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Local 591 Officers to return to floor.

bigjets said:
The way I understand the letter, GP said he wasn't going to the meetings with Wroble any longer, thereby not living up to the agreement with the company. Lets see how this is spun by bob, probably come up with, Wroble said "that if GP shows up at the meetings, I will take away one year of seniority of every legacy AA mech until GP stops going to the meetings"
I don't believe that most unions have their officers compensated by the company.
Mainly because it is a conflict of interest.
Unions at UA all compensated the officers pay with union dues.
B) xUT
xUT said:
I don't believe that most unions have their officers compensated by the company.
Mainly because it is a conflict of interest.
Unions at UA all compensated the officers pay with union dues.
B) xUT
Conflict of interest? Really?
xUT said:
I don't believe that most unions have their officers compensated by the company.
Mainly because it is a conflict of interest.
Unions at UA all compensated the officers pay with union dues.
B) xUT
Isn't the baker letter just that, the company paying the salary of union officials who are on UB, if I remember right, the mechs are the only work group who lost the letter, and if I remember correctly that is the excuse the ATD used to close the mechanic locals. That's a coincidence. Please correct me if I'm remembering that wrong. 
The mech locals were closed because the ATD said that the locals couldn't afford to pay salary's because the baker letter was removed.
Then the locals should pay the salaries end of story.
In GPs latest letter, it sounds like 591 is fighting to get the laid off mechs back DFW. Which is a good thing.
A union local representing American Airlines mechanics is alleging in a lawsuit that American Airlines managers are pressuring them to send out airplanes that need repairs and are unsafe.
Transport Workers Union Local 591 filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court in Chicago on behalf of the Dallas and Chicago mechanics seeking to stop the carrier from its allegedly improper practices. Plaintiffs include the Local 591 president in Fort Worth and a vice president and two other union officers in Illinois.

Maybe American will be looking to outsource line maintance now instead of overhaul
iluvaa said:
Maybe American will be looking to outsource line maintance now instead of overhaul
Hey now, that might help "on time" performance.  Said nobody...ever.

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