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Local 591, could this be your future Vice President


Jun 17, 2011
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As a native of Miami Florida, my passions in aviation started as a young child when my father used to park his vehicle at the end of the runway as we watched the airplanes roar overhead and
disappear into the clouds. (Brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it)

In 1983, I began my career at American Airlines at the age of nineteen as the junior employee at
MIA in the Fleet Service classification. I soon learned the inequities of being treated as a ”partimer”/ ”B‐Scaler” and constantly having my shift and days off changed without regard to notification, reason or rhyme. These frequent inequities led me to empower myself and familiarize myself with our contract and become an active participant in our union. Fortunately, I had a few L ocal513 mentors that encouraged and taught me the principals of unionism and the contractual benefits and obligations of both parties. Subsequently, I volunteered as a union steward of TWU Local 513 and vigorously defended contractual rights for all. (This paragraph is all about when Mike was a shop steward in Fleet Service)

While working closely with the leadership of Local 513 in DFW, I gradually learned and excelled
in contractual rights and was eventually assigned the role of Chief Union Steward for Local 513 at Miami. While working as a part time employee, my goal was to become a full timer in order to increase my earnings for the purpose of attending college or a technical school. Ultimately, this childhood passion led me to attend aviation school at George T. Baker Aviation School where I successfully earned an Airframe and Power plant license, followed by an FCC license. Immediately thereafter, I began to work part time at various repair stations in MIA performing heavy C and D checks at night while working at American in the day. (In this paragraph Mike made it to Chief Steward in Fleet Service; not exactly sure when he became a certified mechanic but he choose to moonlight for subcontractors instead of transferring over to an AMT position at AA)

In 1990, as a result of the Eastern Airlines bankruptcy, American Airlines purchased the defunct
routes and I became a fulltime Crew Chief/Chief Union Steward. In addition, I was also a crew chief training instructor and instrumental in the training of all new hires at the newly created Miami hub. As the station grew with increasing flights and employees it began to weigh down the Dallas local union with grievances and local issues. I, along with the steward body, petitioned the international and local 513 for its own local union charter and founded TWU Local 568 and its bylaws in 1991. (Mike continues his experience as a union rep, as a Fleet Service Clerk, representing Fleet Service Clerks)

In 1991 I was elected Second Vice President of local 568 and within one year moved to local
President as a result of various officer resignations and scandals. In 1997, I was elected First Vice
President and served two consecutive three year terms (1997‐2002) and re‐elected in 2003 as Second Vice President (2003‐2012). (Back and forth, as a Fleet Service Representative…still not an AMT…MIA went through several hiring phases for AMT’s but Mike chose to stay Fleet Service)

In June of 2011, I accepted a transfer at MIA to Aircraft Maintenance and currently work midnights in the hangar line on the out of service crew. (Mike finally took the plunge and transferred to an AMT position! Lets see, Mike has been an AMT for 1 year and 9 months – Come on Don, you and “Team Videtich” have to do better than that!)

Throughout the 18 years as Vice President of Local 568, I have been directly involved in
presenting and advocating arbitration cases including 29d’s, termination, discipline and contract
interpretation cases at the system and area boards. I have been directly involved in the selection of arbitrators for MIA area board and Fleet Service system board in conjunction with local Human resources and Employee Relations. The implementation of strike sheets through the use of the AAA. Also, I have collaborated with local and system management to create various policies and procedures such as; the MIA overtime guidelines, U.S. customs ID procedures (free zones), TE policy, Mandatory white slips, Expedited Arbitration and much more. I have been involved in mostly all cases at Local 568 from 1991 thru 1993, and 1997 thru 2012. (Mike has 18 years as a Fleet Service Vice President and no experience as an Aircraft Maintenance Representative. Most guys in Aircraft Maintenance have more time in line at the time-clock than Mike Garcia working on aircraft; let alone the fact that he has never been a representative of the M&R Agreement)

In conclusion, my dedication and loyalty to the organization has been shown through my
passionate discussions and communications to our members. I have always pushed for the constant pursuit of justice and equality for all working people and their families within our union and abroad. (Passionate discussions and communications, what pushing for “YES" vote. Mike also says he has “always pushed for the constant pursuit of justice and equality for all working people and their families within our union and abroad” yet Local 568 only represents Miami and Tampa, so who exactly is Mike representing “abroad?” Mike fails to mention his side job as a realtor, here is one of Mike’s listings – yes, that is the building used by his fellow MIA mechanics that Mike is selling for the TWU International! COME ON MIKE, SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!)

When it comes to the LOCAL 591 Vice President, there is only one choice – Gary Schaible
Here is the listing...take a look:


Don't let Michael Garcia fool you, he may even be further up the Intl's A$$ than Soldevere!
Bur wait, there is more...Michael said he was Vice President of Local 568 until 2012. Maybe one of our friends in MIA can do a little research because it seems Mike might have been working as the Local 568 VP until late 2012. So was Mike working in the fleet service local this whole time...just recently coming over to aircraft maintenance? He was there with the suckbutt Sidney who was voted out..another one and done president in fleet service!!! Did Mike run for reelection, in the fleet service local 568, last year? Come on MIA, let us know more about "Magic Mike" and his "TEAM VIDETICH" affiliation!
I can tell you that at Miami, Mike doesn't stand a chance. There's a whole group of people who know and worked with Gary they are pushing him hard. Nobody here wants the life long Fleet Service Clerk who is looking for a way out of working midnights to be the VP of the new local.
This putz doesn't have a snowballs chance in he!! - well, maybe in Tulsa - they like electing FSCs to run their locals. (sarcasm)
With his useful quotes from Hitler in his letter...that just might be where he will go and melt the snow.
In conclusion, my dedication and loyalty to the organization has been shown through my
passionate discussions and communications to our members.

Nothing like letting everyone know that you are a dedicated Team Twuer.
A good team videtich member always puts his loyalty to the organization in front of his loyalty to the members.
So by all accounts it appears that Garcia is now quitting the election due to the Hitler quotes. This according to those that hang out with him.

Too late the ballots are out unless Gary Schiable wins by default.
Which he should since he is the only other candidate running for the position.