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Local 514 President

Who would you vote for in the upcoming Local 514 President

  • Randy McDonald

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dennis Burchette

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Mullings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jim Cook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steve Luis

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hey Dave, nice pic of an unemployment line with just an AMFA rep in it. You are VP of Local 12? When was the election or is it yet to be ran? Good luck! That's kind of like Grand Kluger, still in 2cnd place. How long do you think your dinner buddy Delle will keep issuing you "Delle Dough"? I bet even he has his limits.
When Randy wins with maybe 800-900 votes it will mean that AMFA will pick up 2,500-3,500 votes in Tulsa!

TWU-will grovel if provoked!
Well one thing about it is if Randy does win thanks to the AMFA vote he will get another chance to shove that new 2.4 Million dollar Union Hall down our throats without a vote, boy I am sure looking forward to him having his way with us. 🙁
I bet he is daydreaming about that plush new office right now, He likes to make statements to the papers, I wonder if he will come out with a statement thanking the AMFA supporters for putting him back in office, probably not he is pretty darn hostile towards them. :unsure: ask the guys who worked the turnsyles during the last drive, for a little guy he can get a little physical himself. <_<

Randy Randy Randy

I mean Jim Jim Jim I forgot that I voted for Jim not Randy. 😉

I wonder if the popcorn will be better in the NEW UNION HALL
I wonder if the pop will be colder in the NEW UNION HALL
I wonder if they will have hotdogs and hooters girls in the NEW UNION HALL 😀
I wonder if Randy will allow AMFA supporters to enjoy the NEW UNION HALL ( naaa probably not ) so I guess all this new stuff won't really matter much. :down:
Raptor said:
Well one thing about it is if Randy does win thanks to the AMFA vote he will get another chance to shove that new 2.4 Million dollar Union Hall down our throats without a vote, boy I am sure looking forward to him having his way with us. 🙁
I bet he is daydreaming about that plush new office right now, He likes to make statements to the papers, I wonder if he will come out with a statement thanking the AMFA supporters for putting him back in office, probably not he is pretty darn hostile towards them. :unsure: ask the guys who worked the turnsyles during the last drive, for a little guy he can get a little physical himself. <_<

Randy Randy Randy

I mean Jim Jim Jim I forgot that I voted for Jim not Randy. 😉

I wonder if the popcorn will be better in the NEW UNION HALL
I wonder if the pop will be colder in the NEW UNION HALL
I wonder if they will have hotdogs and hooters girls in the NEW UNION HALL 😀
I wonder if Randy will allow AMFA supporters to enjoy the NEW UNION HALL ( naaa probably not ) so I guess all this new stuff won't really matter much. :down:
Whats wrong with building a new union hall?? Wouldn't it be nice to see something done with our money before the international finds a way to get it?? Lets build it, complete with gym, olympic size pool, daycare and etc. Something the members could finally be proud of!!!

Keep the Faith.........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!
If you think it's just AMFA supporters who are supporting Randy's re-election your crazy. Every one Twsrew and AA has tried to robe of their right to Democracy wants Rick Mullins and John McDonald Jim Little, Sonny Hall to know what it's like to have someone controlling the longevity of there future just before we vote them out as the mechanic reps. It's the low lives who think lying to the member is just part of politics who will lose in the end. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Well then call me crazy Mark. The only ones dumb enough to want Randy reelected are the ones who are ignorant to the fact that the man is in it for himslef at this point. You amfa pukes think you have a plan but it seems that all of your plans have backfired!!!!

AMFA - vengeful losers who will do whatever it takes to get back at the TWU, no matter what harm it may do to the majority of the members!!!
Bill said:
Well then call me crazy Mark. The only ones dumb enough to want Randy reelected are the ones who are ignorant to the fact that the man is in it for himslef at this point. You amfa pukes think you have a plan but it seems that all of your plans have backfired!!!!

AMFA - vengeful losers who will do whatever it takes to get back at the TWU, no matter what harm it may do to the majority of the members!!!
Hey bill, think that's what everyone means by "No Vote, No Peace"?? Maybe everyone should have signed their cards so we could have all of this behind us now!!

Keep the Faith.....AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!

"AMFA - vengeful losers who will do whatever it takes to get back at the TWU, no matter what harm it may do to the majority of the members!!!"

