Loss Reported $78 Million

I really dont want to get into this but would US have been around to realize a profit if it had not been for the investors and the merger? That includes HP and DP. I know everyone is frustrated. I know I am and the east and west walls have got to fall. I was hoping that by this time most everyone would be over some of this. Apparently not. Try to stay informed and voice your opinion but remember all of our badges say US. We have a long road ahead of us and we need to pull together to fight not our management team, but our competitors, We need to work with everyone in this company to make it work. Its OUR company. Yes, we need to make DP and company take responsibility for problems and we need to give him credit when credit is due. This is a large airline and there will always be problems, especially in this industry. I like DP. Do I trust him? NO, but I dont trust people I dont know. Do I think he is trying to make this company succeed? Yes. Do I think he has his own interests at heart? Yes, wouldnt you? Has DP kept his cool? Yes, but sometimes I wouldnt blame him it he didnt, some treat him personally like garbage and if he did the same it would really light up this board. I still say its too soon to really say what the outcome will be but right now a year later, we still have jobs and a profit. Lets hope it continues.... to be continued.

I think that much of the employee frustration would lift if Dougie would do the right thing and start negotiation discussions with sincerity on some realistic improvements to the contracts. Absent the needed "good will" negotiations so that the employees can feel a real part of U's new success, it doesn't matter if U makes a billion or 100 million; it's just written words that are published in the media and not realized by the majority of the rank and file when the CEO comes out and announces with a smile of his appreciation a-gain. If I were CEO, made personally millions in less than a year of personal compensation from this merger, I would be very appreciative too.

The only groups that have not been compensated for the success of U, is Labor.

One is defined by what one DOES; not what one hopes to do, or aspires to do. I think it a shame that DP still does not acknowledge the deserving of employee compensation through the current contract negotiations.
I personally think the WEST/EAST Mentality is over... minus our pilots... (***seniority issues****)

As a union employee this talk of "Cost Neutral" is crazy. I would like my UNION to ask for the moon and the company should have said "Cost Reasonable". However, Like it or not East/West... our walls must come down. I personally feel we have a great airline. Our CEO told us its there fault. We have told them over and over from the lowest (employee up to Pilots) per pay scale that things are not running as good as they could.

Many East Employees have given up money and bennies over and over year after year.
Many West Employees have given up so much from Mayo insurance to flex’s passes to many other bennies.

As usual the employees are left with the broken pieces and a new mgt team to come and take more and more bennies on both sides.

Morale is in the tubes, we are not doing well. And then MGT seems to ask why or how things can be changed?

I personally am not a fan of being rude or hateful to anyone, senior mgt, or otherwize. However, we have been telling our senior mgt about aircraft, cleaning and other issues and they still don’t get it! or it seems to me and my coworkers

I hope for the best but right now I feel like its going to get a lot worse before we are a UNITED Front EAST/WEST and where the employees feel very proud to come to work each and every day....

If we can’t look after our number one goal "our customers" how are we ever to suspect that we will survive as a airline of choice? Our mechanics don’t have the proper tools and equipment and staff to fix our planes down to the last detail-tray tables, etc. (they work very hard but - wings, and wiring take higher regard than tray tables and lights) ? Our flight attendants don’t have the proper tools to provide a proper in-flight service? Shall we go without catering and have pissed off passengers? Our inflight product needs re arranged. Our rampers are not given the proper tools to even tug our aircraft in not to mention our ability to have the proper amount of staff members on the ground *PHL*. Our gate agents have old computers and too many flights for one person to handle… and many managers breathing down there neck to get things done… When the caterings and cleaners have yet to properly clean and prepare our aircraft cabins for flight… And God forbid our problems with baggage….

You can’t fix all these problems just by throwing money at any situation. You must get down in the trenches and fix them from the ground up.

I for one would have a higher regard for our mgt if they would be down on the ramp throwing bags and actually seeing what kind of equipment is in Philly and staffing levels. And why we can’t turn our aircraft like southwest.

I would app if they would work on our aircraft and clean and help turn our aircraft and see first hand that it take more than two cleaners to clean a aircraft and catering it within 30mins or less….. When it has come from MCO-PHX or PHL-MCO or something It’s crazy.

All I am asking is for our managers that write and create policies that they them selves have tried and truly tested.

Just my two cents

I know my ideals are not perfect… but all I ask if for our mgt to listen to what thousands of employees are saying…. Show us that you care and that loss will become a major profit... Moral will come up and you will see passengers dying to fly the “new Us Airwaysâ€￾…
"So, I'll just say that you need to check your facts before you make inflammatory posts."

So WHICH part in not fact???

