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Local 591..is this your future President?

I see that Videtich, oops Overspeed, oops, Soldevere is defending Garcia's cashing in for $60k on selling our hall on behalf of the international.
As to Mike’s personal business as a real estate broker. This is his personal business. For anyone to bring it up and suggest there is something below board going on is ludicrous, offensive and reaching for straws. I have personally vetted Mike and his character is beyond reproach.
Just follow the TWU International and you will find that it is "all about the money." I am sure the TWU International will not pay him the 60K, he will probably just grab a "special projects job" like Oryano, and the 60K will be paid by AA instead
I left out the threats from Luis, Zimmerman, Gillespie,Woodward, Bernal etc etc. Its been a wild four years. Time and time again guys from TeAAm Videtich have threatened to kick my ass, stomp me into a mudhole, etc, etc. Been told to shut the F%$^ up you name it. When McCormick made the sweep of the Line Maint Locals complete I thought we finally have enough to challenge them, so they decide to liquidate us all and make the members revote on representation in a structure they have already said they do not want. Once again their lies are there for everyone to see, Local Autonomy? Sure the International will leave you alone as long as you do what they say. Democratic? The members vote in leaders and the IAC removes them by liquidating their Locals.


I hope and expect that the guys you are running with kick Team Videtich's arse, but you really need to get the vote out. A lot of guys are thinking ahead and removing the twu, and you need to convince them to take care of this vote first. I think everyone needs to see what you wrote here, so that they know what they could be stuck with if they don't vote in this election. There are no guarantees on the new union coming in.
Just follow the TWU International and you will find that it is "all about the money." I am sure the TWU International will not pay him the 60K, he will probably just grab a "special projects job" like Oryano, and the 60K will be paid by AA instead

Yeah I here this gang of Don boys used to really spend money on cigars and expensive wine before they got booted from office.

I hope and expect that the guys you are running with kick Team Videtich's arse, but you really need to get the vote out. A lot of guys are thinking ahead and removing the twu, and you need to convince them to take care of this vote first. I think everyone needs to see what you wrote here, so that they know what they could be stuck with if they don't vote in this election. There are no guarantees on the new union coming in.

I agree, TeAAm Videtich is banking on low turnout. Our website should be out shortly.
Hey Nick. Here's your hero. Can't wait for your next quote.

go teAAm videtich... NOT!


  • solvedere picture.webp
    solvedere picture.webp
    15.8 KB · Views: 222
Ken.. Which TWU flunkie do you think "[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]Realityck" is?[/background]
Ken.. Which TWU flunkie do you think "[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]Realityck" is?[/background]

He's probably the one taking the picture. You know with internet security and his fear of being recognized would prevent him from being photographed.
Hey Nick. Here's your hero. Can't wait for your next quote.

go teAAm videtich... NOT!

This is quite incredible. On one string you criticize a candidate for union office for making a reference to something written by Hitler in criticizing what he believed were anti-democratic tactics used by his opponent. This sort of reference is all too common in political campaigns (Gingrich, McGovern, and Nixon all made such references at one time or another), but it is not appropriate, and he apologized for it. But, you have gone many steps further and directly compared Obama and his administration to Hitler and Stalin, the two worst mass murderers in history (Mao being the third), and their regimes.

Michael Quill risked his life and health supporting the cause of civil rights. Ken MacTiernan, one of the organizers of the AMFA drive, compares President Obama to Hitler and Stalin. I don’t believe Amfa will ever get in at AA, but if they do I would not want to be around when they ask for support and go to an “evil industrial union like the UAW” (as AMFA did once before) or another trade union asking for help after someone unearths this post.

In Solidarity,


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