP let Al C. go. The operation is not really moving toward improving...the employees still are working with little and trying their best to make it work.

At least DP got rid of one road block...Al C. I am sure there is some pressure from the BOD and investors for DP to merge the airline, contracts and realize the snynergies proposed last year in the POR.

Let's see if who is promoted will improve the overall operation and meet the new challenges of a truly merged airline...

Luck to you all! B)

Couldn't agree with you more Pit. And to 700, DP and the rest of the West management wasn't involved in the 2 bankruptcies so get your facts straight. True negotiations haven't moved alot, but maybe more heads will roll...perish the thought Al Heminway is released. I believe the "cost neutral" stance is posturing to ensure "cost reasonable" contracts. At least I hope so for the sake of those who remain. I mean really do you expect a public announcement that the company is going to negotiate higher contracts for everyone. Gotta leave some wiggle room to keep costs under control.
Couldn't agree with you more Pit. And to 700, DP and the rest of the West management wasn't involved in the 2 bankruptcies so get your facts straight. True negotiations haven't moved alot, but maybe more heads will roll...perish the thought Al Heminway is released. I believe the "cost neutral" stance is posturing to ensure "cost reasonable" contracts. At least I hope so for the sake of those who remain. I mean really do you expect a public announcement that the company is going to negotiate higher contracts for everyone. Gotta leave some wiggle room to keep costs under control.

Do you work for Us Airways?
Let's take a real good look at Airlines history.

Anyone who has worked for Eastern Airlines, was there and saw this happen to them also.
Back in the 80's the company introduce a profit sharing plan because moral along with trust, was so bad there.

They told us "do your best ", and at the end of the year,-- you'll be rewarded with and a "slice of the profit pie ".

After the first 2 quarters, all of the employee's were looking at a nice bonus check, at the end of the year.
The 3rd. quarter they lost 79 million, ( one time charges ) but based on our history of profit 4th. quarters, we were still looking at a nice big bonus check at the end of the year.

GUESS WHAT HAPPENED--- for the first time in Estern history, they lost 102 million in the 4th.quarter. This also was based on -- once again -- ( one time charges ).
After that kick to the Groin,-- it was never the same, the trust was gone, and as a work group, we never trusted them again.
" A slice of the Pie " --- we weren't even given the crumbs that fell on the floor.

Shortly afterwards, they sold the airline, the corprate raiders, " came in ' -- took our routes, equiptment, and some of our newer planes, and transfered them over to our sister carrier.

Oh--- by the way --- that company that took all our assets,-- is still around, and doing just fine.
We were at the time, the dominant carrier, but based on all the damage done to us, we were the one's that went out of business.

I hope that this is not the same path that usairways is following.
Hope I'm wrong about this,--- wouldn't mind coming back someday, that is --- if they can ever get there act back together.

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