Wrong bill. It is the twu that will do whatever it takes to get back at the membership. Explain to us why AMTs and Ramp have half a day's pay taken when calling in sick.
Hey Bill AMFA card signers are the majority of the mechanic members you loser. If you can show me one person that is running for any other reason than to help them selves I will show you the most uneducated person on this base. Change from with in is a pipe dream the only people still believing it are in need of therapy. You can not be for the member if it goes against the twu international they will remove you from office it has been proven. Go hit your pipe and think about it some more. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!
Mark Inman said:
You can not be for the member if it goes against the twu international they will remove you from office it has been proven. Go hit your pipe and think about it some more. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!
You're right. In the "Findings and Recommendations of the IEC Subcommittee" dated Sept 30,2003, on pg 12 the committee wrote;

Brother Owens further admitted in hearing testimony that his primary duty was 'not to the TWU International' but ' primarily to the guys that elected me and put me in office and my duty's to them and whats written in the Constitution.'

On Cross examination (conducted by the chairman not the prosecution) he stated that,

"If the oath conflicts-if there's a conflict between the International and the members, I feel, as their representative, I have to fight for the members side."

These admissions constitute a repudiation of his oath of office, which requires allegience to the International,,, Bold added.

So in other words according to the IEC, the governing body of our union, none of whom are elected by the members, the members can not pick one of their peers to represent them to the International, but instead they can only pick one of their peers to represent the International to them.

So there you have it. With the TWU the people that you can elect, that have no power over the contract, are obliged to carry out the wishes of the International, NOT THEIR COWORKERS WHO ELECTED THEM or face removal from office.

With the TWU members are not entitled to be represented because whoever the members elect must in fact take an oath to the International, again, none of whom are elected by the members, and as you can see from the opinion above if your elected "representative" takes the position of putting his members first the IEC considers it grounds for removal.

So if the elected representives are there for the International and the International is not elected by the members then who is there for the members?
The following was sent to me on E-mail. Its an old post by CIO.

Member # 3 Member Rated:
posted 08-14-2001 05:14 PM Hello Everyone;The ballots
were received today and were counted and started to be verified! I understand
their was 3700+ turned in out of 7400 ballots sent out! This tells us how
many are Interested in the outcome! I heard 7 or so were thrown out due to
being marked on and One looked like they dropped Salsa all over it!It is
conceiveable one of the Candidates running for VP could be elected with less
than 1000 votes! and Convention Delegates with less than 400 votes! Scary
is'nt it?It sure looks to me like the Membership is content with the current
Members currently in Office!--------------------Thanks for Your Time!TWU
CIO Posts: 117 | From: Tulsa | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged
Member # 3 Member Rated:

posted 08-16-2001 03:24 PM Hello Everyone;

Dennis Burchette---2107
Steve Luis---------1601

Randy McDonald-----1349
Jim Cook------------951
LeeAnn Yaryan-------755
Chuck Kays----------641

Recording Secretary;
Joe McGill---------2170
Mike Rial----------1422

Dennis Dorigan-----2500
Greg Stealth-------1004

Count will Continue Friday!
These are unofficial untill the Committee certifies the Results!
--------------------Thanks for Your Time!TWU SOLIDARITY!
CIO Posts: 118 | From: Tulsa | Registered: Apr 2001 | IP: Logged

Hey CIO. Do you think that the members are any more interested in the TWU now than they were then?
Will someone please explain what takes so long to count 3000 ballets. I saw one of the shop stewards pager go of today and it said the ballets had not even been opened yet. Randy keep your eye on those low lives your running against there trying to pull a fast one. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!
Hey Rick are you wishing you had just run for your old position again? 🙁 Not only did you loose you have to go back to the boiler room during the hottest part of the year. If you find it hard to live on the big cut in pay I would not advise asking for a lone from the people in your shop who have been living with it for over a year now. But the good news is I work just across from the boiler room so we can see each other a lot and discuss the issues. :up: Oh and Dennis don't be blue maybe you can go strait back to the International.
Kevin did you say your hand counting? What was the bar code on the ballot and envelope for and why did you by that high dollar machine if you don't plan to use it? 🙁 come to think of it Kevin I don't think I have ever heard of 10000 people at this base voting on eny thing. I didn't even know we hade that many eligible voters here. I'm going to have to check the tul seniority list and see.

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