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Local 591 Officers to return to floor.

it looks like the executives aren't going to let a couple of local union board members stand in their way of their master plan. 
The question we might ask, is Wroble going to bust the union like he did with AMFA. And AMFA is a strong union, not like we have with the twu. 
I know the membership is the union, but with the twu, we are not consulted on major issues, like closing the locals, having the big wigs at the top decide, we're going to hold on to some the members equity share because we decided to.THe twu might as well say, shut up and give me the money. I don't see this is as a union, but as the juice I'm forced to pay to work at AA. 
How many proud twu members do you see walking around? 
bigjets said:
it looks like the executives aren't going to let a couple of local union board members stand in their way of their master plan. 
The question we might ask, is Wroble going to bust the union like he did with AMFA. And AMFA is a strong union, not like we have with the twu. 
I know the membership is the union, but with the twu, we are not consulted on major issues, like closing the locals, having the big wigs at the top decide, we're going to hold on to some the members equity share because we decided to.THe twu might as well say, shut up and give me the money. I don't see this is as a union, but as the juice I'm forced to pay to work at AA. 
How many proud twu members do you see walking around? 
What is Wrobles strategy?  Alienate the AMTs even more than they already are?  Is this yet another morale boosting attempt by management?  Cause, the way I see it, a dis to our local president - is a dis to the entire membership.  Anybody that had any doubts as to the way Wroble rolls, are now seeing his true colors.  Wroble was not well liked at NWA either.  He was known for his arrogance, and inability to get along with people.  That's why, after he was forced to relocate to ATL with Delta - it didn't take long for the powers that be - to recognize Wroble's character defect, and subsequently saw fit to terminate his employment.
What if a negative view of this is simply wrong?
Having the Union Officers along side the members instead of company officials is by far more likely to create unity amongst the union work force and valuable information that the officers can use.
Don't be so sure that this isn't the best thing that has happened in awhile.
My bet is that management will regret the outcome.
Sometimes what appears to be a negative change is the most positive change that could happen. Don't be so quick to be against change just for the sake of being against change. Don't be so quick to think negative just because management made this decision. Embrace their decision and make it work in our favor.
Don at last ck was on a medical leave of absence. As for G P in uniform, hell if I was the company I would want him on UBP as would you want him working on your airplane. If G P was the be all, end all leader why did he try for those ER jobs when he was out of office. Shameful, and one wonders why things are so bleak.
Shocked to see the company taking a hard line for once. I think all officers, including ATD should do so many hours per month in the operation they represent. I believe the APFA has that in their bylaws. It would be good to have members spend time working in the office as well to see what their reps deal with too.
Has there been other officer sightings in the system? Is this just a GP thing?
Paid by the union means out of our dues.
There goes TWU Informer's unity plan. Obviously the local officers felt it was better to hide in the local offices then come out and work alongside us leading the charge for workers' rights. Couldn't even handle 24 hours working?
So now we get the same great union service we have received for the past several years for double the price.
The website posting sounded awesome though.
Local 591 President Refuses to Acquiese to Management during Union Business. Returns to work toolbox.
– Today 1/19/2015, Local 591 President Gary Peterson reported for work at DFW Terminal operations. The rest of the Local 591 Officers will soon follow…
Overspeed said:
Paid by the union means out of our dues.
There goes TWU Informer's unity plan. Obviously the local officers felt it was better to hide in the local offices then come out and work alongside us leading the charge for workers' rights. Couldn't even handle 24 hours working?
So now we get the same great union service we have received for the past several years for double the price.
The website posting sounded awesome though.
Local 591 President Refuses to Acquiese to Management during Union Business. Returns to work toolbox.
– Today 1/19/2015, Local 591 President Gary Peterson reported for work at DFW Terminal operations. The rest of the Local 591 Officers will soon follow…
I agree...I heard there was an e-board meeting today regarding this. But they are awful quiet about it.
Observer said:
Don at last ck was on a medical leave of absence. As for G P in uniform, hell if I was the company I would want him on UBP as would you want him working on your airplane. If G P was the be all, end all leader why did he try for those ER jobs when he was out of office. Shameful, and one wonders why things are so bleak.