Uh, the "HP stepped in and saved you" part is not factual. Outside investors saw merit in the business plan of combining the two airlines. Doug didn't ride in from the desert on a camel with a wad of cash and buy US, as the post suggested. Yes, old US was on the ropes and in a dire position, but HP wasn't exactly healthy either.

Look....doesn't really matter in the end. We're all on the same team now. I lived through the US/PI merger, and it was no fun. There's still animosity between employee groups to this day. Making intentionally inflammatory statements does nothing to bring about our collective success. What was that guy's name who said "can't we all just get along?"
Time for a raise for Doug and his gang of thieves in Tempe.

For some one who doesn't even work for US Airways why do you have an agenda to stir the pot? Providing information to the good employees of US Airways is a service to them. Pot stirring and emotional statements do not do service. I'm no longer employed by US Airways...left on my own terms, but I still have friends there and I resent your efforts to throw wood on the fire.
Eric, 700 has always hated US....you can tell by his posts, they always have a negative tone or he'll be the first one to post anything that can look and sound negative about US, he's lost what little credability he thought he had. Just because he doesn't like US he feels everyone should hate US. Just like the topic he started, "Loss Reported $78 Million", yes it was a loss but did he really explain why it shows to be a loss...no. Did he come back and clarify that it was really a $101 Million profit but due to some merger and fuel hegdeing charges it "looked" like a TRUE loss. He thrieves on beating up US...thank goodness he's off the property. I couldn't imagine working with him!!! :) He NEEDS to move on...for some reasson he's extremely interested in US even though he doesn't work for them, he needs to get a life but then again that wouldn't be stir'n the pot and that wouldn't be any fun!
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A loss is a loss.

I don't hate US, I hate how the executives robbed and raped the employees twice in Chapter 11 yet feathered their own beds.

Doug continues the same by not negotiating fairly with any unionized group.

And maybe if you experienced it first hand and lost your pension and been in direct negotiations with the arrogant executives you would fully comprehend how people feel.
I apologize!!! I went a little over the top back there. This board is just way too negative. I just truly hope that the feelings expressed by most on this board are not the feelings of the majority. Maybe if we ALL do our absolute best to treat our customers AND EACH OTHER...like we ALL would want to be treated, we could make even bigger profits and it would all pay off for everyone. I know that it is VERY frustrating when the management team is making out great and cashing in. I know that it sucks that employees are the ones that usually get robbed. Unfortunately, I think CORPORATE AMERICA is knocking down our door. There is another thread on here saying how the “Eastâ€￾ doesn’t do beverage service on the PHX-LAS, PHX-SAN flights just because it’s not listed as so on some piece of paper. If the product is boarded, maybe they should take it upon themselves to offer it. MAYBE, nothing is boarded for them to serve so I can’t say too much about that. It also states that they don’t help clean in any city West of the Mississippi or something like that. WHAT?!!! The ONLY way that we are going to survive is for the public to WANT to fly US. The ONLY way that will happen is if we go out of our way to treat them nice and get them to where they want to go safely AND with their bags!
Anyway, again I apologize for being so harsh back there. I think that maybe I need to just not get on this board for a while and maybe when I check it again, we will all be in LOVE with each other!!!! :blink: <_< :shock: :up:
There is another thread on here saying how the “East” doesn’t do beverage service on the PHX-LAS, PHX-SAN flights just because it’s not listed as so on some piece of paper. If the product is boarded, maybe they should take it upon themselves to offer it. MAYBE, nothing is boarded for them to serve so I can’t say too much about that. It also states that they don’t help clean in any city West of the Mississippi or something like that. WHAT?!!! The ONLY way that we are going to survive is for the public to WANT to fly US. The ONLY way that will happen is if we go out of our way to treat them nice and get them to where they want to go safely AND with their bags!
Anyway, again I apologize for being so harsh back there. I think that maybe I need to just not get on this board for a while and maybe when I check it again, we will all be in LOVE with each other!!!! :blink: <_< :shock: :up:

Here is where you don't get it!! If managers don't manage, why have them? Your concept is..if it's on serve it..Great, well the next time the company FAILS to put dishes on and there was no time to check for them as the flt was late and had no time to check, than I will just plop the omlette on a napkin. That will REALLY please the customer. DP "We are not running a good airline. The employees are working hard. Management is failing." The words came from Doug..not me. Managers make the important decisions as to policies and procedures. If they are so GD lazy that they cannot print a serving chart or abide by a contract...REMEMBER CONTRACTS?...then those who cant perform simple task need to be fired!!

So the company has the time and money to buy VERY nice manual holders, but no money to print updated copies of a service chart? That's the EXACT kind of narrow thinking that has not set well with so many.

You truly are nuts, aren't you? You think humans need a tragedy like 11Sep01 to put their differences aside? Are you advocating such? What happened to reasoned discussion? Are you so sick that you could advocate such to "put our differences aside"?

If you have not already, check yourself into rehab. You are well overdue.
That was really harsh and I think YOU need some prozak. Have you forgotten the pulling together of ALL americans after 9/11? No one was seeing color or ethnic origin, we were all just Americans. There were no republicans or democrats we were all Americans dealing with a national terrorist attack that affected us down to the core of who we are. Americans. Did I advocate ANYWHERE for a 9/11? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you such an idiot that you would get that from that post? You need serious medical help or just maybe some help with comprehension. Good grief!
Very well said LCC. It is the GD simple things that go by the wayside while someone brainstorms on how to buy new manual covers, or set up a freaking cart. As for the comment about cleaning. It is in the east contract before this merger was ever brought to anyones attention. We DO NOT clean a/c that fly beyond the mississippi river or from the west to east. That is a contractual thing. SO, that being said, if a flight goes from PHL to PHX then PHX to SAN we DO NOT clean the a/c. Do you AZ like YOUR contract broken? The company wants you to follow a policy or procedure when then don't give the correct information. On top of that THEY are the very ones who violate contracts and dont follow what they are supposed to on a day to day basis. Ever stay at the ORD, BOS or long ATL....ALL AGAINST CONTRACT. Get real.
That was really harsh and I think YOU need some prozak. Have you forgotten the pulling together of ALL americans after 9/11? No one was seeing color or ethnic origin, we were all just Americans. There were no republicans or democrats we were all Americans dealing with a national terrorist attack that affected us down to the core of who we are. Americans. Did I advocate ANYWHERE for a 9/11? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you such an idiot that you would get that from that post? You need serious medical help or just maybe some help with comprehension. Good grief!

Mama, you are right!! And there is nothing wrong with missing the unity that came after 9/11. Sorry to say it only took 3 months for Americans to get back to their old selfish ways and a yr to turn the entire world against us. I have said it before and will say it again. It WILL take another 9/11 for people to wake up and stop the insanity. And why does it take a 9/11 for Americans to act civilized?

One correction MAMA..We were NOT all the same after 9/11. If you were arab, you were NOT welcomed. And if you dare questioned the acts of 9/11 or spoke out against the prez, you were not the welcomed. The radical right used fear THEN and continues to use fear NOW to get what they want and DEMONIZE anyone who disagrees.

And BTW, I lived in NYC and was there when it happened, so before anyone starts their high horse, you should hope to never ever live in a city being attacked and the roller coaster of emotions being there...especially the first year after it happened.
Thank you for that post. I missed it when I read this thread earlier and was shocked at the response. I had to reread my post to make sure I DIDNT need rehab! Thank you also for correcting my post, and yes, arab americans and muslims did have some hateful things happen to them after 9/11. It always breaks my heart when an innocent person suffers due to this type of incident. For example, a nun was murdered after the Popes comments. So sad. I hope employees can pull together sooner rather than later to make this airline a success.
Right on Mama. We all need to realize that we are in this together. NOTHING about how this merger happened makes a difference today. We merged, were here together. Now if we can get management to understand that the employees are unhappy and this company will NOT run smoothly and be truly worth anything until they make the wrongs right. Loss/profit..."cost neutral" will not work yet "Cost Reasonable" could. A happy employee is a happy company is a happy customer.
Here is where you don't get it!! If managers don't manage, why have them? Your concept is..if it's on serve it..Great, well the next time the company FAILS to put dishes on and there was no time to check for them as the flt was late and had no time to check, than I will just plop the omlette on a napkin. That will REALLY please the customer. DP "We are not running a good airline. The employees are working hard. Management is failing." The words came from Doug..not me. Managers make the important decisions as to policies and procedures. If they are so GD lazy that they cannot print a serving chart or abide by a contract...REMEMBER CONTRACTS?...then those who cant perform simple task need to be fired!!

So the company has the time and money to buy VERY nice manual holders, but no money to print updated copies of a service chart? That's the EXACT kind of narrow thinking that has not set well with so many.

I think it is now evident why DP let Al C. go. The operation is not really moving toward improving...the employees still are working with little and trying their best to make it work.

At least DP got rid of one road block...Al C. I am sure there is some pressure from the BOD and investors for DP to merge the airline, contracts and realize the snynergies proposed last year in the POR.

Let's see if who is promoted will improve the overall operation and meet the new challenges of a truly merged airline...

Luck to you all! B)

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