As one who worked with GP on a regular basis before being elected, he could and probably still can work circles around stone chuckers like yourself.
Vortilon said:
What is Wrobles strategy?  Alienate the AMTs even more than they already are?  Is this yet another morale boosting attempt by management?  Cause, the way I see it, a dis to our local president - is a dis to the entire membership.  Anybody that had any doubts as to the way Wroble rolls, are now seeing his true colors.  Wroble was not well liked at NWA either.  He was known for his arrogance, and inability to get along with people.  That's why, after he was forced to relocate to ATL with Delta - it didn't take long for the powers that be - to recognize Wroble's character defect, and subsequently saw fit to terminate his employment.
According to the letter, 591 president Gary, said he would NOT attend meeting. Seems like our union rep is dissing management. 
As far as Wroble leaving Delta, it would be appear as the same scenario as the AA executives leaving AA being replaced by USair folks. It just shows you how weak AA executives were, to lose their jobs to much smaller and nearly shutdown USair.
bigjets said:
According to the letter, 591 president Gary, said he would NOT attend meeting. Seems like our union rep is dissing management. 
As far as Wroble leaving Delta, it would be appear as the same scenario as the AA executives leaving AA being replaced by USair folks. It just shows you how weak AA executives were, to lose their jobs to much smaller and nearly shutdown USair.
I can see  that GP the martyr is going to do wonders come negotiations. 
Being a martyr implies he is sacrificing something. Right now the only thing getting sacrificed is the 591 treasury. Now negotiations wow are you moving way ahead. They still have to finish up the Equity Share, Gain Sharing, Retiree Prefunding arbitration, and make up their mind on the Association. Between paying Seham for legal services and now four topped out officers wages there won't be much money left for negotiations.
MetalMover said:
I agree. The reason being that the special relationship the TWU enjoyed with prior AA management might be coming to an end. 
The problem with this statement is that you give the impression that our 591 Reps are aligned with the International. Anyone paying attention knows GP and his entourage have been a major thorn in Lombardo and his henchmens sides, You all bring up fat Don, I guess you also believe we missed an opportunity by not putting him in 591?
MetalMover said:
Crisis averted......The local officers will be paid by,,,,,,guess what?   The UNION!
OK, so most would expect Lombardo to have applied some leadership in defense of 591 by now regardless of his indifferences with them yet , nothing. Also, the UB has to be covered somehow since it's being denied by the company so the question is, do the funds come from Intl budget or 591? Reason to ask is because one theory is the sooner 591 resources can be bled down, the sooner they can break us.
MetalMover said:
I can see  that GP the martyr is going to do wonders come negotiations. 
And now we can see your reason for starting this thread, some ball-less attempt to trash G.P. Dude, your nowhere near his league! :lol:
Rogallo said:
How about Videtich. He make it back to the floor yet?
So one guy sucked it up and reported for duty along side his fellow AMT's and the other guy pissed himself and scamed the system to avoid duty. Which one would any of you choose to walk in lockstep with?
Overspeed said:
Shocked to see the company taking a hard line for once. I think all officers, including ATD should do so many hours per month in the operation they represent. I believe the APFA has that in their bylaws. It would be good to have members spend time working in the office as well to see what their reps deal with too.
Has there been other officer sightings in the system? Is this just a GP thing?
Our Reps at ORD have been mandated to report to the floor for months. And with G.P.'s council, they too sucked it up and take their job assignments along side me. You might be shocked but for most of us the hostile strategies of Wroble were anticipated. And yes, they have now been set in motion for some time. If there is any reason for shock, it would be for anyone to try and explain how such an adversarial strategy by upper management could ever be expected to somehow add to the success of the new American Airlines?!
comatose said:
As one who worked with GP on a regular basis before being elected, he could and probably still can work circles around stone chuckers like yourself.
 Needed to be said, pal. I've known G.P. 20+ yrs and can tell you that when the call goes out for us to provide a display of solidarity, I will have little trouble selling our 591 leaders intentions to my group. Of course we hope things that have already been set in motion with the NMB and all will provide for a more civil discussion toward a JCB and Parker will do right by the AMT's.

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